Progress Report: Election Day! Dixville Notch Results In; Baited Breath in CD1; Obama Enjoys 92% Chance of Victory

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The votes are already coming in … up in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, traditionally the first town in America to report its results, Obama and Romney have battled to a draw among the 10 voters there.

Let’s hope the David Cicilline fares better in the 1st District than Obama did in Dixville, though it could be as close. It’s really the only statewide campaign that is still in doubt. Dan McGowan says , which is a good point.

Let’s also hope it isn’t too close to call … the Ocean State might not be able to handle that.

Speaking of hope … remember four years ago when us progressives were filled with hope? It’s not quite the same feeling this year, is it?

But there is good news … forget what the pundits and the national polls are telling you – and the Dixville results, for that matter – the presidential race isn’t nearly as close as it may appear to the lay observer. Numbers guru Nate Silver says Mitt Romney has only an 8 percent chance of winning today … roughly the same odds as drawing an inside straight in poker.

Now, remember, people do pull inside straights in poker, so it’s not over yet. And even if Obama is very likely to win, it doesn’t mean he’ll win by a lot and it also doesn’t mean we’ll know particularly early. Consider the country, and yours truly, lucky if we know who our next president is by the time we all go to bed tonight. Assuming of course Romney doesn’t pull an inside straight of electoral politics.

ProJo columnist Ed Fitzpatrick looks into the controversy surrounding Silver’s projections ginned up by GOP talking heads who are understandably trying to stave off a self-fulfilling prophecy. Still, it’s worth pointing out that Republicans have resorted to ignoring the laws of science, economics and now math to push their agenda … how can this be good for America??

In case you are very much unlike me and are going to miss the 2012 campaign season, you can review the 10 best moments of it here.

I can’t add enough links to this post to capture all the great stuff Rhode Island Public Radio bloggers Ian Donnis and Scott MacKay have cranked out over the past couple days … if you, by chance, aren’t a regular reader of their stuff, it’s all right here.

The ProJo helps you figure out “how and where to cast your vote.”

Ted Nesi breaks down how many people vote in Rhode Island, and who they are … and how the number of people who show up today could swing the Cicilline/Doherty campaign.

I know many of you moderate Rhode Island Democrats have forgotten why the labor movement is your ally, so here’s a practical reason to stop crapping on unions: if and when Obama wins his second term, it will be organized labor most responsible for the win in Ohio.

I disagree with today’s ProJo editorial arguing that all the negative ads and smear campaigns we’ve had to endure are actually a sign of a healthy democracy … while they are a part of our Democracy, that doesn’t mean they are a good part of it. Fixes for this problem aren’t easy to come by, but that also doesn’t make it a good thing.

On this day in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president.

Progress Report: Horses and Bayonets for the Win; Profiles in Candidacy; Alexion Gets Tax Break, Amount Unknown

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President Obama makes his case for re-election at DNC

Good news, Democrats … Obama easily won the rubber match debate last night. And as a bonus, the president’s foreign policy poise coupled with Romney’s obvious lack of similar acumen will likely become a talking point for liberals and conservatives alike during the final 14 days.

“Obama succeeded because he conveyed his unique view of the world from the Oval Office,” according to Taegan Goddard of PoliticalWire. “For undecided voters watching, all they probably heard was that he’s the commander-in-chief. And that’s what Team Obama wanted.”

Goddard calls it “President Obama’s best moment in the campaign so far” and I think that’s a fair assessment.

Both the Huffington Post and the Drudge Report lead with stand alone Obama shots this morning. HuffPo headline: “Chief in Command” Drudge headline: “Grand Finale”

In an unnecessary attempt at balance, here was the best Politico’s lead piece could offer as far as positives about Romney’s performance: “But many Republicans – and some neutral commentators – believe Romney held his own in a difficult format. His aides think he passed the acceptability test and that Obama didn’t disqualify him (and Republicans desperate for a win were sighing deeply that Romney didn’t have any gaffes).”

The New York Times eviscerates Romney’s performance and campaign in an editorial this morning. And instant polls largely agreed that Obama won hands down.

But watch this video clip of Obama’s instant classic about horses and bayonets to see for yourself:

Speaking of debates, we get to see Senator Sheldon Whitehouse finally square off against his conservative carpetbagging challenger Barry Hinckley. I’m really looking forward to this debate as it pits a real progressive vision for the future against the ideas of Wall Street and the 1 percent.

Speaking of Wall Street …. the Journal’s Mike Riley profile falls a little flat, I’m sorry to say …. the candidate goes unquestioned in saying his experience as a Wall Street hedge fund manager makes him uniquely qualified to address the nation’s economic woes. Actually, it makes him uniquely unqualified to fix the economy. Electing a hedge fund manager to fix the economy would be like employing an arsonist to fight a fire!

That said, we’re even more disappointed with the profile of Abel Collins – his platform and biography are every bit as relevant to Rhode Islanders as is Riley’s, if not more so. (We also appreciate the ProJo mentioning RI Future in the piece!) While this website might endorse Langevin, we think it is very important that Rhode Islanders understand Collins’ politics. I’m pretty sure a plurality would largely agree with his philosophies.

This is great writing by Andy Smith on a story we covered yesterday: “The Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation on Monday unanimously approved a state tax incentive for Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. that would reduce its corporate tax rate from 9 percent to 6.75 percent. How much the tax break will cost the state is still unknown.”

While we think it’s ridiculous that the ProJo invests so much effort reporting on the youthful indiscretions of the governor’s son, we fully stand behind the newspaper in its lawsuit against the State Police for records the police refuse to make public.

Notice in the four above pieces, the disparity in emotions the ProJo has riled in me already this morning! Now that’s a great newspaper! Us Rhode Islanders who love the ProJo should be demanding that Belo not cut any more resources from the single most important force in our local marketplace of ideas.

File this one under stuff only reporters care about: WPRO says Jim Hummel broke the PEDP story but this timeline indicates Dan McGowan was the first to report on the story.

Debate: ‘It’s Just Not True’ vs. ‘Binders Full of Women’

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One of the really weird things about how we pick our president is the skill set it takes to get the gig has almost nothing to do with actually doing the job. No part of POTUS politics proves this more than the debates. Still, as the first debate showed in subsequent polls, they matter. The second debate will matter too, and Romney did as bad this time as Obama did the first time around.

The reason the result was so different in the second debate can be encapsulated in this line from the president: “It’s just not true.”

Romney tried in a second consecutive debate to mislead the electorate about his agenda if elected, saying he wants to protect the middle class. This time Obama called him out on it.

“Governor Romney doesn’t have a five-point plan,” the president said. “He has a one-point plan: that plan is that folks at the top play by a different set of rules.”

While Obama did well with traditional debate zingers like that one, Romney did himself no favors. He was testy and belligerent – two qualities not often confused with being presidential.

His worst moment of the night was no doubt when Candy Crowley had to step in and settle the dispute over when Obama first called the deaths in Banghazi a terrorist attack.

But my personal favorite was when he explained how difficult it was to find a female to name to his cabinet, and thought that would make voters think he understands how women have it worse in the workforce.

Progress Report: Protecting the Bay; GOP Slate Has No Experience; Obama Still Favorite; Stein in Providence

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Greenwich Cove (Photo by Bob Plain)

Go ProJo! The newspaper’s editorial board makes a great point this morning in advocating for passage of two bonds that would clean up local drinking water and Narragansett Bay. “Rhode Island’s environment — beautiful in much of the state — is one of its great comparative economic and social advantages, and plays a key role in maintaining the public’s health.”

Their editorial comes the morning after Save The Bay and the Rhode Island Shellfishermen’s Association held a joint press event to talk about the importance of Narragansett Bay to the state and its economy.

Progressives ask Chafee to repeal voter ID law … about time.

Ian Donnis points out that not one Rhode Island Republican running for Congress has ever held elected office before.

Obama fans: If the media is scaring you into thinking that the presidential campaign is all of a sudden a horse race, keep in mind that the electoral math still strongly favors the incumbent. Watch this short video to see how much easier the path to victory is for Obama than Romney.

Speaking of presidential politics, don’t forget that Green Party candidate Jill Stein will be in Providence today at 4pm.

David Cicilline needs to court suburban voters, says Ed Fitzpatrick.

Patrick Laverty, who spends a lot of time on Twitter trying to refute progressive logic, blogged something on Anchor Rising he clearly wasn’t entirely comfortable with: “When I’m on the same side of an issue as Bob Plain and opposite from WPRO’s Matt Allen, it really makes me wonder if I’ve been replaced by aliens or something.” Allen, for some strange reason, doesn’t think third-party candidates should be invited to debates.

Today in 1975, Saturday Night Live debuts. Progressive comedian George Carlin hosted.

If you haven’t seen SNL’s take on the first POTUS debate, it’s pretty funny and well-worth a watch:

Progress Report: Romney False Appeals to Middle Class; True the Vote Update; Taveras v. Raimondo; Mark Binder

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Downtown Providence from the Providence River. (Photo by Bob Plain)

Presidential challengers almost always prevail over the incumbent in the first debate of the campaign, and to that end Mitt Romney and Barack Obama did not buck tradition as they faced off last night. But winning the Wednesday night battle might may come with some strings attached for the Republican candidate.

Despite his empty rhetoric about trickle down government (a meaningless phrase, by the way) Romney continually invoked the ideals of trickle up economics in his attempt to woo voters. The guy who deplores the 47 percent and thinks corporations are people made overtures to the middle class all night long … if you think anything about a Mitt Romney administration would benefit the middle class rather than the 1 percent, I’ve got some swamp land in Florida to sell you, and I’ll bet Dems use this flip-flop to their advantage throughout the rest of the race.

But that’s just one take … here are a slew of others, none so favorable to the president as mine…

The ProJo gets wise to the shady ways of True the Vote, a tea party-started group that is trying to purge voter rolls.

Ted Nesi on how close the polls show Angel Taveras and Gina Raimondo, the odds-on-favorites to be the next governor of Rhode Island: “they’re exactly tied at 57.9% statewide and exactly tied at 59.3% among Democrats. Raimondo’s approval rating among union households is slightly higher than Taveras’s, but Taveras has a bit more room to grow since fewer voters have a negative opinion of him and more don’t know him at all.”

Frequent RI Future contributor Mark Binder has turned to a former friend of his opponent Gordon Fox to run his campaign, according to GoLocal.

“I’m not going to say there’s a racial angle, but I’m not going to rule it out,” said James Vincent, president of the Providence chapter of the NAACP told the ProJo about embattled RIPTA head Charles Odimgbe’s suspension.

Planned Parenthood and local Dems tied Brendan Doherty to the Republican-fuled war against women. He attended a Women for Doherty event at the Westin, while outside liberal activists held a Women Are Watching counter-event.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think the fact that Claus von Bulow was accused of poisoning his wife in a Newport mansion necessarily makes it a more desirable place to own.

In the name of all things sacred in New England, please let Curt Schilling keep his bloody sock.

On this day in 1970, Janis Joplin died way too young … how can you not love a woman who sings with this much soul

Obama Fundraiser Tonight at Blaze

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Want to do your part to help Barack Obama get reelected? Or maybe you’re just looking for something fun to do tonight? Now you don’t have to choose as there is a fundraiser tonight for the president at Blaze on Hope St. at 6 p.m.

“There will be great food, fun and lively conversation,” said progressive activist, RI Future founder and city of Providence attorney Matt Jerzyk in an email about the fundraiser. “And if you want Obama-Biden “swag” this is the place to be!  Obama lawn signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, buttons or Dog/Cat collars.”

Progress Report: Hard Times for the Homeless in RI; Food Stamp Increase, Obama and Letterman Talk 47 Percent

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Downtown Providence from the Providence River. (Photo by Bob Plain)

So bad have things gotten in Rhode Island that the state’s largest homeless shelter has failed a building inspection. Jim Ryczek, executive director of the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless, told the Providence Journal, “It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that the shelter would not pass inspection. Harrington Hall is clearly not an acceptable place to house people.”

Unrelated, Dan Lawlor reports that homelessness has increased by about 10 percent over the last five years.

And here’s a headline that shows another sign that things are getting tougher for the poor here in Rhode Island: Food-stamp rolls jump 136% in RI, double US increase.

Meanwhile, the state is spending almost $10 million to buy land in nearby Warwick for a public park.

When taken all together, it’s little surprise Mitt Romney’s 47 percent comment didn’t make a bigger splash here in the Ocean State. . Speaking of which, here’s President Obama talking about it with David Letterman last night.

Even Paul Ryan criticized Romney’s take on the 47 percent. The Republicans running for office here in Rhode Island had no comment. I’m a little surprised the local mainstream media didn’t press them more for a comment on the matter.

New York Times numbers-cruncher Nate Silver thinks popular progressive incumbent Sheldon Whitehouse might not have his re-election campaign completely locked down. He calls Barry Hinckley an “interesting and unorthodox candidate.” Indeed, he is. He’s already on record as saying he’ll represent out-of-state interests in exchange for campaign donations. That isn’t being “libertarian-leaning” as Silver describes him, that’s called being for sale to the highest bidder.

Judge Strikes Down Indefinite Detention Law

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UPDATE: Well, that was fast.  Our progressive hero, ConLaw prof, former opponent of the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping and all that, just filed and appeal.
ORIGINAL: We just won the lawsuit against Obama et al over the indefinite detention provisions of the fiscal 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. These provisions represented a blatant violation of due process and First Amendment rights, and plaintiffs argued that they were already having a chilling effect on journalists and activists.
The NDAA included a clause which afforded the military the power to detain civilians — even Americans — indefinitely, without charge or trial, if they are accused of certain anti-state crimes or are accused of “substantially supporting” those accused of said crimes or forces associated therewith.    If that sounds tortuous and nebulous it’s because it is: What the heck does “substantially support” or “associated force” even mean?
In a sweeping 112-page ruling (which I’ve not yet read in full) Judge Katherine Forrest issued a permanent injunction against the use of such powers.  Here’s Reuters:
A federal judge made permanent on Wednesday her order blocking enforcement of a U.S. law’s provision that authorizes military detention for people deemed to have “substantially supported” al Qaeda, the Taliban or “associated forces.”
U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest in Manhattan had ruled in May in favor of non-profit groups and reporters whose work relates to conflicts in the Middle East and who said they feared being detained under a section of the law, signed by President Barack Obama in December.
Plaintiffs include Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, and others; Demand Progress members have raised more than $10,000 to support the lawsuit and used it to pressure lawmakers to revoke the provions in question.  We lost a relatively narrow vote in the House a few months ago, and the Senate will take up amendments to end indefinite detention in coming weeks.
Demand Progress and its members are hopeful that Senators Reed, Whitehouse, and others will take this finding of unconstitutionality to heart and explicitly revoke the codification of the indefinite detention authority.
This ruling required great fortitude on the part of Judge Forrest: She was appointed by Obama just last year.  After initially expressing concerns about the provisions in question — because they infringed on certain executive power, not because of all of the reasons above — Obama has consistently supported and defended them.  He signed them into law under cloak of darkness on New Year’s Eve and has aggressively defended them in court.  This’ll probably get appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Not About the Money in Chicago Teacher’s Strike

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Rham Emanuel

“Chicago isn’t seeing its teachers as greedy. They’re seeing them as a vanguard in the struggle against what might happen to the rest of the middle class next if they don’t speak up,” according to Alternet.

Since Rahm Emanuel’s election in the spring of 2011, Chicago’s teachers have been marginalized  by a mayor obsessed with displaying to the universe his “toughness” — toughness with the working-class people that make the city tick; toughness with the protesters standing up to say “no”; but never, ever toughness with the vested interests, including anti-union charter school advocates, who poured $12 million into his coffers to elect him mayor (his closet competitor raised $2.5 million)–Rick Perlstein

The Chicago teacher union took a bold step. It was not an easy thing to do, but a necessary move to preserve public schools in Chicago. The cry of the opposition is “It hurts the children.”

Analyze that statement truthfully. Who is really hurting and who really stands to gain in this conflict? Rahm Emanuel is the mayor and he, of course stands to gain in this. He wants to tear down the public school system. Why? It can be all summed up with one word: PROFIT.

The propaganda that schools are failing is put out by the reformers like Gates, Walton, Michelle Rhee, Klein, Eli Broad and billionaire Bloomberg. What do they all have in common? Big money and no education credentials. Tell me what teaching experience and degrees do they have to push their free enterprise school agenda? None.

Their credentials seems to be the big money earned from their free enterprise, big business ways and they want to institute this way of thinking into public education. They have bamboozled the public into thinking education has gone by the wayside. And how did they do this? By investing their money into programs like using high stakes testing tied to Race to Top and by buying politicians into this way of thinking so they can pass their agenda of vouchers, charters, (investors make profits as they dig into public education city budgets that taxpayers pay into) online schools, and privatization. Why not use that money and invest into the poverty of children instead?

This fight in Chicago is a fight to keep the children stabilized in their public schools. Under Emanuel, crime rates have soared among the young people. So rather than work with the teachers and parents with good sound effective and tested programs Rahm Emanuel sees $$$ signs with vouchers, charters and for profit schools vwith no proven studies showing they work… no evidence or research to prove they are better…

Mayor Emanuel, with his rich friends, talk about return on investment as the billionaires (Gates particularly) pull the strings. They focus on “school choice” over civil rights and fighting poverty one of the major causes of poor school achievement. They insist on closing schools rather than improving them. (One doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel..too costly, just improve the spokes…
but new schools mean more profits for these so called “reformers”)

Don’t think for a moment this politician actually is thinking of the children. This Democrat could have prevented this situation but instead he joined with teacher vilifying Republicans like Chris Christie, Rep Gov Walker of Wisconsin, Republican Bloomberg, and others in bullying the work of teachers.
This blog by Jonathan Pelto is one I recommend. Put away your biases and prejudices for a while and see the propaganda and lies for what they really are…
Thank you.

Conservatives and Education Reformers: When in doubt, make sh*t up

The verbal assault on teachers has reached a fevered pitch as conservatives and “education reformers push to make it look like the Chicago Teacher Strike is about money and the demands of greedy teachers and their greedy unions, rather than the fact that Chicago teachers are actually standing up to the “education reform” industry and the politicians that support it.

Yesterday, Leonie Haimson, a leader of Parents Across America, the country’s primary public education parent group, was on CNBC.

In typical fashion, as Haimson laid out the facts about what is going on in Chicago, Larry Kudlow, the commentator asking the questions, was literally left screaming that they only fact that mattered was that “only 15 percent of fourth graders” in the Chicago public schools can read.

Of course, such a claim is completely false, but facts never seem of importance to the right-wing or those who claim to be dedicated to “reforming” education.

Yesterday also saw a Heritage Foundation talking head telling the media that the Chicago Teachers Union was demanding a “30 percent pay increase,” even though only 15 percent of the children in Chicago’s public schools can read and only 56 percent of the students graduate.

Again, the statement is completely false. Salary is not an issue- both sides agree that raises are warranted – someone needs to tell the Heritage Foundation fool the truth!!!

It turns out the right-wing talking points are coming from the right-wing Heartland Foundation and the right-wing National Review.

For what it is worth, Illinois’ state standardized test scores show that 62 percent of Chicago’s fourth graders meet or exceed the goal in reading and the number of students, at or above goal, in math, science and reading has been increasing.

For the full post go to:

Convention Reflection: A Rant About Democrats

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Get ready for a rant.  I managed to engage in far less blogging than I’d hoped to over the course of my four days in Charlotte.  Here’s what I was left with:

The convention had its moments, for sure:  What I heard of Elizabeth Warren was very good, certainly by the standards of what you can get away with on national TV.  Her losing to Scott Brown would be a blow as big as Russ Feingold’s loss last cycle.  If genuine, incorruptible, economic populists can’t win in moderate and left-leaning districts then my continued hope for the future of our country seems particularly naive.  Feingold lost to one of the very worst hacks the Tea Party put up last cycle — one who incessantly and successfully framed Feingold as a lock-step party shill, even though he had voted against financial reform from the left (because it didn’t address too-big-to-fail), was the only vote against the Patriot Act, and even cast the sole Democratic vote to try Bill Clinton during the impeachment process in 2000.  (Though voted not to convict him.)

Scott Brown’s only legislative achievement is to have gotten a bill through the Massachusetts General Court outlawing public funding of sex-change operations for prisoners.  FOR REAL.  We shouldn’t be losing to these jokers.

Anyway, Warren is great.  But it was tragic that somebody so knowledgeable about, and dedicated to the cause of, banking reform had to bite her lip and introduce Bill Clinton, whose administration was responsible for much of the deregulation of Wall Street which precipitated the Crash and whose cast of economic “experts” spent eight years twirling though the revolving doors of Manhattan’s tallest towers only to be dredged up by Obama — helping compel him to hedge, again and again, on behalf of high finance.

Clinton’s speech was, of course, gripping and brilliant, but hinged on one’s willingness to suspend disbelief and forgive the corporate shill who brought us financial deregulation, NAFTA, and all that.  (At least he had the sense to veto the Joe Biden-backed bankruptcy reform bill in 2000.  Bush later signed it.)

As mediocre as he’s been, Obama is right to claim superiority to Mitt Romney when it comes to domestic economic policy.  Even if he’s made no move to break up the banks or hold Wall Street accountable for its crimes, Romney would manage to be even worse in these regards.  Obamacare will probably be better than the status quo, even if he could’ve fought harder for a public option.  There’s a real risk that Obama will implement regressive reform of Medicare or Social Security — but Romney would (try to) obliterate them.  It’s good to see Obama take a more aggressive tack against Citizens United (now that he’s realized that he’s going to lose the mad dash for dollars that it’s precipitated).

In the civil liberties realm in which I now work, it’s actually difficult to imagine that Romney could be far worse than Obama:  This brilliant video by Gawker was recently circulated — it has the videographer asking prominent Dems if they think that Romney’s ready to be put in charge the kill list Obama instituted.  He supports the Patriot Act.  He supports warrantless wiretapping.  And I’m flabbergasted by his crack-down on medical marijuana — that cause is just so popular with Americans that I can’t even conceive of a cynical political calculus that could’ve driven him to take such a heavy-handed stand against it.

He’s kept us in Afghanistan, took us to war in Libya without approval from Congress, and as the Onion headline asked, could the use of flying death robots be hurting America’s reputation worldwide?

Obama’s made two recent attempts to jazz up the progressive base he once called his own: announcing his support for gay marriage and pushing through a modified version of the Dream Act.  Both are genuinely wonderful developments, but we should note that neither runs contrary to the interests of finance:  The Chamber of Commerce has consistently supported immigration reform — and fewer people will be helped by the Dream Act than have already been deported by Obama — who has deported immigrants at a rate about 50% faster than George W Bush.

But the most defensible reason to support Obama (at least in the swing states) is the chance that he’ll get to appoint another Sotomayor (and not a Kagan) to the Court during his continued tenure in office.  Those appointees who’ve made it past an intransigent Republican Senate caucus have actually been pretty good — some of his appointees have even been willing to buck the administration when it’s the right thing to do: Katherine Forrest, whom Obama appointed just last year, has so far defied his DOJ’s attempts to defend the indefinite detention law that he signed this past New Year’s.  (Demand Progress, the org I run, is helping fund the lawsuit against indefinite detention.)

This is all to say that while there are reasons to support Obama and hope that he beats Romney, it’s also imperative to remember that the national Democratic establishment leaves much to be desired.  Activists must remain in constant vigilance, and push back hard against party insiders who, in large part, came to power because of their allegiance to moneyed interests.  And the lack of such a nuanced understanding of the attributes and failings of our party was stark in Charlotte.  I participated in a wonderful event put on by Progressive Democrats of America, which attracted several hundred attendees over the course of the first day of the convention, but that was just about it.

Absent was any broader sense of the need to — let alone a strategy by which to — push back against a Democratic establishment whose inertia has it shifting ever-further to the right (with rare exceptions like gay marriage) — a phenomenon which serves neither the interests of the party nor those of our country.  (And just makes me so darned sad.)

Obama Delivers Compelling Case for Re-Election

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President Obama makes his case for re-election at DNC

CHARLOTTE, NC –– President Barack Obama, in a crisp, straight-forward speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, laid out the central choice embodied in his re-election campaign.

“Over the next few years,” said the president, “big decisions will be made in Washington, on jobs and the economy; taxes and deficits; energy and education; war and peace – decisions that will have a huge impact on our lives and our children’s lives for decades to come. On every issue, the choice you face won’t be just between two candidates or two parties. It will be a choice between two different paths for America.  A choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future.”

Obama’s speech did not have the rhetorical flash of former President Bill Clinton, or the moving narrative of First Lady Michelle Obama, or the fire-in-the-belly grit of Vice President Joe Biden. But it did something else, something quite substantial, in knitting together all the themes we had heard — and for those in the hall, that was something like 15 hours of speeches across three days — crystallizing the complex and ramified into the simple logic of decision-making.

In a word, the speech was presidential. Because while we do expect our presidents to have rhetorical flash (“Yes our road is longer – but we travel it together.  We don’t turn back.  We leave no one behind.”) and self-revelatory (“I began my career helping people in the shadow of a shuttered steel mill, at a time when too many good jobs were starting to move overseas.”) and even with a bit of grit (“”Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning!”), at the end of the day, we know that the person in the Oval Office needs to have, in addition to those necessary-but-not-sufficient skills, a powerful ability to synthesize.

We need a president who can look out across the pressing challenges, the spectrum of issues, the diversity of voices — and anyone who attended to the full content of previous 15 hours could not miss their range and import — and, guided by their values, develop a vision and manage a path forward. It is an act of synthesis, not brute-force reduction to binary choices so painfully on display in Tampa.

In an election, this is of necessity reduced to a single decision point, a “go-no-go” decision (like the one pointedly evoked multiple times during the convention. You know the one I mean.)

And in perhaps the boldest rhetorical move, Obama turned this entire process inside out to show us how implicated we, the voters are: “So you see, the election four years ago wasn’t about me. It was about you. My fellow citizens – you were the change.”

It was a brilliant way to make his case. “As I stand here tonight,” Obama said, “I have never been more hopeful about America. Not because I think I have all the answers. Not because I’m naïve about the magnitude of our challenges. I’m hopeful because of you.”

Because if you had listened, really listened to what speaker after speaker testified to in Charlotte, and you had followed the logic of Obama’s framing (Sandra Fluke said it best: “Six months from now, you’re going to be living in one of these futures.”), and if you were the kind of person that the President thought you were — the kind of person you hope, in your best moments, to be — then you had to rise above the cynicism or “other voices will fill the void.”


Livestream: Democratic National Convention

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Watch the Democratic National Convention live from Charlotte, North Carolina right here on your computer.

Demanding Progress in Charlotte at DNC

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I’m en route to the Democratic Convention in Charlotte, where I’ll be doing a combination of work for Demand Progress, taking part in assorted progressive rabble-rousing, and hopefully blogging for RIFuture and the Daily Dose.

Demand Progress’s efforts to secure Internet freedom language in the Republican platform were successful: Anybody abiding by the new platform would’ve opposed SOPA and CISPA — the privacy obliterating cyber-security bill that passed the House a few months ago, but is dead (at least for now) in the Senate.  Now it’s the Democrats’ turn.  You can read more about our work on this front over here.  (Yep, that’s a link to Fox News.)

I’ll be spending a lot of time at the Progressive Central hub, sponsored by Progressive Democrats of American, The Nation, and others.  There’s an impressive series of speakers and panels which you can watch live here.

The line-up includes the likes of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Michael Dukakis, and several of our progressive champions in Congress, like John Conyers and Raul Grijalva, who’ll be speaking to critical issues that aren’t likely to get much play on the main stage: Wall Street run amok, the narrow concentration of wealth in America, corporate control of government, and more.

I’m speaking on this panel tomorrow morning:

10:15 to 11:10 Guided Discussion: We the People, Not We the Corporations—Ending Corporate Rule.

John Nichols—Moderator

Steve Cobble—Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)

David Cobb—Move to Amend

David Segal—Demand Progress

Progress Report: Legislative Ninth Inning, Buddy Cianci, Obama, Pot Policy Homelessness and Buying Happiness

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The legislative session is slated to end on Tuesday and if it does without the General Assembly approving a supplemental tax bill for Woonsocket residents the struggling city will probably have to file for bankruptcy … don’t worry, though, this isn’t a surprise to local legislators Jon Brien and Lisa Baldelli-Hunt, who won’t support the measure. Indeed, it’s the reason. Brien, an ALEC board member, is employing the old Grover Norquist approach to governance: shrink it until you can drown it in a bathtub. Baldelli-Hunt, on the other hand, covets the mayor’s office and thinks she can raise her stock by lowering the current mayor’s. In both cases, it is morally reprehensible to play such political games with the financial security of the city.

Also as the session winds down, Ted Nesi calls out Teresa Paiva Weed for standing in the way of a new public records law and a local version of a disclose law. Public records laws are uber-important to us journalists and by extension to the public.Compared to other states I’ve worked in – Oregon and Vermont, to name two – Rhode Island’s public records rules are repressive and seemingly designed to oppose open government rather than foster it.

The public records legislation is by no stretch the only bill that gets quietly killed by leadership … While “Paiva Weed’s chamber” gets a lot of grief for blocking marriage equality, Speaker Gordon Fox and House Finance Committee Chair Helio Melo both go virtually unnoticed for blocking income tax reform, even though there is more than enough evidence to show that tax cuts not only don’t benefited the local economy, they hurt it.

Speaking of public policy that is bad for the public, here’s to the Projo editorial board for calling out Buddy Cianci as being a big reason for Providence being in such financial straits as it was his administration that allowed for 6 percent annual pension increases. It’s been odd, to say the least, to hear Cianci call on Carcieri to speak up on 38 Studios while he’s never really addressed his own role in Providence’s pension mess.

The national media, or at least the National Journal, has picked up on a troubling scenario for Democrats this November that percolated up during Netroots here in Providence: progressives may not rally around Obama in 2012 the way they did in 2008. Stay tuned…

Another narrative to be amplified as a result of Netroots: Rhode Island isn’t nearly as liberal as local conservatives would have us believe.

One may argue that an exception to this rule might be the legislature’s recent relaxing of rules regulating marijuana … but as David Klepper of the Associated Press reports this really isn’t all that out of step with the rest of the country.

The US Commission on Civil Rights is opening an investigation into the racial bias of Stand Your Ground Laws.

Even in bastions of liberalism – like my old stomping grounds of Ashland, Oregon – cities across the country are cracking down on sleeping outside … the whole effort amounts to criminalizing homelessness.

Cars kill. And former ethicist Randy Cohen isn’t talking about accidents.

Who says money can’t buy happiness … in fact a new study shows the affluent are trying to purchase it more than ever

Netroots Nation: A Review

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Preparing for my Netroots panel discussion on revitalizing local political blogs, I was corrected by moderator Andrew Villeneuve of the Northwest Progressive Institute when I introduced myself as having come to the blogosphere from the mainstream media.

“You mean the traditional media,” he interrupted. “We are the mainstream media.”

While it’s a debatable claim, it was certainly one of the underlining theme of Netroots Nation, the annual meeting of the progressive movement that took over Providence for the past few days. The idea is that lefty activists and journalists already enjoy a sizable slice of the media market, as well as a mandate from the American people, and they can be used to overcome the overwhelming advantage government-shrinking, big monied interests have in the political process.

“The big corporations want to take over social security, medicare, even our elections. The Republicans want to hep them, and they are hoping that with enough spin and propaganda they can get away with it,” Rhode Island’s own Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said in a keynote address on the opening night.

“But you,” he continued, “the online opinion makers who make Netroots Nation so great – with your blogs and your email lists and your Facebook pages and your tweets and and your videos – you can fight back against this tide of money, of spin, of extremism. You can help make sure that this remains our great democracy of, by and for the people.”

Sheldon, as he is known to his legions of fans on the far left, is a star in the Netroots community, as he is to liberal Rhode Islanders. He’s not only an up-and-comer in the Senate, he’s also one of the most solidly progressive politicians in Washington D.C. In a subsequent speech on Saturday he dubbed Roger Williams, Rhode Island’s founder who came here seeking religious liberty, the nation’s first progressive.

He was very accessible throughout the event, and even through an open-bar party with Providence Mayor Angel Taveras. Netroots officials and attendees were impressed by the Ocean State’s hospitality and downtown’s amenities. It was one of the many open bar parties in downtown Providence during Netroots.

But the real action happens during the day, when bloggers, congressional staffers and community activists hustled around the Convention Center, heading off to the many different panel discussions. Everything from building a better online community and using new media tools, to progressive messaging, to specific public policy discussions – income inequality, tax fairness, corporate greed, collective bargaining and public education were all popular and insightful topics.

Highlights included powerful speeches from progressive rock star Elizabeth Warren, who is of course running for the US Senate in Massachusetts, and up-and-coming progressive rock star Darcy Burner, who is running to represent Washington state in the House.

“This is a war we can win,” Burner told an inspired lunchtime crowd on Friday.

Both Burner and Warren, in their keynote titled ‘The War on (and for) Women” talked about how the female vote will prove to be among the most critical this November. So did state Rep. Teresa Tanzi, a staunch progressive from Wakefield, who gave a keynote address on the same stage as did Whitehouse, Warren and Burner – not to mention Paul Krugman, Van Jones, Mayor Angel Taveras and Congressman David Cicilline.

Gov. Linc Chafee was noticeably absent and Congressman Jim Langevin was noticeably present. Joy Fox, Gina Raimondo’s communications director, was seen at a few panels and Anthony Gemma had staffers at several. Gemma rode the progressive party circuit hard throughout the weekend.

“You need to join me,” said Tanzi, imploring more people to run for office, though I don’t imagine she was talking to Anthony Gemma per say. She predicted 2012 will be the year of the progressive woman. “Take the next step, run for office. Yes, you. The one with the family, the job, the crushing load of schoolwork, the fuller than full plate. You! Anything less than full participation will not be enough.”

“I need you standing beside me when the doors close to the public, and the negotiations begin,” she said. “I need you sitting beside me, after the debate ends, the votes are taken and a proposal becomes law. I need your voice to be the voice of all the women, families and children who are voiceless and invisible.”

Tanzi proved why she needs progressive allies in the State House on Thursday, just two nights earlier. When Capitol Police removed Occupy Providence activists from the gallery for mic checking on tax equity, Tanzi was alone in sticking up for the protesters’ rights.

Willingly or not, Netroots may have reinvigorated Occupy Providence. Not only did they sleep out on the sidewalk next to the Providence Journal building all weekend, but five activists were also detained in the Providence Place Mall. They weren’t arrested, but they were handcuffed and trespassed from the shopping center for one year. One activist went to hospital because he sustained what he called a sprained shoulder.

Netroots certainly didn’t reinvigorate the progressive base for President Obama – who will need us if he is to prevail against the right, and its near monopoly of money in politics.

In past years, the White House has sent a representative to speak at Netroots … this year, instead, Obama made a statement and played a short video, on the jumbotron screen. On Twitter, it was debated whether the president’s remarks were “warmly” received or “politely” received by the crowd of progressives who generally feel let down by the president. I’d have to say warmly, at best. Political staffers buzzed with rumors of Vice President Joe Biden making an appearance, but in the end it didn’t materialize.

Van Jones, whom the right wing misinformation machine pressured out of his job at the White House, didn’t so much defend his former employer. Instead he made the case that the left’s apathy could be the greatest asset of the right in the 2012 election.

“We like this president but we’re not in love with him like we used to be,” he said in the closing comments of the conference. “We feel that if all we do is support the president or support the Democrats that won’t do what we want. Then we look at the Tea Party. And for those of us who are no longer comparing Obama to the almighty but instead to the alternative, that don’t look too good either. The last election was a hope election. This one should be a fear election.”

He added, “We have to be as sophisticated as the machine we are fighting, we have to be as sophisticated as the system we are trying to change. We have to do two things that are hard, so we have to be twice as committed as we were in 2008. We have to both re-elected the president and re-energize the movement to hold the president accountable to progressive values.”

There were great Rhode Island political tales told as well – some good and some bad. In a particularly depressing panel called “When Democrats Aren’t Democrats: The Story of Rhode Island,” local progressive activists told their stories about how Rhode Island’s legislative record undermines its reputation as a liberal bastion.

Kate Brock, of Ocean State Action, talked about how she couldn’t win even a slight tax increase this legislative session. Steve Brown of the ACLU, told the now-infamous story of Rhode Island’s voter id law. Ray Sullivan, of Marriage Equality, admitted frustration at not being able to pass a same sex marriage law in a state with a supportive governor and a gay Speaker of the House. Paula Hodges, of Planned Parenthood, said she is often on the defensive in heavily Catholic Rhode Island.

It was interesting, I thought, that moderator Pat Crowley of the NEA-RI, didn’t speak more about the pension cuts that passed that legislative session, but the local delegation was buzzing after Ted Nesi put otherwise progressive state Rep. from Providence Chris Blazejewski on the spot about his vote to slash retiree benefits. Here’s hoping Ted will either post on this, or perhaps share Blazejewski’s response in the comments or by email.

But one of the most uplifting moments of the four-day event was the panel titled “Working Rhode Island: How We Built a Progressive Movement in Rhode Island” was about how all facets of the progressive movement – from organized labor to marriage equality – learned to band together to battle back against the pervasive conservative idealogy now ingrained into our political narrative. AFL-CIO President Goerge Nee said former Gov. Don Carcieri disgraceful treatment of the left during his tenure makes him one of the great organizers in Rhode Island history.

For obvious reasons, my highlight of the three-day, three-long-night event was the panel I sat on about revitalizing state and local blogs. We talked about how to make progressive online journalism sustainable – what tends to happen, the other panelists and attendees said, is not unlike the history of RI Future in that a new editor will put some hard work into it for a while but then suffer from a lack of operating capital and need to focus on more profitable endeavors.

Local progressive blogs will become increasingly important as right-wing think tanks (stink tanks, Netrooters tended to call them, teasingly) begin to fund blogs with conservative biases.

The outcome of our panel: we are going to organize a national network of local progressive blogs and websites … hopefully we can learn some stuff from one another, share story ideas and maybe even some resources. The idea is to keep the spirit and purpose of Netroots alive throughout the year – work together to see if we can help each other make the change we should all want to see in the world.

RI Recognizes Out-of-State, Same Sex Marriages

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Gov Chafee and Ray Sullivan of Marriage Equality Rhode Island celebrate the RI recognizing out-of-state same sex marriages.

Saying Rhode Island should pass its own marriage equality law, Gov. Lincoln Chafee signed an executive order today that asserts this state recognizes same sex marriages performed in other states.

“Let’s get there ourselves,” he said to an enthusiastic crowd packed into the State Room of the State House. “This is the home of Roger Williams. Come on, let’s go.”

The governor’s executive order reaffirms a 2007 memo from the attorney general that said Rhode Island recognizes all marriages performed in other states per a 1904 law. But Chafee said there has been some confusion in state government as to whether or not same sex marriages performed in other states are valid in Rhode Island.

“This executive order,” he said, “sends a clear message to married Rhode Islanders, regardless of their sexual orientation, that they can and should rely on their marriage to protect them and their families in important ways.”

Ray Sullivan, of Marriage Equality Rhode Island, said Rhode Island is the first state in the country “to sign an executive order providing critical clarity and direction to government agencies regarding the recognition of same-sex, out-of-state marriages.”

Sullivan said, in a press release, “While this moves us closer to full marriage equality, nothing less is sufficient, and we will keep fighting.”

Chafee said talks are ongoing between him and legislative leaders about passing a marriage equality law this session. Senate President Teresa Paiva Weed is still standing in the way of the bill’s passage. Chafee said she is not amenable to passing the bill this session. When asked if she seemed willing to support the bill this year, Chafee said, “To be perfectly honest with you, not in this session.”

He indicated that House Speaker Gordon Fox is ready to pass the bill. When asked who supports passing marriage equality this session, he said, “You can probably guess who is supportive and who isn’t.”

Fox, who is openly gay, fought behind the scenes to get Paiva Weed to support same sex marriage last session, but never called for a full vote in his chamber because some members did not want to have to go on record if they knew it wouldn’t pass in the Senate.

RI Progress Report: Primary, Busy Day at State House

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Polls are open today in Rhode Island, and even though it’s still not yet 6 a.m. we’re going to go out on a limb and call the primary for Obama. If you need a hand figuring out which delegates to support for the Democratic Convention, see our endorsements here. But it’s also a hugely busy day at the State House.

The House Finance Committee will take up the controversial tax equity bill that would raise income taxes for Rhode Island’s richest residents. And Rhode Island’s environmental coalition will hear from Gov. Chafee in the rotunda this afternoon before it unveils its 2012 legislative agenda, expected to include transportation funding, voter referendums for open space and clean water and a better way to discard of garbage.

Additionally, two House members from very different sides of the aisle will have their very different bills on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants heard in committee at 1 p.m. Rep. Grace Diaz’ bill will codify into legislation the decision made by the Board of Governors for Higher Education last year allowing anyone who finished three years of high school in RI to qualify for in-state tuition “regardless of immigration status.” And Rep. Doreen Costa’s bill would “prohibit anyone who cannot prove U.S. citizenship or permanent residency from receiving in-state tuition rates and fees at public higher education institutions.”

Providence Mayor Angel Taveras unveiled his budget proposal last night, which could help right the fiscal ship in the Capital City. But it’s contingent on some factors beyond the city’s control, such as the outcome of the inevitable lawsuit over his pension reform efforts. Here’s the brief that appears in today’s New York Times.

Conservatives like to defend Citizens United by claiming that it gives liberal groups the right to raise unlimited campaign money as well, which is true but irrelevant since the majority of big time donors support the GOP. In fact, 8 of the ten biggest Super PACS support Republicans.

California will vote on banning the death penalty this November. Too bad a plurality of executions in the US take place in Texas.

Had Rhode Island partnered with instead of fighting the Narragansett Indian Tribe, the state would have been well ahead of the regional casino trend rather than well behind it. Can’t blame the Narragansetts for suing us.

This page may be updated throughout the day. Click HERE for an archive of the RI Progress Report.

Whitehouse Says Buffett Rule Will Be Back

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Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has said all along that it would likely take several votes before Democrats could break the hold that Wall Street special interests hold over their republican counterparts and such seems like the fate for the Buffet Rule, which was successfully filibustered Monday on its first vote on the Senate floor.

“I’ll keep fighting to make the Buffett Rule law,” he said in a statement issued yesterday afternoon. “Although we were unable to break the Republican filibuster, a majority of the United States Senate has gone on the record in favor of greater fairness in our tax code.”

Here’s a video of Whitehouse speaking on the Senate floor yesterday:

Prior to the vote, Whitehouse had made a practice of mentioning that oftentimes legislation that would hurt Wall Street special interests needs to come back to the floor several times before Republican Senators will do right by the American people instead of corporate campaign backers.

“We tried to go to the Wall Street reform bill in the Senate and Republicans filibustered it,” Whitehouse told me recently. Majority Leader “Harry [Reid] found a way to call it up again and we lost again. Then Harry figured out a way to call it up again and we lost again. It was either fourth or fifth time it was scheduled for a vote, and we were going to stay up all night to bring attention to this, and at that point the minority leader came in to our leader, Harry Reid, and said, ‘I give up. My guys are getting killed, they are getting phone calls at home. We’re throwing in the towel, you can go to this bill.’ And that was a really clear sign that you can have special interest obstruction that can stop progress on a bill not once, not twice but four times and still in end prevail.”

The Buffett Rule needed 60 votes to break the Republican filibuster and received only 51. Sen. Mark Pryor was the only Democrat to vote against the proposal and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was the only Republican to vote for it.

Whitehouse’s Buffett Rule Up for Senate Vote Today

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Sen Whitehouse at a recent rally for the Buffett Rule. (Photo courtesy of Whitehouse office)

After a solid week of Democrats making Sheldon Whitehouse’s Buffett Rule bill the biggest legislative priority in the country, the Senate today will take up the proposal. Seems as if the efforts may pay off as a new Gallup Poll shows that 60 percent of Americans support it.

Today’s vote is a motion to proceed and needs to pass with a 60 vote super majority in order to move to a vote on the bill itself. In other words, Democrats will have to convince at least seven Republicans to vote to allow the bill to come up for a floor vote. That is expected to happen sometime around 5 and 7 p.m. The Senate is scheduled to take up the matter at 2 p.m. Here’s the video from Whitehouse’s floor speech today:

In the meantime, we’ve included a Twitter widget below so you can follow along with what Washington DC and beyond are saying about the Buffett Rule and here are some useful links for catching up to speed:

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s op/ed in RI Future on the Buffett Bill. Here’s another op/ed he wrote for the Projo a few days later.

Whitehouse tell me that Wall Street lobbyists will be biggest hurdle to passage. Congressman Cicilline also supports the Buffett Rule. Whitehouse talks about the Buffett Rule with the Center for American Progress.

The Times has a great overview page on the Buffett Rule, with an archive of their coverage. And here’s a link to the President’s weekly address in which he again advocates for it.

Obama Plugs Whitehouse’s ‘Buffett Rule’ Bill

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Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s “Buffett Rule” bill got a big boost today as President Obama, long a fan of the proposal, focused his weekly address on the legislation that would prevent millionaires from shielding their earnings from income taxes.

“Now, some people call this class warfare,” Obama said. “But I think asking a billionaire to pay at least the same tax rate as his secretary is just common sense.  We don’t envy success in this country.  We aspire to it.  But we also believe that anyone who does well for themselves should do their fair share in return, so that more people have the opportunity to get ahead – not just a few.

“So every Member of Congress is going to go on record.  And if they vote to keep giving tax breaks to people like me – tax breaks our country can’t afford – then they’re going to have to explain to you where that money comes from.”

Here’s the , and here’s the video:

The Senate is slated to vote on, or at least talk about, the Buffett Rule on April 16, symbolically the day before income tax filings are due. Sen. Jack Reed, and 12 others, have signed onto the bill.

Also called the Paying your Fair Share Act, Whitehouse’s office said it will: “ensure that multi-million-dollar earners pay at least a 30 percent effective tax rate.  It would apply only to taxpayers with income over $1 million – including capital gains and dividends.  Taxpayers earning over $2 million would be subject to a 30% minimum federal tax rate.  The tax would be phased in for incomes between $1 million and $2 million, with those taxpayers paying a portion of the extra tax required to get them to a 30% effective tax rate,” according to a recent release from Senator Whitehouse’s office.

Here’s what Whitehouse told me about it when we spoke at a recent community supper in East Greenwich:

Whitehouse will be hosting a roundtable discussion on the Buffett Rule in Cranston on Tuesday. He’ll be joined by “CCAP Executive Director Joanne McGunagle and Rhode Islanders from Cranston, Providence, and Woonsocket,” according to a release. “at the Comprehensive Community Action Program’s (CCAP) headquarters in Cranston.”

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