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joey quits – RI Future Progressive News, Opinion, and Analysis Sat, 29 Oct 2016 16:03:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hilton and Renaissance hotel workers fight to unionize Wed, 19 Feb 2014 11:32:38 +0000 Continue reading "Hilton and Renaissance hotel workers fight to unionize"

DSC06791Over a hundred people organized a picket line in the cold and slush outside the Hilton Hotel in downtown Providence Tuesday evening to demand that The Procaccianti Group begin treating their employees properly, pay fair wages, and not interfere in the worker’s right to form a union.

Originally announced as a a “civil disobedience” action at the Renaissance Hotel by the State House, the focus of the picket was changed when 70% of the employees at the Hilton signed a petition, declaring their intent to unionize. The Procaccianti Group manages both hotels.

DSC_9268The Federal Government has cited the Renaissance Hotel twice: First, OSHA cited the Renaissance for workplace hazards and the Hotel settled, agreeing to pay $8,000 in fines. Second, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board has issued an Unfair Labor Practice complaint against the Renaissance and its parent, The Procaccianti Group. After an eight-month investigation, the NLRB Complaint named thirteen different hotel managers and alleged multiple acts of interfering with, restraining and coercing employee organizing rights at the Renaissance, including interrogation. A trial is set for March 31 in Boston.

At the Hilton Hotel, I watched as a group of hotel employees attempted to deliver the petition to the hotel management, only to be barred entry by members of the Providence Police Department. At least one police officer had zip tie handcuffs hanging off his belt, perhaps in anticipation of any civil disobedience that might crop up. However, the action was completely peaceful and well mannered, if loud and boisterous.

Several speakers took turns at the megaphone. A woman named Krystle talked about having been terminated because she advocated for her right to form a union. She also talked about the terrible treatment pregnant women receive at the hands of hotel management. In her written statement she said, “I was working in the restaurant then as a busser.  Management would pressure me to work faster.  They never offered to help me lift the heavy bins of dirty dishes.  I went into pre-mature labor twice.  I was treated like a machine, not a human being. It was outrageous.”

Speakers included Providence City Councilpersons Carmen Castillo and Luis Aponte. Aponte talked about the tax breaks the Hilton receives from the city. “You’ve done well in this city,” said Aponte, “Do good by your workers.” Castillo, in addition to being on the Providence City Council, is a worker in the hotel industry, at the Omni Hotel. She was at the protest to lend her support to the Hilton and Renaissance Hotel workers.

As much as the speeches by the politicians in support of the workers were welcome, it was the voice of the workers, speaking for themselves, that really invigorated the crowd. As the speakers spoke in English or Spanish, their words were translated, but even if you didn’t speak the language, you knew what they were saying. These are decent, hard working people who want to be treated properly, paid fairly, respected on the job, and live their lives with dignity and purpose. They are not simply replaceable cogs in The Procaccianti Group machine, they are human beings and they deserve, and on Tuesday night they demanded, to be treated as such.














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Hotel workers resort to civil disobedience today Tue, 18 Feb 2014 10:04:21 +0000 Continue reading "Hotel workers resort to civil disobedience today"

Members of Local 217 gather outside the Renaissance Hotel for an Informational Picket.

Workers at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Providence have held rallies, marches and protests in calling attention to the poor conditions they have to endure at the Procaccanti Group-owned hotel. Today they will try civil disobedience.

An action outside the hotel is planned for 5pm, right across the street from the State House.

“After months of picketings, numerous federal government citations against Renaissance management for mistreatment of its workers, and refusal from The Procaccianti Group to address the workers demands, workers have planned an escalation of their struggle with a civil disobedience in front of the Renaissance Hotel,” said this Facebook event post. “Come support the workers in their struggle for justice! Come join the picket to support those partaking in the civil disobedience! Come tell the community at-large to honor the workers’ boycott of the Renaissance Hotel until justice is won! Come tell The Procaccianti Group to respect its workers demands!”

For almost a year, Renaissance Hotel workers have been fighting for better working conditions.

“Workers say the Hotel has always treated them poorly, but that conditions further deteriorated since the Procaccianti Group, a national hotel management company, took over the hotel in December 2012,” according to a press release from last year. “The Hotel’s top management remains the same. Employees say they have had enough. They are demanding a voice on the job.”

In January, the National Labor Relations Board issued a complaint against the hotel and scheduled a fact finding hearing in March.

“The NLRB Complaint alleges multiple acts of interfering with, restraining and coercing employee organizing rights, including interrogation and illegal promises of benefits to induce workers to abandon union organizing,” according to the Joey Quits website earlier this year. “The NLRB Complaint cites The Procaccianti Group’s TPG Hospitality affiliate for maintaining illegal work rules nationwide, including rules restricting communications and prohibiting employees from speaking to the media and the public about their jobs.

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Hotel Employees Picket Providence Renaissance Fri, 05 Apr 2013 17:06:21 +0000 Continue reading "Hotel Employees Picket Providence Renaissance"

Members of Local 217 gather outside the Renaissance Hotel for an Informational Picket.

It seems that the new boss is the same as the old boss at the Renaissance Hotel in Providence.

The Renaissance was made famous not for its stellar customer service, but for this now infamous YouTube video of Joey DeFrancesco quitting his job with the help of the What Cheer? Brigade.

Joey quit his job over wage and tip theft being perpetrated by the management of the hotel, and he subsequently worked with State Representative Chris Blazejewski to craft legislation to make the practice illegal.

But the Rhode Island based Procaccianti Group has taken a cue from the former owners of the hotel and continues to treat workers poorly slashing wages and promoting unsafe working conditions and practices.

[vsw id=”tKZKD0pI_FE” source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Workers say the hotel has always treated them poorly, but that conditions further deteriorated since the Procaccianti Group, a national hotel management company, took over the hotel in December 2012. The Hotel’s top management remains the same. Employees say they have had enough. They are demanding a voice on the job.

Raquel Cruz a housekeeper, said: “When the new owners took over, they changed the chemicals we use to clean rooms. The new chemicals make it hard to breathe and most housekeepers have rashes up and down their arms. They never trained us how to use them properly. We are all worried about the long-term damage they will cause to our bodies.”

Hipolito Rivera, houseman in the Hotel since it opened in 2007, described a day in the laundry: “The laundry department is so understaffed that a few workers have to rush to complete the jobs of  several people. Employees leave exhausted everyday, muscles aching unbearably, with hands that are becoming permanently damaged from having to continually rotate between the hot industrial ironer and the cold, wet sheets and towels.”

One housekeeper, Santa Brito, was fired from the hotel just 2 weeks after giving birth. The hotel relented and gave her job back, but only after a complaint was filed with the Department of Labor. Adding insult to injury, management then refused to provide her with employment verification papers that she needed to purchase a house.

[vsw id=”LBGnZYz6Yk8″ source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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What Cheer? Brigade To Again Picket Renaissance Hotel Thu, 04 Apr 2013 18:49:07 +0000 Continue reading "What Cheer? Brigade To Again Picket Renaissance Hotel"

Remember when Joey DeFrancesco employed the What Cheer? Brigade to help him quit his job at the Providence Renaissance Hotel? “They treat us like shit here and I’m going to go in and quit right now with the help of my band mates the What Cheer? Brigade,” he said in the now-famous You Tube video that went viral and drew national attention to the downtown hotel.

Well the What Cheer? Brigade is at it again. And, evidently, so is management at the Renaissance. The band is again sticking up for oppressed hotel employees today at 5:30 when they picket outside of the downtown Providence hotel.

According to a press release:

The picket line follows a delegation on March 25 where Renaissance Hotel employees, political and community leaders and workers from other area hotels attempted to begin a dialogue with their employer to improve working conditions. The Hotel refused to listen to the delegation. The Hotel immediately responded by issuing two letters encouraging employees to back down and by scheduling housekeeping employees to attend mandatory meetings on two consecutive days where high level managers attempted to convince employees that they just needed more time. When employees requested copies of the Hotel’s OSHA injury logs late last week, Hotel management responded in a letter stating that they do not have the last five years’ records as required by Federal law. The employees are now considering legal action to obtain the records.

Workers say the Hotel has always treated them poorly, but that conditions further deteriorated since the Procaccianti Group, a national hotel management company, took over the hotel in December 2012. The Hotel’s top management remains the same. Employees say they have had enough. They are demanding a voice on the job.

Raquel Cruz a housekeeper, said: “When the new owners took over, they changed the chemicals we use to clean rooms. The new chemicals make it hard to breathe and most housekeepers have rashes up and down their arms. They never trained us how to use them properly. We are all worried about the longterm damage they will cause to our bodies.”

Renaissance workers currently make significantly lower wages and benefits than their counterparts in union hotels like the Omni.

The workers have already planned several more public events in coming days and pledge to continue their fight until management accepts their demands for respect.

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