What does Wisconsin want?

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berniehillaryThe Democratic Primary in Wisconsin has a lot on the line ideologically, and it could reverberate East.

After Sanders swept six of the last seven contests, by a margins averaging about 75 percent, the contest moves into Wisconsin where progressivism and the unionism face a historic ideological challenge. Will Wisconsin vote for the principles of political revolution they were founded on or will they default to neoliberal pragmatism?

Laborers or labor unions

A little discussed fact is that it is the unions and their members have been the major contributors to Bernie Sanders campaign. Most notably are the Machinist Union, Teamsters Union, National Education Association, United Auto Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, not to mention the US Postal Service and the Laborers Union.

However, there is a schism. Unions like the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME),  which was central in the fight with Governor Walker on the right to organize, endorsed the reformist darling of the Democratic Party establishment Hillary Clinton. Since Sanders seems more popular with the membership than the leadership, it is not clear how this will translate into votes. The AFL-CIO, the largest national union, has declined to endorse either candidate.

Which labor movement will show up? The one who fights for workers rights or the one who believes they already have a seat at the table that it could lose?

Independent voters

Wisconsin has an open primary and at this point it looks like the blue collar workers will largely support Sanders and not be tempted to cross over to Trump like they did in Ohio.  Though Trump has also has taken an anti-NAFTA position, it is Bernie Sanders who has clearly articulated a pro-worker vision from the $15 minimum wage to a pledge to rewrite all of the so-called free-trade agreements. It is Sanders appeal with independents that his campaign bases there claim that he is the stronger candidate in the general election and they may break his way on Tuesday.

Wisconsin’s progressive roots

And then there is the question of ideology. There’s been much discussion in this campaign about progressivism. After Bernie Sanders laid out a clear progressive, social democrat platform, Hillary Clinton claimed that she was “a progressive who can get things done.”  This was particularly startling since Hillary, a household name, has been practicing triangulation and transactional politics which was started by her husband Bill Clinton through her career. Clintonism, which has dominated the Democrats ideology for decades, claimed that by moving the discussion to the middle, the Democrats could get the Republicans to compromise. What happened, which is what many on the left predicted, is that this tactic pulled the whole party to the right.

Wisconsin should know what the term means. The Progressive Movement was founded there by Bob La Follette, who is known as “Fighting Bob.” At the age of 64, the former governor and staunch supporter of Socialist Eugene V Debs, ran for president largely on an anti-corruption platform, demanded investigations into the war profiteering and corrupt monopolies, and that the big banks be broken up. His platform called for taking over the railroads and private utilities, calling for child labor laws, the right to organize and increasing civil liberties ending racism.

He campaigned for the presidency on a pledge to “break the combined power of the private monopoly system over the political and economic life of the American people” and denouncing, in the heyday of the Ku Klux Klan’s resurgence, “any discrimination between races, classes, and creeds.”

This laid the groundwork for the Progressive Party of Wisconsin which influenced Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, and was carried on by his son establishing the progressive platform as core values in progressive politics for decades.

Bernie for Wisconsin

What is on the line Tuesday is whether Wisconsin stays true to its progressive roots, or if after years of being clobbered by the Koch brothers, it takes on the mantle of neoliberal centrism. Its progressive roots still live on, at least, at the an annual event called the Fighting Bob Fest where, in October 2014, Bernie Sanders spoke on his familiar topic- Democracy or Oligarchy. You can read the full speech here – or watch the video.

After eviscerating the Koch brothers and the racist right wing fringe, pillars of power in the Republican Party, Sanders lays out the Progressive Platform that he is currently campaigning on – demanding campaign finance reform, breaking up the banks, single-payer health care and strengthening the safety net with a passionate plea for social, environmental and economic justice.

He said we are in the midst of the greatest crisis since the Civil War.

And this is not an easy fight. They have huge resources. They have think tanks. They have media. You name it, they’ve got it.

But there is one thing they don’t have. While they have unlimited sums of money, what we have is the people.

And if we can overcome some of our differences, we can focus on the broad issues facing America: jobs, health care, education, the environment, the needs of children. And on these issues, believe it or not, we are a united nation.

So let us reach out to our brothers and our sisters, fellow workers, fellow family members, and let us create a movement that tells Washington: We are not asking you, we are telling you.

Change will take place in America not through some backroom negotiations.

Change takes place in America when millions of people demand it.

Wisconsin decides Tuesday if it wants systemic change or the status quo primacy of the 1 percent and Wall Street. The same question faces Rhode Islanders on April 26th.

Progress Report: Woonsocket Needs Money, Not a Receiver

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The state budget commission appointed to help Woonsocket with its finances says it needs a supplemental property tax in order to make ends meet this year. Such a tax would need to be approved by the General Assembly, but the House won’t vote on it until it has the support of the Woonsocket delegation, which it doesn’t – local legislators would rather have a receiver appointed than add a new tax.

So, to make a long and politically complicated story short, three Woonsocket legislators hold the financial fate of the city in their hands – and there is nothing Mayor Leo Fontaine, the city council, the budget commission or to some degree even the governor can do about it … unless the House decides to vote for the tax over the objection of Reps. Lisa Baldelli-Hunt and Jon Brien.

Speaking of Woonsocket, Bill Sequino is an excellent choice to serve as chair of the budget commission … He’s the longest serving municipal manager in the state and knows the budget process backwards and forwards. East Greenwich, where he has served for more than 20 years, may be known as a haven of conservatism but its local pols actually spend public money like drunken sailors (EG is again raising property taxes this year to help pay off debt service on huge spending projects) and then look to Sequino and his staff to make it all work.

Interestingly enough, Sequino’s former adversary on the town council, Vince Bradley, is now serving on the West Warwick School Committee, reports EG Patch.

No wonder Curt Schilling’s $75 million loan guarantee was so easily approved by the EDC – he was doing business with one of the board members who voted in favor of the deal. The Projo reports this morning that when the EDC was voting on the Schilling deal, the ex-Red Sox was also developing board games for Hasbro, whose chairman of the board Al Verrecchia was one of the EDC board members who voted for the deal. Verrecchia is also a good friend and close ally of former Gov. Don Carcieri.

The Patriot Ledger takes RI to the proverbial woodshed for the 38 Studios deal.

Ian Donnis on the efforts to reform payday lending.

It was a bad day for organized labor across the country … not only did Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker survive the recall election waged against him, two California cities voted to cut pension benefits to public sector retirees.

The good news coming out of Wisconsin: Democrats regained control of the state senate.



RI Progress Report: Carcieri, Fox Should Face Public, Anti-Union Manipulation, How Central Falls Made Budget

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With regards to the 38 Studios debacle, Gov. Chafee is just about the only Rhode Island politician who has respected the public’s right to know what happened. Former Gov. Don Carcieri and House Speaker Gordon Fox – who shepherded the failed deal – ought to follow his lead. It may not be in either of their best interest, but public servants aren’t supposed to act in their own best interest but in the best interest of the people.

Projo columnist Ed Fiztpatrick writes this morning, “Fox needs to stop hiding in plain sight, and former Gov. Donald L. Carcieri needs to emerge from the bunker. After putting $100 million at risk, elected leaders better be ready to defend what they did — or apologize to the taxpayers.”

Speaking of Projo columnists, union-basher Ed Achorn writes about today’s Wisconsin recall election and, in doing so, gives a clue as to why he so often-confuses his anti-labor crusade with the public interest. He cites a poll that he says indicates “90 percent of employers believe the state is on the right path” and concludes that “All this seems to have been in the public’s interest, though not perhaps in the unions’ special interest.” Ed, just so you know, employers are a special interest, too.

For a more intellectually honest look at the Wisconsin recall vote today, the Associated Press runs an informative Q&A.

The AP, by the way, has an interesting paragraph about how Central Falls is able to balance its budget this year: “The plan … balances the budget for this fiscal year and the next five fiscal years but does not factor in the millions the state wants the city to pay for the costs of the receivership.” If this were a pension cost, conservatives would call this kicking the can down the road and there would likely be a bi-partisan effort to retroactively reduce these costs … not when the recipients are wealthy and connected lawyers though…

The state GOP’s local legislative caucus got a little smaller with Rep. John Savage of East Providence announcing he will leave the party … but remember, this won’t make the General Assembly any less conservative. It simply waters down the difference of local party affiliation.

While we’re on the topic of the State House … this Red Sox banner really shouldn’t be hanging above the entrance:

RI Progress Report: Netroots Preview, Myth of Union Power, Abortion Politics, 38 Studios and Scott Walker

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Netroots Nation comes to Providence this week … you can expect a ton of coverage from us, both previewing the big progressive networking event and covering all the action on the panels, the keynote speakers, the parties and the protests. The Phoenix put together a great Netroots preview story last week (still on news stands now) and the Projo has a nice piece this morning … this time, though, the august daily does not put scare quotes around the word progressive.

Scott MacKay dispels the myth that organized labor holds outsized sway at the State House writing, “There was a time when labor had outsize clout at the State House. That would have been 1972, not 2012.” MacKay, who knows the State House as well as anyone, rattles off the litany of losses labor has sustained over the past 30 plus years … It’s sad but true: one can literally chart Rhode Island falling further into economic decline as unions grew less influential during that period. As we’ve written before, anyone telling you organized labor runs Rhode Island is either trying to sell you a right-wing point of view, or has already been sold one.

It’s not just labor that doesn’t have juice at the State House … neither does the women’s rights movement. The Projo has a telling tale in Political Scene that suggests Senate President Teresa Paiva Weed may have sent Gov. Chafee’s EDC nominees, which include Pablo Rodriguez, a pro-choice doctor,  to a committee controlled by conservative Senator Michael McCaffrey rather than the Corporations Committee, chaired by progressive Senator Josh Miller.

Seems the new Miss USA, Olivia Culpo of Cranston, has a bit of a progressive (or libertarian_ streak in her … when asked if she thought a transgender woman could be Miss USA, she said, “This is a free country and to each their own.”

Not only is it Netroots week, it’s also Scott Walker recall week … and it’s looking like he might survive. Either way, Netroots will have a post-mortem on it in Providence on Friday.

Ted Nesi links to a piece by The Hill suggesting that progressive Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse might be a contender to run the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

A primer on Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law.

Jared Paul and Randall Rose, of Occupy Providence, weigh in on the 38 Studios debacle.

Here’s a lot ripe for redevelopment between the State House and North Main Street:

Erica’s New Book On The Wisconsin Fight

Many of you know Erica Sagrans from her time in Providence as a student and activist.  This month she’s self-publishing an awesome new book about the labor fight in Wisconsin:

In February of 2011, the people of Wisconsin changed the political landscape in America overnight. In response to their Republican governor’s move to strip workers of the basic right to organize, Wisconsinites decided to fight back—occupying their Capitol for days on end and protesting in record numbers throughout the freezing Madison winter. Their bold action inspired progressives across the country, and revived the conversation on organized labor, direct-action, and civil resistance.

We Are Wisconsin gives an up-close,view of the Wisconsin struggle, as told by the grassroots activists, independent journalists, and Wisconsinites who led the fight. This collection of essays, blog posts, and original writing looks at what happened, what it means, and what comes next—including the real-time, fast-paced story of the Capitol occupation as told through tweets from those who were on the inside.

We Are Wisconsin will be released in August, and will be one of first books out on the Wisconsin fight.