The world dies while we shop: this week in climate change

Oil Stained WhitehouseWe briefly interrupt the holiday shopping season to remind you of American carbon profligacy.  Buy more at Walmart and export carbon pollution to China!  It’s genocide and ultimately ecocide. As we shop, people in the Philippines are dying.

Whatever good all of this buying is supposed to do for the economy, it’s time to stop the climate disruption. It’s time to buy less and to share more.

Maybe the events listed below will shed light on the question whether our corrupt political system will be able to correct itself.  I doubt it, and think that the transformation of consciousness required to change everything will come from the People.

Please click on the links for time and place of the following events:

  • Pricing Carbon Pollution:

    A Presentation on a National Carbon Fee and Dividend Study
    Regional Economic Models (REMI) and Synapse Energy Economics recently examined the impacts of a national tax on the carbon-dioxide content of fossil fuels.

  • A Resilient South County:

    Join us in discussing the impact of climate change in the South County community as we work towards implementing the recently passed Resilient RI Act. Come and have your voice heard!

  • Staying afloat:

    “Adapting Waterfront Businesses to Rising Seas and Extreme Storms” will feature three speakers discussing the challenges of rising sea levels for waterfront businesses and how businesses can implement strategies to prevent or minimize damage.