David Segal to Announce Run for Congress – TODAY

Update: Segal’s announcement will take place at today at 12:15 at Bank of America (218 Taunton Ave, East Providence).  Segal will join supporters to discuss his record of standing up to powerful interests and winning victories on behalf of working families.  After his remarks, Segal will begin his grassroots campaign — joining supporters in going door to door in the community, talking with voters.

Original Post: David Segal will make his announcement that he will be a candidate for Congress in the Democratic Primary for the seat being vacated by Patrick Kennedy (CD1).  As I wrote before, the entire progressive community has a serious choice to make – right here and right now.  Do we want to put our collective efforts behind a true, consistent, and RELIABLE progressive champion who will stand up for regular working folks, for good paying jobs and economic development for all, and for the environment?  Do we want someone who will fight for equality, for affordable housing, for ending imperialism, and for true health care reform?  Do we want someone who will fight for open and accountable government, for ethics and campaign finance reform?  Do we want someone who will stand up for us, rather than sell out to corporate America like most Democrats are so eager to do?

“We need to do more for working families in Rhode Island,” Segal explained. “For the last eight years, I’ve been fighting for regular people against powerful interests. Working with grassroots coalitions, we’ve won some important victories for local families. Now more than ever, Rhode Island working families need someone in Congress who will stand up to powerful interests and win victories for working families.”

On Wednesday, Segal will make his formal announcement of candidacy (details to follow). The kick-off event will emphasize his record of taking on big banks on behalf of regular people and the need to hold Wall Street accountable. After the event, Segal and local residents will canvass the neighborhood to talk to residents about this specific issue.

If you’re like me, you want David Segal to be the next U.S. Representative for RI’s First Congressional District because you know he’s the best person for the job.  Personally, what I like most about David Segal is that he wants to hear what people think, actively seeking out the opinions of his constituents.  This allows him to have a down-to-earth understanding of the issues based on an honest analysis and sincere reflection of how they directly impact people’s lives.

As a Councilman and a State Representative for Providence and East Providence, Segal has passed laws cracking down on predatory lending by big banks, steering good jobs to Rhode Island families, increasing affordable housing, and facilitating  the development of  renewable electricity and “green jobs” across the state. He’s also championed ethics reform and campaign finance reform legislation. And last year, Segal organized fellow legislators to block the state budget until $25 million in funding for schools and local aid for services was restored.

Here are several recent examples of how David Segal will stand up and fight for all Rhode Islanders in Washington.

  • Net Metering bill – allows a customer to get paid for any additional every generated from localized renewable energy production (this includes cities and towns – hint, hint).
  • Voting Records bill – would require that the voting records of all Representative and Senators in the General Assembly be placed online.
  • State Mandate bill – prohibits any new state mandates from being issued without adequate funding by and from the state.
  • Mayoral Academy bill – would require that mayoral academies to use a random selection process to choose student invitees to attend the mayoral academy, opening up the opportunity to all children.
  • Foreclosure Mediation bill – would require that big banks and lenders offer mediation and counseling services at least 45 days before initiating a foreclosure.
  • Domestic Partner bill – allows for couples living together in committed relationships, but not officially married, to make funeral arrangement decisions for the deceased.
  • Immigration anti-profiling bill – would prohibit state and local police from inquiring about the immigration status, unless arrested for a felony or there is reasonable suspicion.

David Segal has also been a consistent supporter of the rights of workers.  He has been standing up for the Westin Hotel employees during their boycottspearheading a petition drive calling on the Hotel’s management to be fair to its workers and resolve the labor dispute.  Fundamental to Segal’s argument is that when taxpayer money is spent, Rhode Island workers and families should benefit.

We’re close to reaching 2,000 signatures.  You can (and should) sign the petition and add your name to the growing list of supporters of the Westin Hotel workers.

“I have recommended the Westin hotel in the past due to its status as a unionized hotel. This labor dispute makes me reconsider that decision.” — Heather V., Providence, RI”The Westin hotel would not stand for a group booking suddenly paying 20% less… Why would you think that you can do this to your union workers?” — Kevin C., Cranston, RI

“Please respect the workers. They are what makes your hotel work.” — Maureen M., Wakefield, RI

“Now is certainly not the time to punish workers for the economic situation is this country. You have the power and moral imperative to do the right thing in this situation.” — A reverend from Providence, RI

On Thursday, David Segal will deliver the petition to hotel management and call for the reversal of the recent 20% pay cut and a massive increase in healthcare co-pays (read more about the labor dispute here).

So now, let’s help David Segal win this.  There are three things you can do RIGHT NOW!

  1. Join this Facebook group
  2. Sign up on SegalforCongress.com
  3. Donate to his campaign

Do all three NOW.

 Let’s all come together and work our butts off to send David Segal to Capitol Hill!  How awesome would that be?