Gina Raimondo’s lack of leadership

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ginaAlmost four years ago, I endorsed Gina Raimondo to be Rhode Island’s General Treasurer. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and now a new election campaign is before us. Gina, the fundraising juggernaut that she is, is now facing better-than-decent odds in a quest for the Governor’s office.

Four years ago, when Raimondo first ran for office, she had no record at all to judge. Anyone who voted for her was voting for a promise, or maybe an image. Though lots of voters will always go for the image regardless of the reality, it is no longer necessary. We have three years of record with which to judge her. So what do we learn?

When I first sat down with Gina in 2010, she said that the issue that concerned her most was income inequality. She said it without hesitation, almost the first thing after “Hello, how are you?” (and in front of a witness, too). Well, fine; creating an economy that is good for everyone is one of the central economic issues of our time. But when did she speak out on the subject in public?  Was it before it became popular to do so this year?

One component of doing something about inequality in the economy is to address the declining value of the minimum wage. As part of her campaign platform, Raimondo has come out in favor of increasing the minimum wage. This is all to the good, but our legislature saw efforts to increase the minimum wage in 2012 and 2013, too. Do you remember her speaking out on the issue when it mattered then?

A strong stand on the minimum wage will be important for her in a contested Democratic primary. But it would have been important for the rest of us for her to mention that support some time ago.

The minimum wage, however, is only a small part of what needs to be done to address the inequality that plagues us. For example, tax cuts for rich people — at the state and federal level — have been a key part of making inequality worse. During Raimondo’s term as Treasurer, the legislature made permanent the income tax cuts for the rich awarded a few years before, making them much more difficult to repeal. Gina, a wealthy individual whose background in finance and degree in economics gives her plenty of clout on economic issues inside the state house, was silent on the issue.

There are a host of other issues, of course, such as predatory financial services. To her credit, Raimondo has spoken out against payday lenders who charge 290% interest for loans to the poor and desperate. However, it was not very long ago that interest rates a lot lower than that were considered loan-sharking, exclusively the province of heavy-set guys with baseball bats. It’s hard to see speaking out against 290% as brave, even if there exist profiles in courage at the General Assembly that still refuse to do so.

Of course all these issues are minor compared to the big one she embraced: pension reform. In 2011, the threat to the state and all the school departments was that employer payments made into the pension system were scheduled to rise by more than 50% in 2012. And yet payments from the pension system — the actual pensions — were only expected to rise by a few percent, a rate that was actually declining each year, largely due to three previous rounds of pension reform in the preceding six years.

By refusing to question the accounting rules that created such a huge disparity, Raimondo guaranteed the outcome: that the state’s employees would take the brunt of the cuts, and that they would be very painful to them, without relieving our cities and towns of much burden at all. That, of course, is precisely what happened. (Or what might still happen, depending on the still-pending court cases.)

She saw the situation as a dilemma: a choice between two bad options, but it was a false dilemma. There were other choices, but they would have required her to stand up to the accountants and financiers who insisted there was no choice. Instead, she followed their rules.

To her credit, I believe Raimondo has acted in a moral and thoughtful way within those rules. Our state can do much worse than that, and we often have. However, the sad fact is that these rules — the ones we all play by — are stacked against ordinary citizens, and I’ve seen little acknowledgement of that from her. From taxes that weigh most heavily on the poorest while exempting the wealthiest, to laws that punish criminals for stealing cars but don’t punish banks for stealing houses, to accounting rules that are unnecessarily destroying public pension systems and squeezing municipal budgets across the country, our nation is beset with rules and laws made to benefit the powerful and wealthy, at the expense of the rest of us. Our state is no different.

Sadly, a great deal of harm has been done to our nation and our state by well-meaning and morally upright people who refuse to question the rules of the game. To date, Gina Raimondo has been a proud part of that sad tradition. Hard work and determination are virtues, but so is judgment.

A leader must be much more than a resume. No one needs a leader who only follows direction well, who simply keeps her crayon inside the lines of the coloring book better than her classmates. Leading means rejecting the coloring book and drawing a picture or finding a path no one else saw. History’s great leaders, from Moses to King, rejected the consensus and led a new path. If you don’t do that, you’re not leading, you’ve only maneuvered yourself to the front of the pack. There is a difference, and it’s a big one.

At this point, it’s pretty clear that the Raimondo campaign is relying on the same strategy that won her the Treasurer’s office in 2010: minimal information and lots of money. Where there is policy information it’s like her minimum wage stance: late or non-controversial. There is vague stuff about funding school construction and roads, but little to say how she would ultimately pay for it. There are, however, lots of warm fuzzies: pictures of family, stories about dinners with her parents, meatloaf recipes, and so on. We know from 2010 that this is a working strategy. Perhaps you’re pleased with how this worked out last time. In that case, you have nothing to worry about.

Should Rep. Peter Palumbo resign?

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Palumbo models the tee shirt he helped design

Representative Peter Palumbo, is perhaps best-known for calling my niece, Jessica Ahlquist, an “Evil Little Thing” on the John DePetro Show and in the process creating an internet meme demonstrating the casual way in which politicians dehumanize atheists and women with their rhetoric. Or maybe he’s better known for the hateful anti-refuge letter he recently sent to Governor Chafee, or his .

But now he’s in the news because there’s an investigation involving beach concession stands he managed for now-former Democratic Party chairman David Caprio. Palumbo won the bid to manage the three concession stands, and then declined the contract. It was assumed, at a lower price by Caprio, who then hired Palumbo to manage the concession stands. The people lost out on $266,000 in revenue as a result. Caprio resigned Tuesday.

This, in the middle of an election season.

Rhode Island Republicans Mark Smiley, Chairman of the Rhode Island GOP and Executive Director Robert Paquin III have issued a press release calling “for State Representative Peter Palumbo to step down and aside from his race for re-election while he is investigated by the RI State Police.” If Palumbo steps down his Democratic primary opponent, Kirk McDonough will be running unopposed in the primary (Update: McDonough did not qualify for the primary ballot, so if Palumbo doesn’t run the seat would go to a Republican). The Republicans are fielding two candidates for Palumbo’s seat.

Should Peter Palumbo step down? If he and David Caprio colluded to profit $266,000 at the people’s expense, then yes he should. Certainly everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, and no one is sure as of yet that this entire affair involves anything precisely illegal, but the stench of insider politics and profits at the expense of taxpayers hovers over this mess in a way familiar to those who follow Rhode island politics. At the very least it should move the citizenry to demand that the Ethics Commission be granted oversight of the General Assembly, and we should all be wondering why elected officials are free to bid on state contracts, an obvious preventable conflict of interest.

[Edit: Common Cause RI tweeted to me, “the Ethics Commission still has jurisdiction over GA for not legislative actions such as this.”]

Scandal aside, Palumbo’s policy proscriptions are wrong for Rhode Island.

Politically, Palumbo is to the right of most Republicans in this state. His conservative voting record paints him as a true Rhode Island DINO, a Democrat in name only. Palumbo has a 100% rating from the NRA, voted for Voter ID, is rated at 22% on Civil Rights by the ACLU and somehow avoided voting for or against marriage equality when it passed last year.

How conservative is Palumbo?  In 2010 Palumbo a he introduced that mirrored a controversial immigration bill from Arizona. Palumbo ended his appearance saying, “Thank God for Fox News.”

That’s pretty conservative.

Making campaign finance reform a bit more sexy

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(Source: The New Yorker, 2012)

Outside a hot live music spot in Wilmington, NC, I excitedly talked to friends about getting folks to call their state senators and demand electronic filing of campaign finance reports. “I’d rather stick a fork in my eye,” one of my new friends said laughing. And there it was, the reality of things, the nitty gritty of campaign finance reform seemed excruciatingly dull to them.

Vice President Biden recently spoke about this conundrum associated with another important topic, voter suppression, during his appearance at Netroots Nation 2014. “…the most precious right Americans possess is the unfettered access to the ballot box…it is not as sexy, it is not as immediately heart-wrenching…,” Biden proclaimed. But for those of us who see the importance of such reforms, the question is: How can we make it a bit more sexy and heart-wrenching?

The Short Game

Don’t bet on simple transparency narratives alone doing anything meaningful. My inbox is flooded with fundraising emails touting the Koch Brothers influence on the political process – it may triple donations but seems to do little else. Let’s do more to connect the dots between contributions and legislative action/inaction. Short attention spans require accurate and quick but deeper narratives that may spark further interest and engagement. Supporting the development of phone apps that do this is a critical next step to making things more visually attractive and understandable. A great app that has many of these features is Open States. Download it!

Rhode Island is ahead of the curve on assuring candidates and committees file their campaign data electronically, but there are many states that are still flooding their election boards with paper reports. If you’re in one of those states (e.g. North Carolina), make sure campaigns are required to file data electronically. It’s the only way that our future apps will be able to quickly crunch the numbers.

The Long Game

The fluid challenges facing mainstream newspapers threatens the future of investigative journalism, the kind that gets your heart throbbing in the face of corruption and abuse of power. The apps above might be useful, but we will always need a vibrant journalistic community to inspire us to use those apps! Let’s vote with our dollar and invest in solid journalism.

Lastly, let’s not forget that any reform rests on an educated and engaged citizenry. One of my favorite quotes from President Jefferson addresses this:

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves: and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is, not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power” (1820).

If your favored candidate for any office this fall doesn’t have a well-articulated position on assuring an enlightened society, they’re no good. Some of us learn about political engagement in home, most of us learn about it in school. The long game requires an inspiring and thorough education in civics and history.

The Last Step

This last step completes a formula for making campaign finance reform a bit more sexy: Hold elected officials accountable with your vote. Make sure every candidate you ever vote for has a well-articulated education plan and a specific position on a robust civics program.

And finally support Senator Whitehouse’s DISCLOSE Act. It’s common sense legislation from the great state of Rhode Island.

Elorza, Smiley speak out on cancelled City Hall meeting

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Abandoned at City Hall

Thursday night’s last minute cancellation of the Providence City Council’s Ordinance Committee remains unexplained. Both the mayor’s office and members of the city council remain silent about the cancellation that left more than a hundred hotel workers and supporters, mostly women and working mothers, to arrive at an empty and unresponsive City Hall.

Two Democratic primary mayoral candidates did respond to my request for a comment on the cancellation, however. While not going so far as to support the $15 an hour minimum wage ordinance the hotel workers have brought before the City Council, the two candidates did champion the idea of open government and were critical of the decision to cancel the meeting without taking into account the sacrifices made by the workers to attend.

Jorge Elorza

“This cancellation was an unnecessary and avoidable problem for those who planned on attending,” said Elorza, “As I made clear in my proposal on Revitalizing and Revamping City Hall, I believe that creating a friendly, customer service oriented atmosphere in City Hall is vital to maintaining the healthy functions of our government.”

Brett Smiley
Brett Smiley

Josh Block, Communications Director for the Smiley campaign, relayed the following statement to the hotel workers, “Brett shares your frustrations. He believes that, whatever decision is reached, it must be done in an open and transparent process. Brett is disappointed in the City Council leadership for playing politics and canceling the vote at the 11th hour without notifying the many hardworking men and women who made significant sacrifices and arrangements in order to show up and make sure their voices were heard.”

It is the right of every American that government be open and accessible. One might hope that the hotel workers be someday given an explanation and apology.

Clay Pell: ‘progressive values are Democratic values’

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clay pellClay Pell may boast a lot of liberal street cred in the Democratic primary campaign for governor, but when he paid the RI Future newsroom a recent visit he shied away from being defined as the progressive in the race. Or even drawing a distinction.

“Progressive values are Democratic values,” he told me, “and that’s why I talk about being a Democrat, and beliving in core Democratic values. I believe the party should be about helping people who want to be a part of the middle class.”

In a pretty wide-ranging 25-minute interview, my big take-away is that Pell sees himself as a change agent for Rhode Island who will focus on improving public education, perhaps looking to build on his grandfather’s legacy.

But what I really wanted to know was why should one support him rather than Angel Taveras, the progressive mayor of Providence from whom Pell has siphoned crucial liberal support. Here’s what he told me when I asked him:

Rhode Island’s path to economic strength involves building on the industries that play to the Ocean State’s natural strengths like maritime-related business, Pell said.

As is the case whenever one speaks with a candidate for office, some of our conversation veered off into the real of platitudes. But I must admit, I really like his idea of a future Rhode Island.

And I really liked how he showed a strong commitment to restoring state aid to struggling cities and towns.

You can listen to our whole conversation here:

Democrats for governor make their case to liberal Rhode Island

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epi forum 2With little substantive differences in their talking points, the four Democrats running for governor each tried to impress upon an audience of mostly liberal activists that they were the best person for the job at the Economic Progress Institute’s candidate forum Monday night.

Providence Mayor Angel Taveras said he wants Rhode Island to have the best schools in the nation and make the Ocean State and “example for opportunity.” General Treasurer Gina Raimondo called income inequality “biggest problem facing our state” and said the social safety net is “an investment in our future” rather than an act of charity. Todd Giroux said he’d create a $1 billion commerce fund and wants to make workers’ comp available to day laborers.

But arguably the best line of the evening belonged to Clay Pell, who brought down the house when he said: “I’m a Democrat. I believe people who earn more should pay more.”

Pell was also the only one to pledge to fully fund the Open Doors plan to end homelessness in Rhode Island. He may have laid out the most progressive messaging of the evening, but also drew sharp attention to his privileged upbringing when he said, “for too long in Rhode Island it’s been who you know not what you know.” Minutes earlier in his opening remarks, he name dropped his grandfather and namesake’s signature college aid grant program.

Taveras leaned heavily on his biography, at least twice recalling his formative years living in affordable housing and being a “Headstart baby.” Substantively, he said Rhode Island could boast the best education system in the country, and that he wants to make Rhode Island a national “example for opportunity.”

If any news was made at the Economic Progress Institute’s governor’s candidate forum, it was that Raimondo said she would dismantle the parts of Rhode Island’s health care exchange that link people with other social services to help offset the cost when federal funding runs out. She also said “income inequality is the single biggest problem facing our state and in fact our country.”  Here’s how she said she would address income inequality:

Todd Giroux plays the part of the everyman political outsider. He was the only candidate on stage who didn’t got to Harvard and who has actually worked in the Rhode Island economy – they both sounds like nice attributes in a candidate but neither will likely garner him any political support.

How will Raimondo pay for her $60 million cut?

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GinaGina Raimondo’s recent policy proposal on infrastructure raises a lot of math questions, but here’s one of the most glaring:  How is she going to pay for the $60 million she wants to spend each year on school construction?  She really doesn’t say.

She tells us she’ll simply find the money by “taking just half of a cent” out of the sales tax, but those dollars are already being spent on other things.  So here’s a really basic question no one else is asking her:  What is she going to cut out of the general fund to pay for the $60 million in sales tax dollars she’s redirecting?  And what impact would those cuts have on job creation?

Progressives have lots of great ideas for closing budgetary gaps.  In Rhode Island, our favorite idea is probably repealing the 2006 income tax cuts for the rich.  It’s an easy solution, but conservatives don’t like it.  So I’m very curious to see how Raimondo proposes to find $60 million.

Raimondo’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Out-of-state progressive left still skeptical of Raimondo

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Click on image for original story by David Sitora.
Click on the image for original story by David Sirota.

Another national journalist took another shot at Rhode Island’s most hotly-debated politician: Gina Raimondo.

Syndicated progressive columnist David Sirota connects dots between Raimondo’s Wall Street campaign supporters and Rhode Island’s inability to afford to make good on pension promises while almost simultaneously cutting taxes for the rich and increasing subsidies for corporations.

It’s an accurate picture of what the last decade or so of economic policy in the Ocean State can look like when not mired in the details the local media microscope provides Rhode Island. We’ve cut taxes for the winners and we’ve cut services for the losers. We broke financial commitments to workers and we made new ones to corporations.

“So who is the real Gina Raimondo?,” Sirota asks. “Is she the politician whose pension schemes aim to protect corporate welfare subsidies while converting retiree money into Wall Street fees? Or is she the defender of pensioners against the plutocrats?”

Many on the left – and in particular the pro-labor left – feel her campaign is co-opting the progressive label for a very different agenda. At the very least she’s using the term more broadly than it has been used in the past and pro-union progressives have good reason to both take umbrage and be skeptical of her political positioning as a lefty. Organized labor is the anchor of support for the entire progressive left in Rhode Island, so it’s something of an offense to trample all over the flagship then claim to be a member of the fleet.

I’d really like for her to address the issues and allegations raised in Sirota’s latest indictment of her. I think that’s how anyone campaigning as a progressive should handle such a damning indictment of progressive credentials from a well-respected progressive writer.

John Marion of Common Cause RI explains People’s Pledge

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As early as Monday RI Democratic candidates for governor will sit at this table at Common Cause RI to agree to discourage outside spending in the Democratic primary.
As early as Monday RI Democratic candidates for governor will sit at this table at Common Cause RI to agree to discourage outside spending in the Democratic primary.

Democratic candidates for governor could meet Monday with Common Cause RI to hammer out the details of a People’s Pledge, said John Marion, executive director of the good government group who first suggested using the tool developed in Massachusetts to keep outside money from influencing local elections.

Marion said in an interview yesterday that People’s Pledges have been utilized four times in Massachusetts to keep Super PAC and other so-called “dark” money from spending money on negative advertising in local elections – Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown were the pioneers and it was used in two subsequent congressional races; and Marion also includes an agreement   between Bill Weld and John Kerry in 1996.

But, to his knowledge, this would be the first time the ad-hoc workaround to the controversial Citizens United Supreme Court ruling that allows unlimited and anonymous money to be spent in elections.

“With the growth of third party spending … the candidates actual message gets drowned out,” Marion said. “That spending tends to be overwhelmingly negative. Those groups acts as proxys for the official campaign.  Official campaigns don’t like to go negative because it reflects poorly on the candidates but when it’s independent of candidate they have no problem.”

Marion said a People’s Pledge could curtail that and be “potentially historic.”

Listen to our conversation here:

Raising the minimum wage creates partisan divide

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housing minimum wage graphicLast week in his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama called on both Chambers of Congress to either work with him to move the country forward or forcing him to use his presidential powers to enact  policy. 

He rattled off dozens of policy initiatives for Congress to consider this session, including immigration, emergency unemployment, manufacturing, trade, environment, education, closing Guantanamo Bay, closing tax loop holes, job training, family policies, and retirement savings. But the President also called for an increase in the nation’s minimum wage to provide America’s worker’s a living wage.

The president used his speech as a very visible bully pulpit to call on states to not wait for Congressional action to give people a living wage.

Although creating jobs will be one of the top campaign issues that must be addressed by the state’s gubernatorial candidates (Clay Pell was not available for comment by press time), look for the minimum wage issue to pop up for political discussion with the Democratic and Republican views being like two sides of a coin. 

When he announced his bid for governor, Mayor Taveras he told his supporters that increasing the minimum wage is a step in building an economy that supports higher paying jobs, puts people back to work and gives Rhode Island families the opportunity for a better life. There was a time when his mother worked at the minimum wage to support three children so he knows firsthand how much raising it can help a family, he stated. He is also pushing for statewide universal pre-kindergarten.

Tarveras quoted from a recent study by the Economic Policy Institute that indicated that increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would increase the wages of 65,000 Rhode Island workers and indirectly benefit an additional 26,000 more, totaling nearly 20 percent of the work force.  He cited another study that found that moving to a higher wage would boost the national economy by as much as $22.1 billion, creating as many as 85,000 new jobs.”

“I’m a Democrat who believes in raising the minimum wage and indexing it with regular cost of living adjustments,” noted Treasurer Gina Raimondo, in her announcement to run for Governor at Hope Artiste Village in Pawtucket.

According to Eric Hyers, Gina Raimondo’s Campaign Manager, “Gina strongly believes that we need to increase the minimum wage and she was pleased to see President Obama call for increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour during the State of the Union this week.  No one who works full time should live in poverty.  As the President said, it is time to give America a raise.”

“But let’s not wait for a dysfunctional Congress to act; we can take action right here in Rhode Island,” Hyers said.

“Gina is calling for us to take action on this now and raise the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2015 and then index it to the cost of living so that politicians can’t play games with people’s lives. Two-thirds of minimum wage earners are women so a raise would immediately help women across Rhode Island and their families, adds Hyer, noting that people are really struggling and there is an urgency to help out working families.

Meanwhile, “Clay [Pell] is in favor of increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour and does not see a reason to delay this matter until 2018 or 2015. He would be in favor of the General Assembly passing legislation this year. Too many Rhode Islanders are working in jobs at wages that are simply insufficient and no individual who works a full time job should have to raise their family in poverty. There’s an economic development aspect to this as well, by raising the minimum wage we’re putting more purchasing power out there, which will help spur the economy,” said Bill Fischer, Pell’s spokesperson.

General Contractor Todd Giroux, a Bristol resident who seeks the Democratic nomination for Governor, sees the national conversation of increasing the minimum wage as shifting towards that of providing America’s workers with living wage.  According to Giroux, President Obama’s call for a national minimum wage increase for federal contractors increases the “momentum for main street people to call upon elected leaders to represent their needs in jobs and wage security.”

Beginning May 2014, Giroux proposes the $ 8.00 minimum wage to be called a provisional starting wage for new hires for the first two weeks of employment.  This hourly rate would increase to $ 9.11 after their second week. On January 2015, the provisional starting wage would be $ 8.75 for the first two weeks of employment, increasing to $10 per hour after their second week.  Full-time, part-time and seasonal workers would be eligible for this salary increase.

Giroux believes the only way to effect a livable wage is to lower a person’s tax burden and increase the state’s mandated minimum wage.The Public Utilities Commissions’ thirty percent increase in the cost of utilities, combined with rising fuel, housing expenses and food work against any [political] argument on increasing the minimum wage, Giroux says.

But the Rhode Island’s GOP candidates, Cranston Mayor Allan Fung and businessman Ken Block, are not buying the Democratic candidate’s solution that minimum wage is the way to go.

“Democrats continue to recycle bad ideas. It’s time we consider some new ones so people have the opportunity to succeed and thrive, and not rely on government coercion to dictate wages. Increasing the minimum wage will result in higher unemployment, reduced job opportunities, reduced customer spending, and will reduce net job growth because of the effect on expanding companies,” says Mayor Fung

Mayor Fung states “At a time when we are tied for the highest unemployment in the country, we cannot put more hurdles in front of the companies we have here in Rhode Island; we need to remove them. Further, Obamacare is already hurting workers because employers are transitioning employees to part time work because they cannot afford the healthcare premiums. An increase in the minimum wage would only increase the burden on small business owners who are already working on thin margins.”

“The real issue in Rhode Island is unemployment and getting our workforce prepared with the necessary skill set for the ever changing workforce. It is quite evident that raising the minimum wage would not solve these problems,” adds Fung.

Block agrees with Fung, noting in a recent statement, “As I said the other day when it was announced that Rhode Island has the worst unemployment in the country, raising the minimum wage is a job killer.”

Block adds, “President Obama seems to believe that government can just order the economy to improve. Republicans and independents know that government has a critically important, but limited role in the growth of jobs. Government’s role is to regulate fairly and only where necessary, and to control its spending so people and businesses are not taxed to death. President Obama continues on the wrong track to fix lagging employment, just as the Democratic leaders of our General Assembly continue on the wrong track to fix Rhode Island.”

Mazze weighs in

But Edward M. Mazze, Distinguished University Professor of Business Administration, at the University of Rhode Island, puts in his two cents into the policy debate, too.

On the one hand, “Raising the minimum wage does not create jobs and can reduce the number of hours worked for existing workers and the number of jobs for part-time workers. There could also be an impact on the number of internships offered to high school and college students.  And, just as important, raising the minimum wage will also raise the price of products and services, observes Mazze.

“The minimum wage is not the entry point to middle class, it is the jobs that pay over $20 an hour and have a “career” future, says Mazze, noting that Rhode Island recently increased the minimum wage.

But, Mazze believes that the state’s minimum wage should be adjusted every number of years to keep up with inflation and other economic events.  “The best way to create living wages in Rhode Island is to prepare workers for jobs for the future, have an economic development strategy that creates jobs and attracts businesses, and have affordable housing and a fair sales, property and personal income tax program,” he notes.  

With the Rhode Island General Assembly geared up to pass legislation to make the Ocean State an easier place to do business, lawmakers should not forget their constituents who cannot pay their mortgage, utility bills, or even put food on their tables.  Until the state’s tax and regulatory system primes the economic pump to create more jobs, giving a little bit more money, say $10.10 per hour, will go a long way for tens of thousands of poor or working poor Rhode Islanders who struggle to survive.

How can Rhode Islander’s currently making a weekly paycheck of $320 (minus taxes), receiving a minimum wage, support their families?  This is not the American Dream they were brought up to believe in.

Herb Weiss, LRI’12 is a Pawtucket-based writer who covers, aging, health care, medical and business issues.  He can be reached at

People’s Pledge faces tough politics

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“The love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

-First Epistle to Timothy, Chapter 6, Verse 10; King James Version

peoples pledge copySo proclaims the KJV, and ponder that the famous part, “the love of money is the root of all evil,” is a proverb older than Christianity itself.

“Issues of campaign finance have taken a front seat in this election,” John Marion told RI Future earlier. Marion should know; as executive director of Common Cause RI the task of keeping the three big Democratic primary campaigns of Pell, Raimondo, and Taveras at the table falls to him as they meet to hammer out the details of a People’s Pledge. Raimondo and Taveras also swatted at one another over campaign donations this week.

It is beginning to sound like negotiating a Pledge will be akin to a Herculean labor. The Raimondo campaign hit with a one-two punch of an expansive Pledge, covering all outside expenditures, not simply the Super PAC spending; and also requested that the negotiations be open to the media.

It’s a canny move, given that it’s likely the Raimondo campaign won’t just be facing campaign operations, but also public sector union operations aimed at ending her career. The “typical” Pledge used by during Massachusetts’ Warren-Brown race for Senate certainly seems to harm Raimondo the most, and the blanket outside spending ban will prevent her opponents from mitigating her significant fundraising lead.

As intelligent as that may be in the immediate future, it seems to ignore that limiting the resources campaigns have will probably lead to negative advertising (because it unfortunately works); and then it becomes a race to see who can emerge the least-bloodied in September. Hopefully, instead of these being ironclad demands, the Raimondo team is merely staking out its ideal position, and will allow itself to be bargained down.

Similarly, the call for opening negotiations to the media sounds like a great idea; until you think that few negotiations of consequence have ever been hammered out in the public eye. Negotiations call for discretion and humility, and the court of public opinion rarely rewards those characteristics, especially for politicians.

But a call for transparency about a Pledge aimed at increasing transparency is good politics, and it’s a fine line to walk between voicing legitimate concerns and sounding like you’ve got something to hide.

Make no mistake about it, this is a war of position right now, with each side marshaling what it needs to hammer at each other come the summer and early fall when voters start actually paying attention.

That’s partly why campaign finance has received media attention at all. It is the season of fundraisers and campaign finance reports. With little to report on beyond money, the political scene will be mostly focused on the big political campaigns until the General Assembly starts to take up bills, at which point the media will keep one eye on both.

The problem is that the state is not electing a fundraiser-in-chief, but rather a governor. Ultimately the Pledge is subservient to that goal, providing the voters the ability to select who they think would govern best. Until then, we may find ourselves, like the ancients, pierced through with many sorrows.

Raimondo suggests direct mail, canvassing be included in People’s Pledge

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raimondo taverasGeneral Treasurer Gina Raimondo is not only interested in coming to the table with her fellow Democrats seeking to be governor and agree to a People’s Pledge, but she’s also upping the ante to include other campaign-related activities like opposition research and door-to-door canvassing.

“Let’s keep all outside money off of the airwaves, out of our mail boxes and away from our phones and doors,” said campaign manager Eric Hyers in a statement released this morning. “We have a historic opportunity to come to an agreement that keeps all third-party spending out of this race and ensures that the Democratic primary for governor is just between the candidates running.”

Hyers suggested all negotiations be public and that it include “a complete ban on any and all outside spending, including advertising by groups that have not endorsed a candidate in this race in order to prevent outside groups from exploiting loopholes” and “cover all TV, radio and web advertising, all direct mail, paid phones, paid canvassers and opposition research.”

Agreeing to limit third party direct mail could hurt Clay Pell, who would seem to have the support of organized labor so far. A limit on canvassing could handicap Angel Taveras, who is said to have an advantage when it comes to boots on the ground.

Hyers said, “Rhode Island can be a national leader in crafting an airtight pledge and we strongly believe that these negotiations should not be conducted behind closed doors.”

UPDATE: Pell spokesman Bill Fischer said in a statement sent out this evening: “Clay Pell believes the impact of Super PAC money on our elections is a serious matter and should be treated as such. This process should be facilitated by Common Cause according to their protocols.  The public will be best served by a deliberate process, not by dueling press releases. It’s hard to imagine that a fruitful discussion can be accomplished with a roomful of campaign operatives playing to the camera, but this is a call best left to John Marion,” said Bill Fischer, Pell campaign spokesperson.”

RI Common Cause Executive Director John Marion said in an email, “Issues of campaign finance have taken a front seat in this election.”

A People’s Pledge is a tool to control outside spending in local elections. First used in Massachusetts, candidates agree to make a donation to their rival’s chairty of choice if an outside group pays for an attack ad. John Marion, of Common Cause RI, and Sam Howard, a contributor to this blog, were first to raise the issue and Angel Taveras was the first candidate to suggest it be used. Since then, Raimondo and Clay Pell have both agreed, while Republicans have been less enthusiastic.

The three Democrats now need to find a time to get together.

“Common Cause is communicating with the campaigns of Clay Pell, Gina Raimondo, and Angel Taveras to try and find a mutually accommodating time to sit down and begin discussion of a People’s Pledge that all three can agree to,” Marion said.

Ken Block, ideological stringency and the People’s Pledge

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Ken Block

I read with interest Ken Block’s rejection of the People’s Pledge on the following basis:

“I support comprehensive campaign-finance reform,” Block said. “But I won’t do it piecemeal.” And a People’s Pledge wouldn’t address the disadvantage he’d face against incumbents such as Raimondo, “who has spent three full years as treasurer raising money for this race,” he said.

Ken BlockSomething similar to “I won’t do it piecemeal” is a common refrain I hear among supporters of change or reform; most notably among left-wing opponents of the ACA (it didn’t go far enough!). I have no desire to rehash that particular battle, but suffice it to say, we have to deal in political realities, not political desires.

It’s a weird thing for a Republican candidate to oppose the People’s Pledge on the grounds of it doesn’t do enough to address the problem. Republicans of the Citizen’s United-era have been generally anti-campaign-finance reform. And if Block is keeping his previous position of “moderate,” a People’s Pledge would be in line with the model New England “moderate” Republican Scott Brown.

The argument that the Pledge is piecemeal is particularly flimsy. Citzen’s United has made the goals of the campaign-finance reform movement relatively unachievable; the striking down of McCain-Feingold’s section of unlimited corporate and union spending has made so-called “dark money” an increasing reality in all campaigns. And the People’s Pledge is proven to work at reducing that dark money spending.

Ideological stringency can be well and good. Refusing to support something over a matter of principle can be quite admirable. Opposing things as not going far enough when they would be ineffective or damaging is sensible. But this is neither of those cases. The Pledge notably advances the campaign-finance reform movement’s goals while providing proof to skeptical citizens that reform has an impact. Furthermore, while Block’s support of reform is proven and well-known, his ability to get it passed is non-existent. Democratic efforts, notably those under Rep. Chris Blazejewski, have been far more successful (unsurprisingly), though they often run into First Amendment issues and sometimes work indiscriminately when a targeted approach is called for.

One factor gone unsung in this is that the People’s Pledge has been a defining issue of the Democratic primary campaign, I think largely because the campaign-finance reform movement in the Democratic Party is far greater than that in the Republican Party (which is next to non-existent as far as I know). Block’s refusal to support it keeps him from supporting a “Democratic” issue, but also gives him space to keep up his usual attack line of the “ineffectiveness” of Democratic policies. However, it also provides the opening for Block’s primary opponent Allan Fung from having to take a stand on the Pledge one way or the other until the general election (should he beat Block, which seems likely).

As a final thought, Block’s criticism of Raimondo rings hollow. After all, what are we to believe Block was doing for the last three years, not preparing to run for governor?

Republicans are wrong about minimum wage and economists know it

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DSC_8263In response to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Angel Taveras supporting a minimum wage increase in Rhode Island from its current $8 to a kingly $10.10, both Republican candidates, according to the ProJo, have opposed the idea. Ken Block is quoted as saying, “We have seen repeatedly… that Democrat-driven mandates, like increasing the minimum wage, raise the cost of doing business and ultimately lead to fewer jobs,” while Cranston Mayor Allan Fung declared, “Raising the minimum wage isn’t a solution. It’s a symptom of a larger problem.”

Are Block and Fung right when they say raising the minimum wage will have an adverse effect on Rhode Island’s already struggling economy? The short answer is no, and the truth is that economists have known this since at least 1994 when David Card and Alan Krueger published Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Card and Krueger did an analysis in 1992 when New Jersey raised its minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.05. Contrary to what Ken Block seems to believe, the study found “no indication that the rise in the minimum wage reduced employment.”

As to Fung’s position that raising the minimum wage isn’t a solution, one needs to ask, “A solution to what?” If we are looking for a solution to the problem of how to keep workers poor and minimum wage employers rich, then Fung is right. However, if we are looking for a way to potentially lift hundreds of thousands of low paid workers out of poverty, then raising the minimum wage is a solution worth pursuing. A report from ROCUnited shows how this is possible.

Both Block and Fung, it seems, are content with the status quo, in which large corporations and other other businesses underpay their employees. This puts the burden of public assistance for these underpaid workers squarely on the taxpayers. Raising the minimum wage, however, does not put any additional burdens on the taxpayer, and in fact, by getting people off public assistance, tax burdens will be lowered.

To those who think that raising the minimum wage will just benefit a bunch of teenage kids working for date money or people too lazy to find real jobs, this chart, from the AFL-CIO and put together with info from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, should dispel that idea.


Oops, I was wrong about the People’s Pledge’s viability!

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Evening Standard Peace
Evening Standard Peace
(via Wikimedia Commons/Imperial War Museum)

So back in October 2013, just after Angel Taveras called on Gina Raimondo to sign the People’s Pledge, I pretty much wrote it off as not happening. (After I asked for it to happen in September)

Quick up-to-speed: a People’s Pledge is a way to workaround the results of the Citizens United ruling. Candidates agree that if outside interests spend money during the campaign, whoever is the beneficiary of the outside spending will donate half of the cost of the ad to the aggrieved candidate’s choice of charity. This does two things: one, it tells outside groups to back off, because their help will do more harm than good. Two, it makes a candidate donate to charity, which always looks good.

So, long story short, on the 4-year anniversary of Citizens’ United Raimondo backtracked from her campaign’s initially tepid reception of the idea to make a pretty unequivocal statement that a People’s Pledge was needed for the gubernatorial primary. Common Cause RI Executive Director John Marion threw this post up here on RI Future.

Now we could (and will) wildly speculate as to why Raimondo decided to back the Pledge. Maybe the polling for it is good. Maybe it’s an attempt to cloak herself in the Elizabeth Warren mantle. Maybe it’s her significant fundraising lead. Maybe it’s a little of column A, a little of column B, and a little of column C. Whatever. It’s a good thing.

As Common Cause MA points out, the Pledge reduces dark money spending, increases the influence of small donors, and decreases the amount of negative advertising. I wrote a post about a month before the Taveras campaign announced its call for a People’s Pledge, and one of my main points was that we need to avoid bloody primaries. Now, that’s just my partisan progressive Democrat stance, a harsh primary depresses Democratic turnout, and when Dems don’t vote, Republicans win.

Common Cause RI understandably isn’t concerned at all with that, they’re more about the disclosure issues, right of the public to know, that sort of good government thing. They’re hopeful soon-to-announce Clay Pell will also endorse the Pledge, and then the campaigns can get down to brass tacks and sort this out.

I’m hopeful (again). That Pell might refuse seems a bit weird, and would raise more questions than would be good for his fledgling campaign.

So that’s where the Democratic primary stands.

How about the Republicans? Oh dear.

MLK Day candidates forum meets Chris Young

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The overflow crowd spilled out the door.
The overflow crowd spilled out the door.

To celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence hosted a candidates forum, focusing on their approaches to minimize violence in Providence and Rhode Island. The forum opened with a session for gubernatorial candidates, and concluded with a session for the Providence mayoral candidates.

The gubernatorial candidates comprised only three declared Democrats: Todd Giroux, Angel Taveras and Gina Raimondo. Likewise, the mayoral candidates also included only those declared (or not) for the Democratic nomination: Lorne Adrain, Jorge Elorza, Brett Smiley and Michael Solomon. GOP aspirant Daniel Harrop sent regrets. It does seem that any other more-or-less serious candidate who wanted to participate could have…as will become clear in a bit. I never bothered to find out why Fung, Block, Lombardi and other likely participants did not attend. (If you know for certain, please add it in the comments.)

Naturally, your Frymaster arrived late, far too late to get a seat in the already-packed assembly hall, which held fewer than 100 seats. The SRO crowd jammed the back of the room, spilled out the door and filled an adjoining room with the audio piped in. Under the pretense of taking photographs, I was lucky enough to get access to the Institute’s boardroom on the second floor overlooking the assembly hall.

"Streaming" audio
“Streaming” audio

Unfortunately, the only audio we had was the mobile phone of a staffer who had called another staffer whose phone was placed in front of a loudspeaker. Eventually, yet another staffer brought a pair of computer speakers from his office and, powered through the USB port on my borrowed laptop, we eventually succeeded in providing a passable audio feed for the dozen or so who filled the boardroom.

We got the jury-rigged system working just in time for the gubernatorial candidates’ 1-minute closing statements. Thus, this reporter can only comment on the action among the hopefuls for Providence City Hall.

Mayoral Candidates: Initial Impressions

(seated, l-r) Brett Smiley, Lorne Adrain, Michael Solomon, Jorge Elorza. Teny Gross of the Institute far right.
(seated, l-r) Brett Smiley, Lorne Adrain, Michael Solomon, Jorge Elorza. Teny Gross of the Institute far right.

Other news outlets can bore you with what the candidates said, but I’ll sum up: not much. As you might expect, all the candidates were long on the “what” and short on the “how.”

Overall, they all agreed that violence is bad and that nonviolence is good and should be encouraged. The unifying element of the “how” was that the broader community collectively needs to take ownership of the city…we all need to do our part…it takes a village.

You know the rap. It translates roughly as: I have no idea how to do this, so you people figure it out.

It was hard to find enough policy differences to differentiate sharply one candidate from another. What follows is a mix of the style and substance that one observer took away from the event.

Lorne Adrain – Some felt Mr. Adrain showed himself thoughtful and open, even admitting that he didn’t really have specifics on certain topics. While that is refreshing in its rarity, I took it as a lack of preparation. For Mr. Adrain to succeed in winning the confidence of voters, he will need to start nailing down exactly what makes him the one and only choice in this ever-growing field. Bottom line: leaders need to have answers, not more questions. Approachable and smart, but not ready for this warm-up event.

Jorge Elorza – I give Mr. Elorza the win, but it was marginal. Having grown up on Cranston Street, he spoke to his specific understanding of urban violence in a way that other candidates did not and probably could not. And he had some ideas that set him apart—public schools should be accessible to more residents for more hours, including evenings and weekends; in-school accountability, not out-of-school suspensions; a police academy as diverse as the city. Well-prepared, focused, street-smart.

Brett Smiley – Mr. Smiley came in 2nd on my scorecard. Of all the candidates, he had a specific “how”—a 10% supplemental tax on gun and ammo sales that goes specifically to fund nonviolence programs and training. And he spoke directly to difficult issues, like the uselessness of public programs where the rules are such that kids with two working parents can never participate. Advocated recruiting public safety people with connections in DC to access more federal money. Well-prepared, specific, government-savvy.

Michael Solomon – Mr. Solomon did not impress me as particularly modern. More than any other candidate, he talked about more police, more police, more police. When he talked about non-punishment discipline in schools or post-prison transitioning, he somehow didn’t connect. His accent puts him at a disadvantage. And he was perilously close to the line with his “some parents don’t know how to parent” line. True though it may be, he needs to craft that point more carefully. Aware of modern thinking, but sounds like a throw-back.

And Then There’s Chris Young…

Irony: Chris Young at the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence
Irony: Chris Young at the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence

Though cropped from the photo above, Mr. Young did attend. Yes, he was a full participant. Toward the end, he got himself worked up to the point that the moderator had to reiterate the rules against personal attacks. But no, he was not asked to leave. And that’s the good news.

At this strongly left-leaning event, even his rhetoric came off as violent. He brought up abortion in almost every one of his opportunities to speak, and he somehow managed to bring up the Frankfurt School, the Nazis and “negroes.” Everybody breathed a sigh of relief when he somehow managed to get through the entire event without one of his trademark meltdowns.

Self-delusion can be a powerful force, and Mr. Young has somehow convinced himself that he offers an attractive alternative to the other candidates. In reality, he is a horror show that alienates almost everybody who sees his shabby act. It’s unfortunate that, in the interest of open debate, we inflict this ugliness on ourselves each election season.

Thus it seems clear that if Mr. Young were allowed to participate, then any warm body that could string together a coherent sentence could have participated. So unless we find new information via comments, we can assume that Lombardi, Fung and Block took a pass on this early campaign event.

No permit required: political canvassing is a Constitutional right

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DavidFasteson-225x300David Fasteson is mounting a challenge against Stephen Archambault who as the State Senator from District 22, represents parts of Smithfield, North Providence and Johnston. Archambault, though a Democrat, sits to the right on many progressive political positions. He has been rated at 29% by the ACLU and was rated 83% by the NRA, earning the National Rifle Association’s endorsement. In seeking the nomination of the Democratic party, Fasteson plans to run as a more progressive candidate.

It was while canvassing (going door-to-door in search of votes and support) in Smithfield on Sunday evening that Fasteson was approached by a police officer who told him that canvassing requires a permit under Smithfield law. A look at the law reveals that the permit is only applicable to canvassing for sales, not for religious or political reasons.

The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that onerous restrictions on religious and political canvassing are unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments. Relevant cases include Martin v. City of Struthers, Hynes v. Mayor of Oradell, Village of Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment, and Meyer v. Grant.

In a phone call with the Smithfield Town Clerk Monday morning Fasteson confirmed that he would need a permit if he were going door-to-door seeking to sell some good or service, but politicians do not need these.

Most likely this is just a minor mistake by an overzealous police officer, perhaps responding to a citizen’s complaint. Even so, it would behoove police officers to be mindful of the protections guaranteed our citizenry under the Constitution of the United States.

As of our last communication David Fasteson plans to continue canvassing, without a permit.

Time for all to come together

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elorzaRhode Island’s recent decision to relocate the probation and parole office to downtown Providence — since set aside — has sparked controversy. Good. We in the city need to be publicly debating administrative choices like these to maintain a well-functioning democracy.

But I am greatly concerned that different sides of the debate are missing a critical point: We are all in this together. We are all one Providence, and that means that each of our residents — whether he or she owns a major business or is re-entering society from the criminal-justice system — is an equal stakeholder and each of his or her needs and interests must be reflected in government decisions.

Critics of this decision have done us a valuable service by pointing out several legitimate problems with the current relocation plan. In fact, I agree that the proposed downtown space may not be the best location for the probation and parole office. If the state is going to administer a public program, it should do so in the best interest of all of its constituents, including ex-offenders.

I believe the office should be located in a space that can most effectively connect parolees and probationers to the multiple services and supports they need, such as education, workforce development, health and housing services. I also agree that increased rental costs are a valid concern.

While the location’s proximity to Kennedy Plaza would convenience many parolees and probationers who commute by bus, I have spoken to several who have expressed concerns about the challenges of downtown parking. For these reasons, I am unconvinced that the state’s initial decision was the best possible answer.

Despite those concerns, I have been upset to hear strains of another argument made against the state’s plan. It is an argument claiming that the mere presence of “those people” will damage our economy and threaten the safety of “legitimate” downtown-goers, despite assurances by the Providence, Pawtucket and Woonsocket police departments that they have never experienced increased problems around parole and probation offices.

Let me make this very clear: Parolees and probationers, who have committed themselves to rehabilitation and re-entry into society, have just as much right to be in downtown Providence as, say, the head of a bank. Segregation and inequality are the greatest challenges our society faces, and these problems are compounded every time we choose to exclude the most vulnerable among us — the very people we should be working to help and support.

As a lawyer at Rhode Island Legal Services, I represented many of “those people” in their efforts to avoid homelessness and obtain better living conditions. I know first-hand that many stereotypes we have of them are unfounded and that many people simply need a supportive hand to help them turn their lives around.

I believe that this controversy has offered us a great opportunity. Let us use this moment to come together, with opponents and supporters, to improve the way ex-offenders are reintegrated into society; to provide pathways to education and employment for those who seek them; and to treat the most vulnerable with the benevolence that only a great society can extend.

I have made the theme of my mayoral campaign “One Providence” because I believe with every fiber of my body that we can only be a great city with a thriving economy when every resident has an opportunity to participate and to have a voice in our shared community.

We need to listen to our business leaders and our successful entrepreneurs, who are doing so much to innovate and revitalize Rhode Island. But we need to listen just as carefully to our low-wage workers, our working families, our youth and students, our seniors, our small business owners, our homeowners and our renters and, yes, to our ex-offenders.

This is an opportunity to come together. We do not need further division. We are one community, One Providence, and the only way we can rise and succeed is if we rise and succeed together.

Jorge Elorza is a Democratic candidate for mayor of Providence.

This is an op-ed that originally ran in the Providence Journal.

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