Hillary Clinton, abortion and the Illuminati

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ppprotestPlanned Parenthood on Point Street in Providence, RI has weathered many anti-abortion protests. This April 23rd #ProtestPP organized nationwide actions and a diverse group of Rhode Islanders came out to counter-protest.

Demonstrators pro and anti lined the sidewalks. I chose a pink sign for drivers speeding by, ‘I Stand With Planned Parenthood’. The antis had their own signs in the same color and typeface, ‘Stop Planned Harvesthood’. Although the allegations against Planned Parenthood were unfounded and the makers of the ‘sting’ video are facing charges true believers are not letting go. You can’t argue with faith.

As I stood by the curb, a procession approached- a tall man with white hair and a woman wearing a bandanna adorned with marijuana leaves. They were carrying banners with the Virgin of Guadalupe and the man was blowing loud blasts on a long curly rams’s horn. I recognized them from Facebook. “Are you the Church of the Holy Herb?” I asked. Yes, and they were here to add their voice to the anti-abortion side. Strange bedfellows.

Although it was hard to hear the antis on the other side of the busy street they did their inevitable co-opting of the Civil Rights struggle, singing ‘This Little Light of Mine.’ I doubt they know that Dr.King was given the Margaret Sanger award by Planned Parenthood in 1966.

An anti-abortion protester had a body camera on his shirt. He said it was in case he was “assaulted again”.

A woman was carrying a sign that said, ‘I regret my abortion’. A consequence of making choices is the risk of choices you regret. Tell me about it. I would support her right to join in a moral debate but not to try to make abortion illegal for all women.

A man was carrying a sign that said, ‘Hillary Kills Babies’. You really don’t get used to words like ‘baby killer.’ As a mother, as a nurse, as a woman who advocates for the rights of women and children, especially those with disabilities, it is painful to be labeled as a supporter of baby killing. This whole bizarre performance was happening within blocks of Women&Infants Hospital and Hasbro Children’s Hospital where lives are saved every day. The Catholic Church in RI has some good people and charities, but their leadership reliably supports politicians who undermine vital services for women and infants because they are PRO LIFE.

As I left the demonstration for a darkened room and some Motrin I saw the woman from the Church of the Holy Herb nose to nose with one of the prolifers shouting about sperms and eggs. You guys deserve each other, I thought (no offense to The Herb).

That afternoon, Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak in Central Falls, a miniature city famous for Viola Davis. I wanted to see for myself what crowds Hillary could draw. My Facebook friends were posting pictures of hordes for Bernie and dismal empty function rooms for Hillary.

The line outside Central Falls High School 45 minutes before door opening was long but I figured I had a shot, they said that 1,200 would get in. Major politicians, like rock stars, are always late, and I had nothing much to do except look at the crumbling Victorian house across the street fantasizing how I would renovate it if I won the lottery. There were a lot of people in line wearing union t-shirts and we had some friendly words, but I was facing an hour at least just standing there. Some nice looking young men were handing out tracts. I eagerly accepted the reading material.

Such 16-page, glossy 8×10 4 color doesn’t grow on trees, and headlines like ‘Fugitive Pope’,’Sodom and Gomorrah’ and ‘Brace Yourselves’ did not disappoint. Apparently the Vatican, the CIA, the IRS, Nazis and The Illuminati are working in close coordination. I’d love to know how they manage that when Progressives de-friend each other over who to vote for in November. Anyway, Tony Alamo or his disciples are still finding money to print these tracts in 2016, despite the fact the the Reverend himself is said to be a grifter. and serving time for sexual abuse of children.

Who were these guys, and why are they in Central Falls?

Having been dragged sideways in my teens through a Pentecostal church I respect the power of the non-rational. Great ideals can bring out the best and the worst in us. The anti-abortion protesters at Planned Parenthood really believe they are defending children. They claim the righteousness of Martin Luther King, not knowing he was a pragmatist who had to minister to real people in the world we live in. As his power increased the moral complexity of decisions he had to make increased as well.

My friends who support Bernie have many valid points to make for why he is the best candidate and legitimate criticisms of Hillary Clinton. But some of them have casually re-posted junk from Right Wing sources whose only goal is to divide and conquer.

I don’t have to be psychic to predict that the same people who claim the Pope is chugging beers with The Illuminati will declare that Hillary is the Whore of Babylon. It’s only a crackpot few who will state it in those terms, but there is a Christian majority in this country that will hear the dog whistles. And they just ‘wont trust’ Hillary.

The Providence Journal said Hillary got about 1,000 supporters though the gymnasium with a capacity of 1,200 was packed like sardines (I was there). Bernie got 7,000 at Roger Williams Park the next day, to the credit of his message and hard-working and dedicated supporters.

I am hoping that the Democratic Party will offer a unified and powerful message to voters in November. It’s a certainty that the non-rational will have a strong voice in this election. It’s not only hearts, it’s brains we will have to win.

Zen and the art of progressive politics

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chinese_character_he_peace_harmonyYou support Bernie. I support Hillary. An ancient quote attributed to Jalal al-Din Rumi goes, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”

 The deeper I travel into the chaotic and complex realm of American politics, the more I strive to practice simplicity. I suppose I am considered a progressive Democrat by most standards. My thoughts on most issues have evolved to adapt with an ever-changing world, both without and within myself. At one time I would have been called a liberal Democrat. Now, it is classified as progressive. This is just one reflection of the only constant in life that I can guarantee: impermanence.

 Yet, while the mind strives to categorize and classify and quantify, the label by which I am identified is not of particular importance any more than a maple tree cares whether or not it is called a maple tree, or whether it is called shade from the sun, or a place from which to hang a child’s swing, or one part of the forest. To cling to a belief is to ignore so many other things that are right here, right now. Reference points matter. The roots of that same tree will experience the world in a very different way than the branches. The leaves, from buds to green to red to fallen, have a very different perspective than the trunk, growing only an inch or two with every passing of another year.

 How, you are probably asking, does this have anything to do with politics? Politics, and political campaigns in particular, are often about filling people with the expectations of that in which they they believe can be delivered by a candidate, if he or she is elected, thereby altering the uncertainty and suffering of now and making tomorrow a better forever. They point to the past as proof of their qualifications and the lack thereof in their opponents. The truth, however, is that the past and the future are both escapes from this moment.

 I get angry. I want to fight to be right. Yet, to be angry with another for his or her political beliefs, when so much of what connects our ideas outweighs their differences, blinds me with my own assumption that another’s beliefs come from a place of hate, whereas mine come from a place of love. Thus, it becomes so easy to delude myself into believing that my anger is righteous and another’s is petty. In a self-defeating manner, I react angrily, foolishly expecting my righteous anger will somehow reinforce my own beliefs by changing the hearts and minds of others. It never has. I have convinced myself to expect that my perceived adversary will die when I, myself, drink poison.

 I expect. That, in itself is the root of much suffering. To feel pain is perfectly acceptable. Suffering, however, comes not from feeling pain, but expecting that right now should be any different than it is. If the candidate I support wins, then she wins. If the candidate you support wins, then he wins. But, all I can control are the ways in which I am this person, right here, right now. Regardless of the outcome of the election, it will do no good to reflect, with perfectly clear hindsight, the ways in which I was cheated, or what mistakes were made, or what I could have done differently. That is merely resentment or self-aggrandizement. I am still not going to have the power to change time. I still can only exist right here, and right now. To constantly be in the act of avoiding the moment by dwelling on what could be or what might have been, I would be, as master Joshu described, “like a ghost clinging to bushes and weeds.” Someone once told a master of zen, “I want happiness.” To which the master replied, “Remove ‘I’ and remove ‘want’ and all you are left with is happiness.”

 I can breath. I can understand that my emotions are valid and true, but, impermanent. I feel this way now. I will not feel this way until I die. I do not have to act to disconnect myself from the rest of my fellow humans by acting in such a way as to sever the ties to those with whom I share the same air, and sun, and land, and compositional stardust.

Even if people possess everything they desire, people are still unsatisfied. To desire is to dwell in the fantasies of the future and to cling to the illusions and resentments of the past, never truly being present. I enjoy politics. I do. But, what I enjoy about politics are the steps along the path. Paths can lead in different directions. They can lead to dangerous places. They can lead to wonderful, unexplored terrains. And, many paths can take different routes to arrive at the same destination. I am choosing to walk with anyone who wishes to join me on the journey. I ask only that we practice as great a compassion as possible, doing our best to abandon expectation in favor of the simple experience of the steps themselves.

 I choose to practice transmuting my passions that may otherwise tear us apart, into the right art of holding onto what connects us as progressives and as people; and not becoming a ghost, lost in resentments. I have not always been good at this. I am trying to do better. The world is flawed. Politics is flawed. Each and every one of us is flawed.

 The Buddha said, (supposedly), “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

 You support Bernie. I support Hillary. Breath. Smile. We’re okay.

Forced birth is a form of rape

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trustwomenA funny thing occurred to me on the way to the State House. Okay, it wasn’t that funny, at all. It was about abortion.

I was preparing to give testimony at the annual RI House abortion / choice exercise (hearing) last week when two facts or arguments occurred to me that happen to support my pro-choice position. The first is that a potential-father’s contribution to the mass of a fetus just before birth is miniscule, so he has no say in what the woman decides to do. The second is that forcing a woman to give birth is a form of rape.

Hear me out.

To my first point, we can see that the man’s contribution to a potential birth is about nil by looking at the science. A sperm cell weighs about 4.9 x 10^-14 lbs (mass = 22 picograms). The weight of a just pre-birth fetus averages about 7.5 lbs. So the father’s ‘part’ of the fetus versus the Mother’s part is about one in 155 trillion. Put another way, about 99.999999999999% of the fetus is from the mother. Therefore it only makes sense that the man should have little to say about anything having to do with the fetus. Note: spousal consent is no longer required nationally, but a Rhode Island state law to that effect is still on the books. Should the national ruling be overturned by the US Supreme Court, the RI law would take affect.

To my second point, that forcing a woman to give birth is a form of rape, what else can we call it? The state would be forcing a woman to create human tissue against her will. And then forcing her to expel it via the vagina. The state would force something through a woman’s vagina? Doesn’t sound too good to me; sounds like rape. Either the creation-of-tissue aspect or the expulsion part is anathema to the nation’s fundamental sense of personal freedom.

Similarly, any attempt to aid in a forced birth makes someone an accessory to rape or guilty of attempted rape. This means that any regulation or law aiding or abetting forced birth makes the state complicit in rape. For example any law requiring “informed consent” before an abortion falls into this category.

No, it really wasn’t all that funny.

Uhtime No. 3

Fear, loathing, camaraderie and solidarity with the Libertarians

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They do not know it, but they are doing it.” -Karl Marx

It is close to midnight on April 1, 2016 and I have just returned from the most vibrant Marxist gathering in Rhode Island that I have been to in years, a veritable hothouse of discussion about overcoming exploitation and the reign of terror capital inflicts on us in the hope of a better world. There were people talking about not just running but perhaps winning in elections that would shatter the duopoly system to its core.

Was I at the latest onanism session of the Trotskyites? A kiss-and-tell party of Stalinists? Maybe the Wobbly prom? No, in fact it was a Libertarian Party get-together!

Writing about libertarians breaks down into roughly two classes. You have either the antagonistic representations of the party as a bunch of dumb nativist yokels who commit unsightly acts with their mothers or the type of neoconservative Hegelianism, exemplified by Francis Fukyama and Christopher Hitchens, that says the American Revolution is the best show in town, ergo imperialism is great. The only person to my mind who even came close to ever grasping at the fact that there is something more to Libertarians was the late great Alexander Cockburn. He said in a 2002 speech:

In that sense I decided to use the Libertarian Party soiree this April Fool’s Day to float the idea of building Vote Pacts and, using my anthropological and sociological training, to develop a kind of glossary of Libertarian language to help translate their views into a grammar Marxists can understand. Yet to consider myself as an outside observer would be a fatal flaw. They were warm, well-intentioned folk who I agree with on 70% of the issues and, when you interrogate the other 30%, you realize they might actually agree with you!

But to really hash through this, we need to articulate a new understanding of class warfare, Liberalism as a philosophy, who its successors are, and why John McAfee, the obvious rock star of the Libertarian Party presidential debate that was broadcast on Fox Business News, was either high as a kite or full of piping-hot crap when he said some of the most gallingly silly things imaginable.

John McAfee has downloaded a computer virus into his brain.
John McAfee has downloaded a computer virus into his brain.

The night took place at the Brewed Awakenings Coffee House in Warwick on Bald Hill Road, a locally-owned franchised business that has as much resemblance to a house as I have to Maria Callas. Pat Ford, Party chair and self-described recovering neoconservative, reserved the business meeting room with a plasma big screen television and surround sound system that was packed to the gills. Obviously much-missed from the affair was Bob Healey, the multiple-times candidate who recently died unexpectedly.

The Libertarian Party, at least in Rhode Island, could be described as the populist party of the working poor small business owner, the guy who is either burnt out by the corporatism of the Democrats or disgusted by the cartoonish social conservatism of the Republicans. They are the types who call themselves “socially liberal and fiscally conservative”. But one can also put forward a very coherent point, based on the recent scholarship of Fredric Jameson, that the small business owner experiences their own form of exploitation due to the fact they do not actually own the means of production used in their labor.

Take for example my cobbler on Post Road in Warwick. The other day I went to get a shoe repaired and he had in his store, rather prominently displayed, a Trump t-shirt. Trump functions in the Republican realm the same way Sanders does in the Democratic realm and has absolutely terrified Wall Street because they cannot bribe him. Trump functions as the sheepdog for the Republicans in the way Sanders does the Democrats, taking votes away from a Libertarian Party that advocates for the small business owner. My cobbler may own the machine that is used to buff my shoes but, when the belt breaks on that machine, he does not own the supply factory producing the replacement belt. The exploitation he experiences from big capital is just as brutal as that of a worker in a factory making the shoes for low wages, it is just different in appearance. To own the means of production is to own the entire supply chain and network of transportation that brings the supplies from one point to another in the way a Rockefeller owned the oil wells, the drilling machinery, the railroads, and the dispensaries, ergo the equation of a small business owner with the Gilded Age capitalists is absurd. This is not to say that small businesses are incapable of abuses, they are quite prone to it, and to claim that ending their exploitation of workers through unionization is nullified would be equally absurd, particularly in regards to franchises owned by mega-corporations such as Wal-Mart and McDonalds. But it is equally absurd to deny that Marx was not concerned with tavern owners as much as with Rockefellers and that his lifetime collaborator, Engels, owned a factory in Manchester that was never the site of a notable union drive. When I talk with union activists these days, they are less inclined to unionize Ann and Hope than Wal-Mart.

The debate was moderated by John Stossel, the Ayn Rand acolyte with a populist knack and featured as candidates Gov. Gary Johnson, the obvious moderate that the Libertarians feel like they can bring to their disenchanted Republican friends as a viable alternative, Austin Petersen, the obvious conservative that the Libertarians feel like they can bring home to mom and dad, and John McAfee, the obvious liberal that the Libertarians know for certain they can bring to their drug dealer.

I found Petersen the most repulsive, perhaps due to the combination of his cocksure swagger combined with a blatant pandering to the Christian fascist element that wants to have us pledge allegiance to a crucifix draped in red, white, and blue and wanted to do nothing more than shove him in a locker and steal his lunch money.

Gary Johnson did nothing for me, particularly when he went down a utopian path saying he wanted to somehow outlaw bigotry while failing to expropriate the expropriators that are the source of chauvinism.

And John McAfee was this night’s reincarnation of Hunter S. Thompson, loaded up with hilarious stories of the open road and just as hypocritical. What disgusts me with McAfee is simple. He was apt to talk about cutting spending by abolishing various federal departments. But he did not dare talk about ending the massive handout Microsoft gets annually from the federal, state, and municipal governments for the purchase of software licenses of an operating system that has been the bane of human existence for decades. Why? Simply put, if all these governments tomorrow were to transition to a Linux freeware system, as some countries in Europe have done, that would mean these Windows users would suddenly no longer be vulnerable to viruses that have made McAfee a mint for decades. Putting it another way, McAfee does not like government freebies unless they are coming his way. I give him props for having the guts to stand up to the FBI recently and promise to help crack the all-important I-Phone without having to compromise the privacy of so many of us. But such a transparent lack of integrity is pretty stupid.

After the debate, Pat Ford introduced various luminaries in the national party and gave me the floor to explain the Vote Pact idea. A few people were slightly skeptical because Bob Healey had failed to take the Governor’s office. But I emphasized to them two things. First, it is abundantly clear that the Raimondo administration has been a warmer cooler disaster and they know very well that she lost many votes to the Cool Moose. Second, the Vote Pact relies on an old principle, basic school yard peer pressure. People were less-inclined to vote for Healey because they did not have the affirmation of a friend saying that voting for a third party was acceptable. The Vote Pact creates a kind of peer pressure that is key for this kind of (seemingly) risky decision making of going against the grain.

In my view, the Libertarians at their best are the actual successors of classical English Liberalism. Their opposition to unions and support of freedom is absolutely in line with the ideology of James and John Stuart Mill. But the reality is that they are stuck in a nineteenth century ideological time warp.

Just as the Liberals of the 1800’s, the Libertarians either do not grasp how problematic their positions actually are or they are being charlatans in the name of the banking class. Their self-proclaimed World’s Smallest Political Quiz in terms of personal issues is perfect and on economic issues could be a disaster if left to just a slogan.

091122_QuizIn terms of “corporate welfare”, that could very well mean big banks. Or it could mean Food Stamps, which is a Welfare program that is giving money to food corporations in some instances and farmers markets in others. That’s a tough nut to crack.

Privatizing Social Security is informed by the fact that retirees are subjected to economic terrorism due to political machinations around COLAs and other issues related to inflation, perhaps best represented by a report by the always-fantastic Dan McGowan. But the privatizing of the pension system in Rhode Island has not stopped terrorizing retirees, it has hurt them further. The substitution of a state-controlled trust fund that administers these benefits for high-risk, high-cost 401 (k)’s invested in hedge funds is a distinct possibility that would be created by a refusal of regulation in the market. What we need instead is perhaps a decentralization of Social Security that gives greater autonomy to state offices to administer benefits while guarding against the Wall Street effort to invest the fund in high-risk financial devices.

The replacement of government health agencies with charity was proven to be a disaster in the 1980’s by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Catholic hospitals in Greenwich Village and San Francisco refused to take in gay men and trans patients and treated their lovers and friends like garbage for fifteen years. The bravery of groups like ACT-UP was necessary because Ronald Reagan was showing the world what America without properly-funded federal agencies like the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control was truly capable of, namely apathy in the face of disaster. This issue is simple. The reality is that the First Amendment forbids mandatory association with anyone and protects people who claim their religion hinders them from helping certain parties. The only thing that protects the marginalized from further marginalization is the law. One needs only look to the writings of Michel Foucault to understand how ostracism of the sick happens.

The idea of cutting taxes and government spending by 50% or more sounds like a great start to an anti-imperialist position to me. We know that the Pentagon, the greatest recipient of taxpayer-funded freebies, ate up 54% of the discretionary spending budget in 2015 while veterans got 6%. Liberal anti-imperialism is not a new thing either, this country used to be the home of a gigantic and quite Liberal Anti-Imperialist League that featured everyone from Jane Adams to Mark Twain to Andrew Carnegie. The Libertarians are still holding true to this, hence the isolationism of Justin Raimondo at AntiWar.com and the recent pivot into isolationism by Donald Trump.

discretionary_spending_pie,_2015_enactedNow this is not to say I have delusions of perfection with the Libertarians either. I think their inability to shake off the racists stems back to their inability to understand what guns mean to black and brown people. For whites, it is all about safety and security. But the machismo of American gun culture, from what I am told by my African friends, does not bring to mind the pioneer spirit, it reminds them of the Fugitive Slave Act that deputized automatically all white men as agents of the state to recapture and return escaped Africans under penalty of law to the South. That is a major stumbling block the Libertarians need to overcome somehow.

After the debate, a guy was kind enough to give me a ride home. Over the night, we had talked about a variety of topics and he was amazed to find out that I am in favor of a variety of ideas he agrees with, including decentralization. He said he learned a lot from me and wanted to keep in touch. Then he told me the one that really blew my mind, saying that when I was explaining the Vote Pact thing I should have really laid into the corporations and corporate welfare, something I had chosen not to do so to keep the crowd with me.

Say what? Doth mine ears decieveth me or did I just hear one of the most coherent arguments for anti-capitalism made by one of the irredeemable heretics that the Left has been pigeonholing and antagonizing for years? The work of writers like Dr. Gary Chartier, endorsed wholeheartedly by the late Cockburn, is indicative of a logic informing this.

Another world is possible…


Event: Ambassador Chas Freeman on the end of the American Empire

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Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr.
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr.

Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. will present a talk titled “The End of the American Empire:  Foreign Policy without Diplomacy” at The Barrington Congregational Church, Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 7:30 PM at 461 County Rd, Barrington, RI.

Ambassador Freeman is a businessman, author and senior fellow at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.  An American diplomat, he was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from 1993-94 and honored for his roles in designing a NATO-centered post-Cold War European security system and in reestablishing defense and military relations with China. He served as U. S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 1992 and was principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during the historic U.S. mediation of Namibian independence from South Africa and Cuban troop withdrawal from Angola.

Ambassador Freeman is the author of two books on U.S. foreign policy, two on statecraft and was the editor of the Encyclopaedia Britannica entry on “diplomacy.”  After his retirement from government, he served concurrently as co-chair of the United States China Policy Foundation, president of the Middle East Policy Council, and vice chair of the Atlantic Council of the United States. He is a sought-after speaker on a wide variety of foreign policy issues.

The program is sponsored by East Bay Citizens for Peace, the Mission and Justice Ministry of the Barrington Congregational Church UCC and American Friends Service Committee – South East New England.  It is free and open to the public.

East Bay Citizens for Peace is a grassroots organization committed to peaceful solutions to conflict, and social and economic justice through open, respectful dialogue. For more information contact 401-247-9738, info@eastbaycitizens4peace.org or www.eastbaycitizens4peace.org

[From a press release]

You do realize Rhode Island is a social democracy, right?

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socialist-internationalPerhaps God, in a clever bid to tell me He exists despite my secularism, deemed in his Almighty wisdom to hit me with a cruel double-whammy this past weekend by putting a NCAA tournament downtown, making thousands say in unison how much they love Providence, while in the midst of a presidential primary that suddenly has New Deal Liberals saying they are Socialists.

The lines of Jonathan Edwards, the ghastly Puritan preacher who scared the bejesus out of a generation with his 1741 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, seem like they were written just for me! There is no want of power in God to cast wicked men into hell at any moment. Men’s hands cannot be strong when God rises up. The strongest have no power to resist him, nor can any deliver out of his hands.-He is not only able to cast wicked men into hell, but he can most easily do it. 

Oh the joys of being young and in La Prov!


Let’s just start with a basic fact, just what exactly is the Democratic Socialists of America?

As I have written elsewhere, the DSA was created in 1982 from the remains of several defunct socialist parties, including the one of Eugene V. Debs and Norman Thomas. But when Michael Harrington and Irving Howe got to it, they tried a new approach, instead of running candidates they decided they would use an Old Left tactic of entryism, suggesting that the surviving Old and New Lefties from the previous five decades enroll en masse in the Democratic Party and push it Leftwards in the face of the neoliberal behemoth called Reaganism.

This strategy was a total failure for two reasons. First, Harrington and Howe had no grasp of neoliberalism as a bipartisan project and how the Democrats were selling their longtime union worker base out in the name of Wall Street donors, with Harrington being so naive he once said that the Democratic Party was the labor party the Left had been looking for all along. Yeah, okay, whatever, just like the Dunkin’ Donuts Center is the punk rock spot par excellence we have been looking for since Fort Thunder closed.


Second, and more importantly, they were a little full of themselves as typical members of the trendy Manhattan cocktail party class of intellectuals who were not in the tradition of Debs as much as the British Fabian Society, the proto-think tank made up of bourgeois intellectuals who used the Labour Party as a release valve for populist angst by creating a set of policies and positions that gave the working class a steady diet of welfare state protections in exchange for the rejection of revolutionary politics that would give a feast by nationalizing the means of production.

Another issue was their longtime anti-Communism, Howe was a former Trotskyite turned Labor Zionist while Harrington had infamously blown his chances of creating a political party to coincide with the social protests of the 1960’s by showing up at the drafting of the Port Huron Statement, the manifesto of the radical Students for a Democratic Society, so to hector and lecture the anti-war movement about a totalitarian Stalinist boogeyman they would be giving comfort to by standing in solidarity with the Soviet-aligned North Vietnamese. Harrington was such a square it took him until well into the 1970’s to come out against the war, something that takes real talent when you consider Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Walter Cronkite, all non-Communists, were anti-war before he was. What has passed for a Democratic Socialist party in this country for over three decades is a pale farce of what Debs was about and is essentially a Left-sounding caucus of the Democrats, not unlike the Progressive Democrats, and really should be called Democratic socialists of America, with a heavy emphasis on that D and a small letter s.

Now that we understand the reality of that mirage, consider the nature of the social contract that came into existence at the end of World War II.

Historians are now putting forward a new way of talking about the war that is extremely useful for these purposes. What happened was not a four year conflagration as much as a Second Thirty Years War, a European Civil War that began in 1917 with the Bolshevik revolution and ended in 1948 with the consolidation Eastern Bloc. On one side you had the Communists trying to initiate a worldwide revolution and on the other you had Fascism, the most vocal and militaristic form of reaction to what Gramsci called the revolution against capital. At first this anti-Communist effort was a series of isolated battles on various fronts. But when the stock market crashed and what was called “liberal” or alternatively “bourgeois” democracy stopped working effectively as a system to take care of its people, the entire world began to look for answers in the extreme Left of Communism or the extreme Right of Fascism. What followed over the next nineteen years was open combat between these two sides. And when the Nazis opened fronts in the East and West, the underground partisan resistance movement, led by Communists, fought back in a popular front with socialists and liberals.

But after the war, the Allied powers decided to turn their backs on Stalin and the country that had the most military and civilian losses of anyone. Part of this in Western Europe included the embrace of the Labour and Socialist Parties in the West by the ruling class while throwing the Communist partisans under the bus, who created a welfare state to stave off open class warfare, and part of it included the beginning of a Cold War.

America is a fascinating example of how this should have worked. At the time, the Communist Party was led by Earl Browder, who urged his membership to stay true to the no-strike clause during wartime and vote for FDR. With the end of the war, anticipating a peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union that would have the two superpowers cooperating in a worldwide peace under the auspices of the United Nations, he dissolved the Party and created the Communist Political Association from the infrastructure, hoping to serve as a Left pressure group within the two party system. Part of the reason this happened was because he had no idea Franklin Roosevelt was about to drop dead and be replaced with the anti-Communist Harry Truman and part of it was because he was egotistical enough to think he actually was able to make an impact on social policy and governance.

However, this episode does serve as an insight. The American social contract was supposed to be based within the two party system and the CIO unions, organized by Communists, were meant to serve as the arbiters of the social safety net. There never was, under this vision, any place for a third party, particularly a Social Democratic one, instead the unions were meant to play that role. One can see another marker of this by looking at Dwight Eisenhower’s rebuke of the anti-labor elements of the GOP, exemplified by Joseph McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, and Robert A. Taft.



And in that sense, one should see Rhode Island as the perfect example of this. Is it corrupt? Yes. Is it prone to ethnic and sexual chauvinism? Yes. Are its unions that political punching bag politicians use and abuse except for when it serves their own ends? Yes. Is the ruling party that has been in majority for decades a mess? You bet.

But so is the social democratic system in Europe, especially Scandinavia!

Take a look at the writings of Stieg Larsson, creator of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. His vision is the reality that Bernie Sanders idealizes, a land of blatant misogyny and covert neo-Nazism that is falling apart. Or just look at Tony Blair, who turned the Labour Party into a corporate boot-licker after they had ousted the militant Trots from the party in the previous few decades. Or check out the amazing film CONCERNING VIOLENCE, now available on Netflix, which shows some of our blessed Scandinavians busting a labor union in a Liberian mine and kicking the organizers out of their company-owned homes, literally leaving them in the dark on the side of the road. Neoliberalism has turned the social democratic project into a shambling mess. In response, Europe is in the grip of a genuine Fascist renaissance that makes Trump look moderate.

Now consider the idea of a basic income. Daniel Zamora, author of a recent critique of Michel Foucault’s embrace of neoliberalism, has this to say in an interview with Jacobin:

[M]y research on this issue led me to think about how over the past forty years we’ve gone from a politics aimed at combatting inequality, grounded in social security, to a politics aiming to combat poverty, increasingly organized around specific budget allocations and targeted populations.
But going from one objective to the other completely transforms the conception of social justice. Combatting inequalities (and seeking to reduce absolute disparities) is very different from combating poverty (and seeking to offer a minimum to the most disadvantaged). Carrying out this little revolution required years of work delegitimizing social security and the institutions of the working class

[H]e not only challenged social security, he was also seduced by the alternative of the negative income tax proposed by Milton Friedman in that period. To his mind, the mechanisms of social assistance and social insurance, which he put on the same plane as the prison, the barracks, or the school, were indispensable institutions “for the exercise of power in modern societies.”…

Given the many defects of the classical social security system, Foucault was interested in replacing it with a negative income tax. The idea is relatively simple: the state pays a benefit to anyone who finds themselves below a certain level of income. The goal is to arrange things so that without needing much administration, no one will find themselves below the minimum level… An important argument runs through his work and directly attracted Foucault’s attention: in the spirit of Friedman, it draws a distinction between a policy that seeks equality (socialism) and a policy that simply aims to eliminate poverty without challenging disparities (liberalism).

For Stoléru, I’m quoting, “doctrines. . . can lead us either to a policy aiming to eliminate poverty, or to a policy seeking to limit the gap between rich and poor.” That’s what he calls “the frontier between absolute poverty and relative poverty.” The first refers simply to an arbitrarily determined level (which the negative income tax addresses) and the other to overall disparities between individuals (which social security and the welfare state address).

In Stoléru’s eyes, “the market economy is capable of assimilating actions to combat absolute poverty” but “it is incapable of digesting overly strong remedies against relative poverty.” That’s why, he argues, “I believe the distinction between absolute poverty and relative poverty is in fact the distinction between capitalism and socialism.” So, what’s at stake in moving from one to the other is a political issue: acceptance of capitalism as the dominant economic form, or not.

From that point of view, Foucault’s barely masked enthusiasm for Stoléru’s proposal was part of a larger movement that went along with the decline of the egalitarian philosophy of social security in favor of a very free-market-oriented fight against “poverty.” In other words, and as surprising as it may seem, the fight against poverty, far from limiting the effects of neoliberal policies, has in reality militated for its political hegemony.

So it’s not surprising to see the world’s largest fortunes, like those of Bill Gates or George Soros, engaging in this fight against poverty even while supporting, without any apparent contradiction, the liberalization of public services, the destruction of all these mechanisms of wealth redistribution, and the “virtues” of neoliberalism.

Combatting poverty thus permits the inclusion of social questions on the political agenda without having to fight against inequality and the structural mechanisms that produce it. So this evolution has been part and parcel of neoliberalism. [Emphasis added]

Zamora elaborates in another interview:

First, it is impossible to create a generous version of universal basic income without cutting social spending. For example, consider a simple mathematical formulation for a basic income scheme: only 1,000 dollars for Americans 18 years old and above. Obviously, you can’t choose “not to work” with only 1,000 dollars per month if you want a decent life for you and your family. So this would essentially becomes a government subsidy for low-wage industries. The reality is that a version of UBI in which you could choose not to work couldn’t ever happen under capitalism, it would be too expensive.

Look, this basic scheme of 1,000 dollars would cost more than 2.7 trillion dollars a year. The total federal budget for social security, Medicaid, Medicare and all the means-tested programs is about 2.3 trillion dollars. So if you supply a universal basic income by replacing all those programs, you get a massive privatization of the public good. All the money that was hitherto socialized to give social rights will be therefore privatized.

We give people money rather than rights because, of course, as Milton Friedman would say, ‘they know how to use their money better than the state.’ This demise of the idea of public good itself or of socialized wealth for the common good cannot, in my view, ever lead to social progress. Obviously we could say that we should finance UBI by new, very high taxes on income, so we could have both social security and basic income. But the amount of income tax increase needed to finance this scheme would be very high. So why not use that money for free health care, free education, and public housing instead? Rather than expanding the market – rather than giving more people the “chance” to participate in it with basic income – let’s instead get some of the most important things in our lives out of the market.

Second, as Seth Ackerman has pointed out, UBI does not address the problem of the unequal distribution of work. Indeed, unemployment or “Mcjobs” are not randomly assigned but are distributed in a very unequal way. For argument’s sake, let’s say that we did have a UBI that could enable you to choose not to work and still have a decent quality of life at the same time (which is very unlikely). This could be a game-changer but it still assumes that those who are unemployed actually don’t want to work or would be happy not to work. And what if they do want to work? Why would it be fair that some won’t be able to work and others will? The idea that we should address the question of unemployment by reducing the demand for work rather than working for full employment doesn’t offer a solution to why people want to work. It presupposes that the despair the unemployed feel is just false consciousness that we could mitigate by promoting non-work. But I think it’s a weak explanation of what is at stake with the question of work. As Seth Ackerman argues, “so long as social reproduction requires alienated work, there will always be this social demand for the equal liability of all to work, and an uneasy consciousness of it among those who could work but who, for whatever reason, don’t.”

That is why I think full employment and reducing work-time are still, in my view, the most important objectives for any left politics. Collectively reducing work time is both politically and socially more preferable than creating a segment of citizens who are out of work with heavy consequences for the workers. You can immediately see how this idea would foster divisions within the working class (and how it has already done this over the last thirty years). [Emphasis added]

The question then becomes simple, why has this happened? The answer is simpler, because Social Democracy is not Communism. In the name of a bourgeois notion of electoral democracy, capital is allowed to ransack the society and bankers are able to get away with a good deal. Whatever the flaws of Communism, and there are many, it is an effort that criminalizes this behavior and places genuine emphasis on the well being of the people. If Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs were in a Communist country and committed the crimes he did to cause the 2008 crash, I am not saying he would have been shot for that (although he would have been), I am saying he would have never dared even thinking of that heist because of the likelihood of the death penalty he would face. When you read in the newspapers about a Chinese citizen being shot, if you look behind the headlines you understand the New York Times does not care about “human rights abuses”, they care about the financial firms that advertise with them! As Chris Hedges pointed about his former employer several years ago, the burden of guilt for the 2008 crash should be placed at the feet of the Times, they could have easily gone to the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Harlem to find black and brown people who were being targeted by predatory lenders that were gaming the system and causing the housing bubble. But that would have been quite inconvenient for their precious advertisers.

As a corollary of this thought experiment, let’s really interrogate the whole idea of how awesome the Scandinavians are about banking. This talking point is based around the fact that Iceland prosecuted their bankers for the 2008 crash and we should too.

In theory, that is a statement that is common sense. But the converse of this talking point, why did they need to do so in the first place, suggests a pretty dire diagnosis of their Social Democratic party. Now it is true that in 2000, when the financial sector in Iceland was deregulated, the country was under the leadership of Davíð Oddsson, a Prime Minister from the neoliberal Independence Party that was in charge from 1991 to 2004 and who later went on to chair the board of governors at the Central Bank of Iceland from 2005-2009, two positions that tilled the soil for the seeds of the crash. And from late 2004 until February 2009, just after the crash, the successive Prime Ministers, Halldór Ásgrímsson and Geir Haarde, were neoliberals. But the fact that Iceland’s political system was able to allow such a blatant and lunatic set of political positions is the problem that has always existed in Social Democratic societies, there is always wiggle room for this kind of greed. The only reason Iceland prosecuted their bankers was because of massive protests in the streets from the people calling for blood. These protests led to the election of Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, who only came to power because of an alliance with feminist and communist groups called Social Democratic Alliance. And even then, after four years, the neoliberal Progressive Party returned to power under Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. The Progressive Party in turn is part of a neoliberal international grouping, the Liberal International, whose membership includes the Colombian Social Party of National Unity, currently in leadership, which is being cited for US-backed human rights abuses that are causing conditions akin to a civil war. That Scandinavians would find any kind of unity with such agents of imperialism and racism is the ultimate and damning failure of their hallowed state system.

The recent financial pitfalls of Rhode Island, particularly the pension heist operated by Gina Raimondo and the Democrats, are shot-for-shot equivalents to the Social Democratic counterparts in Europe. Meanwhile, the socialist revolution everyone should be hot and bothered over is going on in the Global South. Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Bolivia, Brazil, and South Africa, aligned with that boogeyman Vladimir Putin in Russia, are trying to build a real alternative to capitalism, a genuine social democracy that is able to stand up to imperialism. China is asserting itself while rebuilding its political culture around Marxism Leninism and sending funding to these countries. And what does Bernie the Great Helmsman say? Remember when he called Chavez a dictator and voted for sanctions on Cuba?

What Bernie Sanders does is not revolutionary, it is reactionary. Like Jesse Jackson, Dennis Kucinich, or Howard Dean, he gets the people who participate in direct action politics, protesters and rabble-rousers, to get hyped up behind a great-sounding candidate who the banking class would never allow near the levers of power. Then, after a year of the masses getting hyped up over the candidate, the convention comes and they gracefully endorse the real contender. Meanwhile, the ACTUAL socialist party in this country, the Green Party, has barely made the news cycle. When you understand that the banks rule the country no matter what, the different faces in the White House become meaningless. Bruce Dixon of Black Agenda Radio calls this the “sheep dog” candidacy because Sanders has diverted attention and corralled the rabble.

Want further proof? Jill Stein recently has been telling the press that her campaign has tried to build a coalition with Sanders to no avail. Meanwhile, Trump, who we know had an all-important telephone call with Bill Clinton prior to announcing his candidacy wherein Bubba told him that the Donald might have a genuine shot, is so awful he makes Hillary Clinton seem like the candidate we must now vote for to stave off the apocalypse.

The irony, of course, is that the Clintons are soaked in gallons of blood caused by racist incitement in the Global South. The idea that she is somehow “better” than Trump for any minority population is vomitous and laughable at the same time. Her actions as Secretary of State alone would have resulted in her being hung at the Nuremburg war crimes trials and have the entire Democratic Party, including Langevin, Cicilline, Whitehouse, and especially Reed, spending the rest of their lives in a prison cell they instead would prefer to put Edward Snowden into. When Bill Clinton was in office, she was a major collaborator with a series of war crimes so outrageous that Hitler would beg for moderation. Just read Diana Johnstone’s Queen of Chaos for more details.

I honestly do not have much hope for this “movement” after the Berning down of this candidacy. The logic of Marxism that informs both Social Democrats and Communists is one which sees capitalism as a series of deepening contradictions that leads to eventual collapse. This new President Clinton could very well get us into a war with Iran or even, after all these decades, Russia. The events in Ukraine and Syria are an augury of a wider conflict. Wars happen when the capitalist system needs a recovery and so it gets a boost from the weapons sector. Just look at World War II and Vietnam, both of them were able to save the American economy from decline. America needs a big old-fashioned war to pull us out of this mess.

At this point, the only hope I see for Sanders is to become Jill Stein’s Vice President. The current media narrative is one showing he will have a new burst of energy in these coming primaries, but this arc is an old and tired one that follows the sheep dog arc precisely. He will continue to lose the important black vote in the south, the most Left constituency of the wider party, and labor will endorse Clinton because Sanders failed to build a constituency in these key demographics prior to announcing his candidacy, which is pretty awful for someone who calls himself a socialist. If he fails to build a united front from below with the Greens, which I anticipate he will, then it is all over.


Bill Deware to challenge Rep O’Brien in District 54

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Bill Deware
Bill Deware

Bill Deware has announced his candidacy for state representative today for House District 54 – North Providence. He will be challenging incumbent William O’Brien in the Democratic Primary. O’Brien won his seat in 2012 in a three-way race with just over 40 percent of the vote. He ran unopposed in 2014. Deware has issued the following press release:

“I have raised my family right here in North Providence, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather live,” said Deware, who works as a radiographer at Rhode Island Hospital and leads the Rhode Island Society of Radiologic Technologists. “I’m running for State Representative because our district needs someone to stand up for our community.  I decided that it was time someone was willing to stand up for us.  It was time someone ran to help the people of this neighborhood rather than himself.  I promise I’ll be an independent voice that fights for what the community needs–not for the people who have been running our state into the ground.”

Deware listed his representative’s unresponsiveness as central in his decision to run. “When my daughter, Adrianna, was born, the doctors told my wife and me that she had Down Syndrome as well as multiple physical disabilities.  Later we learned she also was autistic.  I love my daughter, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.  However, I quickly realized that her life would be very different, and I would have to fight for her every step along the way.  Like most parents in our situation we quickly became experts on the programs that were necessary for my daughter and became much more involved in the community.  When I heard that cuts were coming down on those programs and on my daughter, I did what I had always been told to do, I called my representative looking for help.  At first his state email didn’t work, then no one would pick up the phone.  Next I did finally get a response but it was just a text giving me another email address to send my “complaint” to.  I sent an email pleading for help.  I’m still waiting for a response.  I reached out for an ally, someone to help protect my daughter, instead I found someone who couldn’t be bothered to return my phone calls. ”

This experience, Deware says was just the final straw. “This isn’t acceptable. This isn’t okay.  It horrifies me that we apparently have money in the budget to give the rich another round of tax cuts but people like my daughter are “too expensive”. My mother’s pension is okay to slash, but God forbid if we question a handout for a corporation.  Our schools are crumbling, our taxes are going up, and our jobs are disappearing.  We have to do something!”

Deware feels his current representative is just a part of the problem.  “My representative seems to care more about those at the state house than those in our neighborhood.  It shouldn’t be this hard to just get a response.  I decided that it was time someone was willing to stand up for us.  It was time someone ran to help the people of this neighborhood, rather than himself.”

Deware’s announcement was widely welcomed across the neighborhood.  Lenny Cioe, who has lived in the area for many years, said, “I’ve known Bill for a long time and he has always been a straight guy. When he sees something wrong he just goes out there and fixes it. I have no doubt he is going to do great things for the district.”

Danielle Delaney, longtime community member, is also excited.  “We need change,” she said. “I don’t feel like the guys at the statehouse are fighting for us.  Bill is honest.  If he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.”

Deware lives off of Hatherly St in North Providence with his wife, Tiffany, and three children.  He graduated from URI, works as an X-Ray tech at Rhode Island Hospital, is head of the local non profit Rhode Island Society of Radiologic Technologists, and is a former Vice President of UNAP Local 5098.


Sam Husseini explains why you should create a Vote Pact

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001-0913144904-votepactThe unexpected successes of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have demonstrated that the two-party duopoly is loathed by a large section of the American public regardless of ideological tendency. The corruption of the system is made manifest these days in the discussion of how the super delegate system of the Democratic and brokered convention plans of the Republican Parties will end both insurgent candidacies. Consider this analysis from Paul Street:

Just looked at the Michigan primary exit polls and the generational divide is just incredible. Among 18-29 year olds, Sanders beat Hillary 81% to 19%. Among 30 to 44 year olds, it was Sanders 53% over HRC 42%. Get to middle aged and Hillary wins. Among 45-64 year olds, Hillary triumphed 57% to 41% for Sanders. Among folks 65 and up, it was Hillary 69% v. Bernie 30%. Maybe the Dems should weight the primary vote towards those who are mostly likely to still be alive in 2040 and 2050. My sense is that it’s the same generational story in other states. That’s certainly how it seemed in Iowa. I attended two Caucuses in Iowa City. The more white-haired and affluent one (Precinct 1) split right down the middle. The much younger and less affluent one (17) was just a rout for Sanders, like 7 to 1. Wasn’t even close.

But what do you do when your candidate is cut from the race and is not willing to run a third party ticket?

Enter Sam Husseini, the muck-raking journalist who has created the idea of Vote Pact!

This genius notion has been something he has been championing for several decades and is a way towards real electoral politics reform that does not require the pipe dream of joining one of the mainstream parties and shifting it away from corruption, the basic thesis of first Michael Harrington’s Democratic Socialists of America and now the Progressive Democrats.

The way this works is that you find a friend who is your political opposite but still your friend and pledge to each other to vote for different third party candidates.

Husseini recently sat down with me for an interview that we hope to share with friends in the mainstream media by providing links to the file on Internet Archive by clicking here.

Take as example myself and Pat Ford over at The Coalition Radio Show. We are basically on the same page with every imaginable social issue (LGBTQQI rights, abortion, sex workers, drug decriminalization) but have a respectful disagreement on economic issues, Pat is a Libertarian and I am a Socialist/Communist of the unaffiliated variety. Even if we disagree on those issues, which have a great level of difference, we both loathe the Democrats and the Republicans in this state and the wider nation. So we both have said we want to form a Vote Pact. I am going to vote for my Green Party candidate and Pat will vote for his Libertarian Party candidate. This is not to say that either of our votes are going to push our third party candidates to victory this year. But the loss of votes for the duopoly is far more threatening in the long run than trying to reform the Democrats and Republicans from within, a strategy that has failed again and again for literally decades.

So begin to think about not the people you agree with but disagree with. Invert the effort to persuade them to vote for your third party candidate and instead persuade them to choose their third party candidate. Make a Vote Pact (or if possible, multiple ones). And consider these results that are possible.

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I am enthusiastic about this idea for two reasons.

First, I think Rhode Island is the perfect test case for such an experiment, the duopoly has come to its absolute maturation (or perhaps fermentation is the better word), creating a one-party state of absolute lunacy wherein the Democrats act like the GOP and the Republicans act like village idiots. This means that changing the status quo is dependent solely on third parties upsetting the apple cart, otherwise the entryist reformers that think they can shift their party from the inside are absolutely guaranteed failure.

But secondly, and more importantly, it would potentially be an augury for the rest of the nation. Rhode Island has always been a petri dish for neoliberal experimentation and policy testing. If it plays in Providence, it then gets a showing in Boston, New York, and Washington before being rolled out in the wider nation. So after years of being subjected to social engineering by neoliberal Democrats to show the rest of America just how awful you can be to the constituency and still get re-elected, why not use the inversion of that same logic to strike back at them where it really hurts?

Looking at the results of the primaries and caucuses this year, it is obvious this effort has a potential constituency on a massive scale that will not be easily undone. The Democrats are in a very public state of total shock because of the Sanders candidacy and wish they could figure out how to smother it. Meanwhile, the Republicans are in the exact same mess because of Trump. This is the best time to build Vote Pacts with people and strike back at the empire.


City Year, Teach for America, and the neoliberalization of education

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For over two decades, City Year has operated out of an office in Providence located behind City Hall. This location is no mere accident, there is a symbolic relationship between the two which directly impacts the education of Providence public school students. The nonprofit has become a unique instance where politicians on both side of the aisle can agree on certain steps to take with regards to public education. However, this cross-partisan bridge is not necessarily symbolic of a healthy trend, it in fact defines a consensus point between the two major political parties that has dire consequences for both students and the unionized teacher movement. But in order to grasp this relationship, there is a deeper issue to account for, the creeping toll of neoclassical economics and neoliberalism.

cityyear_360_311City Year was founded in 1988 by Harvard Law School room mates Michael Brown and Alan Khazei. Their original vision was to create a young adult organization that would function as a kind of domestic Peace Corps and that bore some resemblance to the New Deal Civilian Conservation Corps. In the first few years, the program, based out of Boston, was a halting success, mainly involved in a series of public works and betterment efforts that were well-intentioned but did not make the gigantic impacts in the original dreams of the founders. There were also typical start-up problems every non-profit faces when its volunteers are in that age bracket, such as absenteeism/tardiness and poor behavior. They began with after-school programs, a weekend youth group called Young Heroes, and literacy tutoring, as well as the foundation of AmeriCorps, based on the City Year model. That all changed in 2010 when the organization, now in multiple cities across the nation, adopted a full-time school-based program, focused on student attendance, behavior, and course performance. However, underneath the red jackets, their laid a set of steps that played right into the hands of the neoliberal policy agenda.

When I graduated Rhode Island College in 2009, I was facing a lack of job prospects and no medical coverage to pay for a variety of prescription drugs that I take for several chronic illnesses. City Year appealed to me for several reasons. First, as an Eagle Scout, I have an inclination towards voluntary service. Second, City Year provided full health insurance. Third, those who graduate the program are eligible for the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award, which I used to pay off one of my student loans. As a member, I was part of the Young Heroes team. During the week, we would run after school programming at Bridgham Middle School, which is on a side street between Broadway and Westminster Street in Providence adjacent to the entrance to Olneyville. After the New Year, we took up the youth program on Saturdays, hosting hundreds of youth as we ran a variety of activity modules intended to promote better citizenship.

For pay, we were given a stipend of less than $1,000 per month. I lived at home to save on room and board, but my fellow Corps members, who came from across the country, were encouraged to get Food Stamps and budget wisely. The argument for this does have a Francis of Assisi-like quality, encouraging one to live with the means of those one serves, but there remains a simple question, why would then-Mayor David Cicilline spend all this money to host a City Year organization instead of just hiring more teachers? Should a Democratic Party-majority municipality with a major education infrastructure problem be sending funds to a non-profit or invest it in upgrading the schools? Was it not John Maynard Keynes who said that, especially in a recession akin to ours in 2009, the way to get out of the slump is to increase public spending and hiring of good-paying, unionized public workers?

The Democrats have long supported neoliberal agenda in regard to education. Figures like Cory Booker and Arne Duncan, considered superstars in the mainstream, have been major proponents of the charter school movement and war on teacher unions. Since Vincent “Buddy” Cianci left the Mayor’s office, there have only been Democrats elected to power, yet the roll-out of charter schools and so called “education reform” policies like Common Core, standardized testing, and teacher evaluations are unchallenged. It is easy for the media to demonize certain figures, such as former Education Commissioner Deborah Gist, but it is unheard of to see neoliberalism discussed within the pages of the Providence Journal.

One of the elements of City Year I found most problematic was its so-called ‘Culture of Idealism’. It consists of a hodgepodge collection of parables, sayings, and directives that are meant to inspire the Corps. This problematic because it throws together a variety of historic personages from radically different socio-political backgrounds and outlooks in the name of this thing called ‘idealism’. Is it appropriate to quote first the anti-choice Mother Theresa and then Nelson Mandela, who legalized abortion in South Africa following his election? Would Martin Luther King, Jr., who died in the midst of developing a democratic socialist outlook meant to challenge the poverty inherent in racism and capitalism, enjoy being lumped together with the same Red-baiting Robert Kennedy that bugged his hotel rooms and phones?

Who cares? Idealism!

There is a long history of genuine education reform in the art of teaching. For example, it was the Brazilian Paolo Freire’s 1968 Pedagogy of The Oppressed that radically redefined the teacher-student dynamic and challenged basic institutional assumptions about learning, kicking off what has come to be known as the critical pedagogy movement. Freire utilized the Marxist analysis of colonialism and combined it with his own observations about how students are treated as piggy-bank-like vessels to be filled with knowledge. He said instead that the teachers must collaborate with the pupil to create knowledge, derived from the model of education proscribed by John Dewey. However, with City Year, there is no engagement with this kind of logic. Instead, there is re-enforcement of Common Core and other principles that are actually contributing to the drop-out crisis. The organization claims they want to plug the school-to-prison pipeline, but they traffic in material and philosophy which accomplishes the opposite.

This can be attributed to the fact that the people in charge of City Year Providence and the wider organization are not educators. The Board does include a few people with some experience in education, but what business does Andrew Viens of Bain Capital or Andrew Capalbo of Locke and Lord law firm have in education?

The training I received in 2009 has since changed, so things are different today. When I was there, there was a transition in process and there were members at the highest level who were creating new ideas. However, the simple fact remains that collaboration in the neoliberal agenda continues. There is no evidence of interest in Freire’s ideas, just white papers explaining how to implement Common Core better.

Furthermore,  City Year also participates in other neoliberal education trends that are much more problematic. For example, they place alumni in the union-bashing Brooke Charter Schools, which are intended to field-train teachers without proper education in college. When I was exiting the Corps, one option for alumni was the likewise union-busting Teach for America organization. A recent report by Glen Ford at Black Agenda Report explains the major deficiencies in the Teach for America program. The report begins at 24:46 in the broadcast and can be heard by clicking here.

The war on public education includes union busting but also the destruction of teacher tenure. This is because, even if you are protected by a union, you can still have your position phased out. Why? This gets to the very core of being a teacher: As highly-educated working people, they have the capacity, skill set, and oftentimes drive to be community leaders, figures that can and often do fight for equality.

Consider this thought experiment:

Let us suggest that perhaps you have a Social Studies teacher in a middle school. As part of a yearlong assignment, the class is asked to do a news analysis assignment wherein they track a recurring set of stories about a politician who is quite close to the charter school industrial complex. Suddenly, on the occasion when the charters get a huge pile of money to open new locations while the public schools are in shambles, the students read the writing on the wall and understand the systemic failure. They begin talking about holding walkouts, protests, sit-ins, all sorts of direct actions. These kids, in the midst of hormonal upsurge, need a teacher to guide them through direct action politics, help them understand what it means to make demands, and how to gauge results as either success or failure. In short, they need a teacher, protected by tenure, who can speak truth to power.

Things were further complicated by ethical challenges I faced when I was in City Year. When we did outdoor service, work that should have rightfully been done by properly-trained and paid Providence city employees, we were given zero instruction about equipment safety.

There are now 27 City Year locations across the country. I did a brief cross-section of these locations with locations cited in a 2013 article by In These Times that named five cities in the midst of a neoliberal takeover. Several of them also have City Year programs in their states and are the homes of prominent education deformers like Arne Duncan, Bill Strickland, Eric Hanushek, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Michelle Rhee..

The question now becomes a simple one, can City Year shed its neoliberal tendencies and become an agent for positive change? That is a difficult question. The idea that individuals untrained in the pedagogical methods can jump in and out of a troubled school district and affect students positively within the course of a school year is problematic at best. Serious re-calibration of their training modules with accredited institutes of higher education, such as Rhode Island College, to create certified teacher’s aides is the most tenable solution that comes to mind. Currently one can gain certification to become a TA after 18 hours of training with an accredited organization and passing the ParaPro test if one does not hold a college degree. In the place of City Year, Providence could be hiring qualified TAs with ease.

The only problem is the TAs are unionized and receive benefits and pension for their work, something Corps Members do not get from their service. And just to be clear, I would not want to make it seem like I am bashing anyone, a systemic critique in the Marxist vein I aim for is instead based around a political economy of structural nuances. The people who join City Year have the best of intentions and should be highly respected for this effort. But, to borrow from the logic of Slavoj Zizek, the ideological matrix is such that they do not know that they are actually contributing to a status quo of education failure.

But this would also require a much higher standard for applicants and tougher screening. It would also behoove the organization to become more integrated with the American Federation of Teachers and other labor organizations. Of course, that would also risk the Corps members trying to unionize for better pay, especially now that free healthcare is the law and not a membership perk. This is a difficult matter, but I imagine some idealism will help them figure it out.


Another World Is Possible: Police and Prisons

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This year Rhode Island’s Future is going to host a fortnightly column called Another World Is Possible. Using the popular socialist slogan as our guide, we are going to create twelve articles that deliver an in-depth description of what a socialist world would look like. There are plenty of writings on the internet that explain all sorts of theoretical positions on any variety of socialism, but we want to go to the next level and suggest the laws and social practices that can and should be enacted to bring the Ocean State to that point within our lifetimes.


This year has seen an upsurge of angst in the public sphere surrounding the police. Whether discussing overt police violence (the militarization of the force, the prison-industrial complex, ethnic profiling) or covert violence (the revelations about domestic spying by the NSA via the internet), we are seeing a fantastic debate that has not existed in the mainstream for a generation.

I want to begin this essay with first a rebuttal to the classical liberal/libertarian-capitalist critique of the police, a discussion which I find to be logically deficient in a key aspect. Then I want to offer a discussion of what an alternative would be in a socialist world. I chose to deal with this topic as my opening discussion so to both identify a key point in our society in need of radical reformation while also negating any accusations of Utopian fantasia at the outset.

The typical liberal/libertarian-capitalist critique of the police has always been one based around notions of autonomy and liberty. There are certain Libertarian Party members today who are fantastic in civil rights issues and have great stances on rejection of racism, sexism, and homophobia. They link the rejection of the police to these struggles and will say police target minorities as the state will target women seeking abortion care or queer people engaged in consenting activity, ergo we need less government, beginning with the police.

But what this argument fails to grapple with is the fact police do not exist to protect and serve the people, just as the state in the capitalist world fails to stand of, for, and by the people. Instead, the state and the police that protect its existence are created to protect property. In this sense, the taxpayer always is secondary.

It is also important here to articulate the fact that the greatest trick played on the American worker was the notion of class mobility and that somehow they were members of the middle class. In the post-World War II period, when the Baby Boom and the Keynesian economic heyday was in full force, returning white GIs had the various veterans benefits to depend on to help them pay for a house and hold down a good job (I say white because veterans of color were barred from these benefits in many cases, causing a huge level of structural racism to continue). These vets were made to think that, because they could afford a piece of property to shelter their 2.5 children and go on holiday in the summertime, they were now on the same economic footing as the European middle class.

That is the most brilliant delusions in human history. It is why America has never had a successful socialist movement and why Western Europe’s Communist parties were never successful in parliamentary politics.

Prior to the World Wars, when this delusion began, the middle class was a social group composed of the small business owners who depended on inherited wealth to maintain their social standing. Class mobility was impossible and one did not move out of the working class unless you met Prince Charming and married up, as it was called.

The Marxist Internet Archive defines the middle class in these terms:

[The] Petit-bourgeoisie, the “little people”, who like the proletariat, do real work (private labour), but possibly also employ wage-workers, thereby sharing social interests with the bourgeoisie, but being “little people” are constantly being “done over” by the big firms, and frequently find themselves thrown into the ranks of the proletariat… Bourgeois sociology determines class differently: when people are asked which class they are, the majority always reply “middle class”, just as people used to think the Earth was the centre of the Universe and “the truth lies in the middle”, etc., etc. Despite the fact that identity is often middle-class, class-consciousness among the middle-class is almost a contradiction in terms, as people finding themselves located in the middle, usually identify themselves with one side or the other when it comes to politics.

In the epoch of neoliberalism, we have seen the myth of the middle class break down and the advent of neoclassical economics has recreated the class bifurcation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. As a result, we have also seen the growth of the prison-industrial complex which is the vanguard of property rights.

As such, we need to radically redefine our ideas about what the police are for and what is to be done with prisons.

In terms of the police, we must redefine their role in our community, a move which requires a radical reformulation of the curriculum of the police academies. Instead of being protectors and servants of property, they must become facilitators and provide assistance to the people. This sort of logic would see communities controlling their own well-being in a democratic fashion while putting our police forces through a massive demilitarization. There are some instances when police can have some benefit for a community, as in the case when a police officer acts as a crossing guard near a school or directs traffic at a busy intersection. But the dynamic of having a militarized police force has no place in our civil society, it only invites strife.

In terms of what is to be done with prisons, in the black radical tradition, the finest strand of socialist thought in American history, the guidance is to be taken from the prison abolition movement. Here is Ruth Gilmore Wilson explaining the basic logic of the prison abolition movement.

The first step to enact this in Rhode Island is to eliminate the profit motive with the Adult Correctional Institute. According to Human Rights Watch, the inmates at the ACI produce the following:

The industry program in Rhode Island manufactures or performs services related to auto body repair, quick copy, residential/household/dormitory furniture, seating, signage, flags, metal and wood furniture refinishing, janitorial supplies, paint, panel systems, license plates and printing. Work crews are also available to perform the following services: moving; grounds maintenance; exterior and interior painting; rug shampooing; building cleaning; litter cleanup and floor stripping. [Emphasis added]

By replacing the unionized work force that would perform these tasks with cheap laborers provided by the prison, the judicial corrections system ceases to function as a correctional mechanism at all and instead destroys any potential for the recreation of an economic base in Rhode Island. It also adds a motivation to the arrest of individuals that, when combined with the racialized nature of American culture, recreates that chattel slave caste system that our nation had a Civil War because of.

At this point in time, it is clear that the prison must be abolished and that it is worthwhile to support these efforts so to one day reach another world. To achieve this, the Providence Industrial Workers of the World have recently begun efforts that readers are encouraged to engage with. They can be contacted at Providence@IWW.org with an e-mail subject line of Incarcerated Worker Organizing Committee, or IWOC. For more information about these efforts, visit the IWOC webpage at https://iwoc.noblogs.org.


Clinton campaign accused of blocking poll access

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Massachusetts should be the pillar of fairness and truth in elections. It is a state with a long history of protecting voter’s rights and has great voter services. What Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin let former President Bill Clinton, husband of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, get away with at the polls yesterday is inconceivable. Various accounts allege that Bill Clinton impeded people’s access to the polls and forced longer lines and unnecessary waiting times. The worst violations appear to have happened in New Bedford, an area where the RI contingent of the Sanders campaign had many volunteers canvassing.

The headlines say it all:

800px-Hillary_Clinton_official_Secretary_of_State_portrait_cropI was first alerted to this by a fellow RI Bernie Sanders campaign worker, Robert Malin. He shared a video by Angela Garcia (above) which clearly showed that people were irritated, annoyed and put out by Bill Clinton’s poll visit in New Bedford. I contacted Maria Tomassia, chairwoman of the Board of Canvassers of New Bedford, who confirmed that people had to walk longer to get to the polls and that lines were long because people might have wanted to meet Clinton but that there was no impact on voter access. She denied that people had to wait and denied that Bill Clinton was in violation of any election laws.

Afterward New Bedford Bill Clinton continued campaigning for his wife in three additional towns including Boston, Newton and West Roxbury, where he was inside Holy Name Parish School’s gymnasium, a polling location, with Boston Mayor Martin Walsh.

2016-02-29 Bernie Sanders 020This is election 101, and illegal. In Massachusetts no campaigning is allowed within 150 feet of a polling location. Bill Clinton was caught campaigning within that margin and actually inside a polling place. When you think of all the campaigns that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been in, their decision to circumvent election laws was either ignorant or intentional. I think most people would agree that the Clintons are not ignorant.

Hillary won in Massachusetts by less than 1.5 percent, a very small margin. If Sanders had received .75 percent more the state would have been a virtual tie. Could Bill Clinton’s possibly illegal actions have skewed the vote in Hillary Clinton’s favor?

It would be hard for Bernie Sanders to actually dispute the vote count. There is no way of knowing how many votes he might have lost or how many people were swayed by Bill Clinton’s last minute and frankly desperate antics. But this is not how a campaign should be run. Dirty politics can never be accepted. The Clinton’s are once again showing their true colors.

[Lauren Niedel is the RI State Contact for Bernie 2016. To volunteer please contact her at 401-710-7600 or lniedel@gmail.com]


Bernie’s effort to GOTV is proven to work

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2016-01-02 Bernie Sanders 094If you were in New Bedford during GOTV week, you wouldn’t even think that Bernie got crushed in South Carolina. If you saw the number of canvassers, or the Bernie fanatics waving signs on street corners and telling passersby to vote on Tuesday, you’d think that the campaign is thriving and full of positive energy.

That’s because it is.

In New Bedford, as I write this, more than 30 people are out on the streets with clipboards and Bernie stickers and pamphlets, knocking on doors across the entire city. Fifteen of them are from Rhode Island. Other RI volunteers are up in Worcester, Framingham, and Boston talking to voters. Right now, we’re sweeping the state, asking every potential supporter to get out and vote for Bernie on Super Tuesday.

This is important. Primaries don’t draw near as many voters as the general election, and a couple hundred votes can make or break a campaign. Boots on the ground and voices through the phone statistically lead to high voter turnout, as it did in New Hampshire. And an important fact of the South Carolina drubbing is that voter turnout was very low. Like Bernie has said, when voter turnout is high, Democrats win because voters feel empowered and energized, but when voter turnout is low and people feel demoralized, Republicans win. In this particular case, Hillary won, but if you consider the ideological gap between Hillary and Bernie, she might as well have been that uninspiring conservative candidate.

When I think about why I decided to volunteer for Bernie, it is because he has inspired me. As someone who all but gave up on politics, Bernie has ushered me out of the darkness of political apathy into a psychological state where I feel compelled to work as hard as I can with other volunteers to get him in the White House. And when we work that hard together for something that we all believe in, for a positive change that we want to see in the world, that inspiration comes not just from Bernie, but from all of us. It’s synergistic, and our energy rubs off on one another. I’ve seen one-time volunteers suddenly decide to come back again and again to help our campaign win. The same thing happened to me after my first canvassing shift in New Hampshire.

The energy, the excitement, is addicting. And these campaign staffers hardly sleep—they are working every moment of their waking lives to get Bernie elected. No days off, 5 hours of sleep if they are lucky, but you can tell that they believe so firmly in their work that they wouldn’t be doing anything else. That is truly inspiring. When we work together to Get Out The Vote, people vote! They did in New Hampshire, they will in Massachusetts, and as long as we keep up the pressure and keep gaining momentum, we will win.

What anti-war activists should protest for: Eric Draitser explains China’s role in Africa and Syria

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In part two of our interview with Eric Draitser, geopolitical analyst and commentator, he explains the role of China in the African continent and Syria. These two locations demonstrate the meaning of the multi-polar world theory and repudiate a good deal of the propaganda generated by the mainstream media.

draitserIt is worth noting here that these geo-political concerns are not perfect but they do stand as tenable strategies. There are essentially two choices in this case. Either one accedes to the destructive imperial behavior of the American-led NATO bloc, which has produced nothing but war since the end of the Cold War that every America supports daily with their taxes, or one shows solidarity with the geopolitical effort working to counter this. Is it perfect? Of course not. But the history of solidarity movements which have been successful always included an alternative and viable power structure, be it supporting the North Vietnamese or the Sandinistas or the Second Spanish Republic. And the instance in recent memory where a power vacuum did in fact exist, as was the case in Cambodia, terrible things can and do happen. Geopolitics is not morality, it is power relationships and being forced to choose between the least awful of choices. And in understanding the way that the Western imperial project and its weaponized debt programs under the auspices of foreign aide have pillaged country after country, one quickly grasps the dynamics of this question.


Warwick Progressive Democrats start new book discussion club

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New Jim CrowThe Warwick Progressive Democrats started a new book discussion group about social & economic justice. The group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month in the small meeting room at the Warwick Public Library, 600 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889 for 6 PM to 7 PM. The group welcomes any member of the general public to attend for a lively discussion of these books.

“I tried to pick books that were both thought provoking and a good read,” states Jennifer Siciliano, the City Coordinator of the Warwick Progressive Democrats. Ms. Siciliano hopes that people will be motivated to not only read more, but broaden their understanding of diverse groups. “I tried to pick a variety of books that include economic, gender and racial justice. I’m particularly looking to add good books on LBGTA justice for the schedule.”

The next book for discussion on March 24, 2016 will be The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. The next books scheduled will be the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein on April 28, 2016, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power by Jimmy Carter on May 26, 2016 and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates on June 23, 2016. Anyone in the group has the opportunity to suggest new books to read.

If someone is interested in participating in these book discussions, they can pick up the current read for check-out at the reference desk of the Warwick Public Library. Then they can show up at the given time and discuss. The event is also posted on the Warwick Progressive Democrats Facebook page.

[From a press release]

AG’s office and OHIC seem to be patching things up

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Remember last summer when Attorney General Peter Kilmartin took the Health Insurance Commissioner to court over her decision on Blue Cross rates for individuals? Well, there are now some encouraging signs that these two government agencies are ready to patch things up.
At the House Committee on Corporations meeting Tuesday, representatives from the AG’s office and the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC) spoke in favor of compromise legislation that would allow both agencies to continue to be involved in health insurance rate approvals under certain conditions.
At the center of the issue is the unique process that Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI (BCBSRI) is subject to when it comes to their individual plan rates.
All Rhode Island health insurers must submit any proposed rate changes to OHIC for approval before they can take effect – an annual process called “Rate Review.” OHIC staff dig deep into the insurers’ justification for their new rates, perform their own actuarial analyses, and solicit public comment from consumers.
This Rate Review process applies to all commercial health plans, except for BCBSRI’s individual market offerings – so-called “DirectPay” plans. That’s because an antiquated law from back when BCBSRI was the only option available to a consumer who wanted to purchase a health plan direct for his or her family.
The law subjects any proposed rate changes for the DirectPay plans to a special and totally separate process that involves the AG’s office and includes a formal hearing with a hired hearing officer where any consumers wanting to speak must testify under oath. These separate processes have confused consumers – we’ve been at Rate Review public comment sessions where DirectPay subscribers have come to speak only be to shut down by the Commissioner, who legally cannot hear their comments.
But the legislation submitted by Representative Mary Duffy Messier on behalf of the AG’s office would subject all health insurers to the same process and call for a formal public hearing and notification of the AG’s office only when the requested rate increase is 10 percent or more. It also allows OHIC to still hold the less formal public input meeting even if a hearing is necessary, allowing greater consumer access to participation in the process.
The AG’s office, OHIC and Blue Cross all signaled general support for the bill when it was heard in committee on Tuesday. The bill was held for further study.
Last year, the Attorney General disagreed with the Commissioner’s decision on the DirectPay rates and took her to court. OHIC ultimately won, but the legal spat held up rate approvals.
Both the Attorney General and the Health Insurance Commissioner are working in good faith to protect consumers, and this legislation lets them both continue to have a role in rate approvals. It will strengthen consumer protection, preserve consumer access to the process, and best of all, it will finally correct an outdated law and subject all health insurers to the same fair process.

What anti-war activists should protest for: Eric Draitser explains the multi-polar world

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draitserRecently I was talking with a colleague who said he wished that, when there is anti-war protest in Providence, the protesters would be able to offer something a bit more substantial that just slogans and pacific ideals. I agree with this sentiment

To that extent, I recently had the opportunity to speak with Eric Draitser. He is a geopolitical analyst and commentator whose work can be read in CounterPunch, RT television’s website, and a variety of other forums. He currently can be heard weekly delivering the podcast CounterPunch Radio.

Over the next several articles, Draitser will introduce through our conversation a series of concepts and strategies that are now gaining currency within the international geopolitical arena. The theory of a multi-polar world, for our purposes, envisions the end of a world order where the United States is the dominant power in the international political arena. In its place, various regional powers emerge and develop a set of consensus points that are used to dictate a level of peace and stability in the world. In this world-view, the Russian, Chinese, Indian, and Iranian leadership in their spheres of influence help balance out and reduce the occurrence of conflicts.

This is not a new concept and it is one that is quite familiar to figures such as Sen. Jack Reed, the Rhode Island congressional delegate who is considered a liberal despite sitting on a military appropriations committee where he has shoveled billions of dollars into the maw of the military-industrial complex while Rhode Island has above-average unemployment and astounding rates of childhood hunger, homelessness, and poverty. Sen. Reed knows that a multi-polar world would reduce the spending on the Pentagon budget and make some of the social safety net programs proposed by the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign not just tenable but conservative when one considers that over half of our total annual budget goes to fund war. Yet in the name of an antiquated and paranoid Cold War mindset wherein we must fear the Moscow-Peking alliance, America is a shambling, barely-conscious impersonation of the late Roman empire, over-extended and dependent on a semi-privatized contractor military the has wrought chaos, destruction, and death across much of the world while alienating those who would have us as allies.

I do not deny that some of these concepts are jarring at first. The power structure has engineered a clever campaign to make the efforts of our potential allies seem like “imperialism” and “aggression”. It is also vital to understand that these are not apologias for singular individuals or governments, states are always violent systems. It is also not a direct path to the Big Rock Candy Mountain of some wonderful socialist tomorrow. Yet in a world where America is a pariah and loathed by its neighbors due to imperial arrogance and where Jack Reed, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Hillary Clinton are not sending themselves or their loved ones to die in war, consider these ideas with maturity.


The greatest scandal in U.S. history

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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.”
Sir Walter Scott

The fix is in. The President is not elected by 105 million American voters. No, the President is selected by five Supreme Court justices.

Justice Antonin Scalia writes that recounting Florida votes will “cast a cloud” over the election. This is absurd.

On December 11, 2000, conservative justices rule in Bush v. Gore for George W. Bush on a technicality: The Florida Supreme Court is making “new law.” So Florida’s justices promptly submit a revised ruling.

Oh no! Isn’t there still some way to stop this recount? How?

The Supreme Court Five now invoke the opposite finding: Florida must put aside each county’s voting laws on recounts and establish ‘new law’—the same for every county.

This too is absurd. Differing legal standards for each county’s voting already exist. So, using the Court’s logic, shouldn’t Florida’s results be tossed out? No, Al Gore would win.

Moreover, applying one legal standard statewide requires judicial activism and violates states’ rights. Doesn’t Scalia detest such violations of his bedrock principles?


If the recount proceeds, however, Al Gore is almost certain to be President. The reason: Outdated punch-card machines in poor Democratic precincts negate more votes than modern machines in Republican precincts. A manual recount restores legitimate votes. And The Guardian reports that recounts commissioned by The Washington Post and Palm Beach Post document, “Florida ‘recounts’ make Gore winner.”

So the Court’s Republican caucus commits this dastardly deed of selecting their favored candidate. They declare the equal-protection clause of the 14th amendment—whose original intent is protecting the slaves—now protects Bush. This violates Scalia’s ‘originalist’ and ‘strict constructionist’ interpretation of the law—especially since he declares the equal-protection clause should not apply to women.

So much for Scalia’s ‘principled’ jurisprudence. Did he somehow forget Jesus’ bedrock principle, “The truth will set you free”?

The Court’s chicanery continues: The ruling is issued at 10 pm on December 12, requiring the Florida Supreme Court’s compliance by midnight!


The Court’s legitimate choice is to give Florida several days to conduct a fair recount. As they fear, however, Gore will win.

Make no mistake: Democracy dies on December 12, 2000. The Court’s miniature election is a coup d’etat.

This pernicious ousting of President Gore is compounded when Bush appoints two conservatives to the Court which crowned him.

Moreover, the Iraq invasion is highly unlikely with a Gore administration. Imagine: No Iraqi war deaths or refugees; no emergence of ISIS in Syria—and no fear of their terror attacks. The Supreme Court Five bear much responsibility for this widespread devastation.


But deceptions do not cease with Scalia’s death.

In the year 2000, five Republican-appointed justices overthrew a Democratic President. In the year 2016, Senate Republicans insist they will block any candidate the Democratic President nominates. Thus, Republican leaders only ethic is winning at all costs—the ethic of dictators.

A coup for Scalia’s successor is repugnant. Again, the excuses are absurd.

Excuse #1: Time’s too short. False. Since Clinton’s presidency, the longest confirmation takes 87 days. Obama still has more than 300 days in office.

Excuse #2: The voters should decide with the next President. Wrong. The voters already decided, electing President Obama for four years—not three.

Excuse #3: As no president has made a Supreme Court nomination in his last year in office for 80 years, doing so would violate our tradition. Sounds good—except no such ‘tradition’ of waiving nominations exists.

Excuse #4: Supreme Court nominee Abe Fortas was rejected in 1968 because it was the last year of LBJ’s presidency. Again, the deception meter buzzes. Abe Fortas was filibustered because Republicans were outraged with the Warren Court’s decisions.

In this instance, Ted Cruz is deceptive—obscuring Republican obstructionism to justify his own case for Republican obstructionism!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

Frances Fox Piven on voter suppression and movements

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Frances Fox Piven 01
Frances Fox Piven

Frances Fox Piven is a legend. Her work was instrumental in the creation of the welfare rights movement and the war on poverty.  Last night, Piven gave a talk entitled Strategic Voter Disenfranchisement: How Political Party Competition Shrinks the Electorate at the RI Center for Justice (in collaboration with the Swearer Center for Public Service at Brown.)

With Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton neck and neck in the polls, said Piven, starting her talk, “I thought, I’ll talk about voter disenfranchisement, but I want to talk about that in the context of this election… I actually think this is an important election.

“The strangeness of this election. It’s really kind of amazing… Things are happening that can’t be explained by the truisms that political scientists repeat to each other.”

For instance, asked Piven, who has served on the board of the Democratic Socialists of America, how can Bernie Sanders get away with calling himself a socialist? What has changed?

For Piven, the answer is that America today is a land of broken promises. “People rise up when the promises that have been made… have been broken. Life is very uncertain and insecure. You’re earning less money, your pension may be at risk. There is soaring inequality. Some people are getting so rich.”

The system is rigged and not in our favor. A very few are very rich and the rest of us are doomed to live lives in poorer and meaner circumstances than our parents. Yet there is a counter to this, said Piven, and that counter is electoral democracy.

“Many activists are skeptical of electoral democracy,” said Piven, yet, “political institutions nevertheless create a realm of equality. At least in principle, everyone has one vote. Those votes, when aggregated, can depose rulers. You can kick the sons of bitches out!”

Frances Fox Piven 02Since it is well known that “when electoral rights expand people do better,” said Piven, democracy becomes a threat to the status quo. Therefore, it behooves the rich and powerful to fight back. “The threat of democracy is met by manipulating electoral procedures.”

Some of the manipulations of electoral procedures were built into the country’s structure by the Founding Fathers, said Piven. The Senate, for instance, guarantees two Senators from every state, even if no one lives in the state. The Supreme Court is another example. The Court is only marginally influenced by voters, being nominated by the President to lifelong positions. “Walling off certain parts of the government and saying this part of the government is not exposed to the electorate” circumvents the power of democracy said Piven.

And of course the final way of challenging the power of electoral democracy is by “suppressing votes and voters.”

“In Political Science we have a ‘faith’ and one of the axioms is that competing parties expand voter engagement,” said Piven, but, “Competing parties exert themselves to make it hard for voters that may vote for their opponents. That’s just as logical, but you won’t find that in any textbooks, but it has happened in American history.

“At the turn of the 20th Century, immigrants became the constituency of the machine bosses. These machines traded voter allegiance and voter loyalty for favors. Businessmen had a problem with that arrangement because they wanted efficient services. [Political] machines are not good at providing the kinds of services that lead to business expansion. Municipal reform organizations were business organizations,” said Piven. The machines used voter registration, literacy tests, poll taxes and other methods of voter suppression to drive down immigrant voter turnout significantly.

And this is happening today, with voter suppression laws being enacted across the country.

“Every presidential election turns out to be the most expensive in history because of the concentration of wealth spilling over” into the political arena, said Piven. “There is no wall” between money and politics. “Inequalities outside the electoral arena spillover.” Today we conduct polls to see how voters are thinking but we also track political contributions. Dollars and votes seem to be equally important.

This money, and the voter suppression we are seeing in politics, is aimed squarely at the “new electorate.” This rising block of voters tend to be more progressive. Black voter turnout has increased, immigrant groups continue to expand, the youth vote jumped in 2008 and 2012 and there’s been a “shift in the women’s vote since 1980 and the Reagan elections,” said Piven.

Given the shift in voters, “Conservatives shouldn’t be able to get elected,” said Piven. But through the manipulation of voter eligibility, they do.

And it isn’t ending, said Piven. Right now there’s an effort underway to change the formula for representation from the number of members in the population to the number of active voters. This is a vicious circle, and it’s by design.

Taking away “our ability to influence government” is another broken promise.

“Broken Promises in the economy and politics probably accounts for the surge in movements over the last few years,” said Piven. “This was the beginning of a new movement era.”

She noted three in particular:

“First there was Occupy, the press mocked them at the beginning. Then everyone started using Occupy’s slogans and language. Then there was the Fight for $15. SEIU had a significant role in promoting $15 as the goal. They wanted to build the union. That didn’t happen. What happened instead was that a movement took off that has been affecting local politics,” and then of course there’s Black Lives Matter.

There are also movements on the right, but these are “not among low wage workers or immigrants. [These movements] are occurring among middle class people, a little older, above the median income. Donald Trump is speaking to those people and their imaginary past…” There are “strong currents of religious fundamentalism and macho culture, gun culture, imaginary pioneers… We’ve got to live with that.”

“Movements are not majorities,” said Piven, “movements are spearheads…

“Movements have played a key role in shaping the United States since the revolutionary period.” Piven mentioned three movements in particular that had gigantic political implications.

The abolitionists freed the slaves, FDR became a radical due to the rise of the labor movement, which brought social security, labor rights, welfare policy, and public housing policy, and the civil rights movement which finally did emancipate blacks, shattered Jim Crow in the South.

“The troubles caused by movements become troubles for politicians and governments,” said Piven, “Movements communicate issues politicians wanted to avoid – showing people they could become defiant and shut things down.”

Too often “activists dismiss elections but there’s an interplay,” said Piven, but, “movements nourish electoral politics. Sanders couldn’t have run without Occupy.”

“Movements made Sanders possible,” said Piven, wrapping up her talk, “I think Sanders could win the nomination. But I don’t know what will happen in a general election. It’s amazing. There’s no precedent…

“What really worries me is Sanders as President. He would be in the White House surrounded by politicians determined to block him at every move. Movements at that juncture will become very essential to a Sanders presidency because movements can shut things down. That is the kind of popular weapon that could be equal to the gridlock Sanders could be facing.”


CT Governor Malloy’s baffling rejection of secular constituents

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NDOR2015_memes3Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is a bit of an enigma. A progressive on issues like taxation, LGBTQ rights, gun control, marijuana reform and labor, he nevertheless has disappointed his secular constituents over his refusal to issue a Day of Reason or Darwin Day proclamation despite repeated requests.

The National Day of Reason is held every year on the same day as the the National Day of Prayer. The goal is to celebrate reason, an inclusive concept everyone can get behind, as opposed to prayer, which caters to the religious only. The Day of Reason also calls attention to the dangers of mixing church and state, dangers the National Day of Prayer epitomizes.

Darwin Day, celebrated on or around February 12 each year, marks the legacy and insight of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution was so important to our understanding of science and our place in the universe.

Last year the Connecticut Coalition of Reason petitioned Governor Malloy to declare May 7, 2015 a Day of Reason, but the petition was denied without explanation. Malloy is expected to reject this year’s petition to declare May 5, 2016 a Day of Reason because the policy of the Governor’s office is to “reject all proclamation requests out of hand if the same request was rejected in the prior year” says Patrick McCann, who prepared both petitions.

McCann is the President of the Hartford Area Humanists and the co-chair of the Connecticut Coalition of Reason. He wants the Governor to issue a proclamation “to recognize that Connecticut has a very large and thriving secular community.

“In fact,” says McCann, “a very recent Gallup poll shows that Connecticut is one of the least religious states in the country with 39 percent of respondents indicating that they were non-religious.”

When McCann later found out that Governor Malloy had signed a Day of Prayer proclamation at the behest of some religious constituents, he was furious. “By issuing a Day of Prayer proclamation and rejecting our Day of Reason proclamation request, the Governor is sending a very strong signal that he favors one segment of the population over another. I for one find that unacceptable.”

Last year Malloy’s office also rejected a petition to declare February 12 “Darwin Day” because it was submitted late. This year the petition was submitted on time, but Malloy rejected this one too without any consideration of the content.

Calls and emails to the Governor’s office seeking an explanation for the rejections have gone unanswered, forcing McCann to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request last year. Although the reasons for the rejection of the proclamations were not available, the information obtained through the FOIA was telling.

According to McCann, “The Connecticut Governor’s office received 675 proclamation requests between January 1, 2015 and April 10, 2015. Of these, 601 were granted. Of the 11 percent that were rejected it is likely that some percentage were rejected for technical reasons e.g., falling outside the required time frame. The remainder must have gotten rejected for content. Since our request had complied with all the guidelines, it must have been rejected solely on content.”

“Non-theistic constituents like Mr. McCann have contemporary grounds on which they can base their concern,” added Dr. Jason Heap, executive director of the United Coalition of Reason, headquartered in Washington, DC. “If it is true that the reason for rejecting the Darwin Day proclamation was due to its being rejected last year, then it is understandable that non-theistic voters might feel as if their concerns and inspirations are second-class. Recognizing Darwin Day doesn’t glorify a court decision that determined that “intelligent design” as another form of creationism was unconstitutional and therefore had no place in our nation’s public-funded schools. Darwin Day does not mock religious thought such as concept of special creation or the removal of a deity’s responsibility for natural suffering. Rather, it is a recognition of a key figure in modern scientific inquiry–an inquiry that all humans benefit from, regardless of their sincerely-held beliefs.”

Heap also added his concerns for the potential rejection out of hand of McCann’s National Day of Reason proclamation. “It doesn’t take a theological scholar to understand that the National Day of Prayer’s task force has only one sincerely-held belief community in mind. Their website does not hide their mission to “…represent[s] a Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible,” and that their supporting materials on the website is used as a tool for Christian evangelism. For Gov. Malloy to deny a National Day of Reason proclamation but find it necessary to create a Day of Prayer proclamation excludes non-theists in Connecticut as well as every other sincerely-held belief group that does not hold similar theological views to the National Day of Prayer Task Force. We are seeing how divisive sectarian prayer has become in our government buildings with rabbis being escorted from the premises after she exercised her free speech to claim the prayer as offensive, or using political processes to block the Satanic Temple from delivering their own Constitutionally-protected expression. It is in such current situations that I invoke the memory of Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island colony, who wrote in The Bloudy Tenet of Persecution: “All civil states with their officers of justice in their respective constitutions and administrations are proved essentially civil, and therefore not judges, governors, or defenders of the spiritual or Christian state and worship”.

Absent an explanation, Governor Malloy’s repeated rejection of his secular constituent’s concerns smacks of bigotry and preference. Fortunately, other elected officials in Connecticut have been far more supportive. Connecticut Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy sponsored and co-sponsored the Darwin Day resolution in the Senate and Representatives Jim Himes and Elizabeth Esty have sponsored and co-sponsored the Darwin Day resolution in the House. Rep Himes has sponsored the Darwin Day bill three times and has met with members of the Secular Coalition of Connecticut. Senator Blumenthal and his wife attended this year’s Darwin Day Bash held at the Norwalk Inn and Conference Center.


Why Elizabeth Warren should not replace Scalia

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warren_again_630When Elizabeth Warren took Ted Kennedy’s seat in the Senate, America got an old fashioned New Deal/Great Society liberal in one of the major seats of power. She has been a thorn in the side of her neoliberal colleagues for years and needs to stay there.

Yet Sen. Alan Grayson, for reasons that should be held up to skepticism, has begun to circulate a petition asking “The President should appoint Warren right now, before the end of this week. That would make it a “recess appointment,” and Justice Warren could take office immediately. The obstructionists in the GOP couldn’t do anything about it.”

Whatever the motivation of Grayson, I think this is a terrible idea. Why?

In the first place, it would potentially limit whatever actions Warren might be taking to reign in the financial sector. She may have flaws in a variety of areas, but she has done some great things also that I think need to continue. Taking her away from that Senate seat would take away a great advocate for banking reform.

Second, it would effectively nullify the potential for a Sanders-Warren ticket in 2016. At this point it is almost impossible for Sanders to overcome the super-delegate fiasco, but there is the highly unlikely chance in Hades and Hyannis that things might change. But by taking away his most likely running mate, that would become more of an outside chance. And as Nate Silver has pointed out previously, a major element of the original base in the Sanders campaign came from when the Run Warren Run PAC dissolved this summer and sent its members to, as it were, Feel the Bern.

Third, does Grayson remember that raving psychopath Scott Brown, the Tea Party darling who made everyone miserable with his faux-rugged tough guy attitude and boneheaded behavior? What is to say that either

  • Warren would not be replaced in an electoral free-for-all that would allow all sorts of goofballs and doofuses near the levers of power, or
  • Governor Charlie Baker would not appoint someone with deep ties to the financial, tech, and pharmaceutical industries that find solace in the Boston area, particularly since Baker has long-standing ties to the medical-industrial complex?

This of course is assuming that the Democrats would act in good faith and actually want to hold the seat. But I do not think that is a sure thing. If one thing is abundantly clear from this election season, it is obvious that Bernie Sanders, whatever his flaws (and they are many), has absolutely horrified the banking and medical industries that are known Democratic Party donors. The whole charade of the debates and controversy involving the behavior of Debbie Wasserman Schultz is demonstrative of a party in the midst of a massive identity crisis.

On the one hand, the Democrats are the party of Wall Street, the tech/drug/education deform advocates that make no bones about busting public sector unions and raiding pensions to help out their buddies in the banks. On the other hand, their major voting demographics are sick to death of this status quo paradigm and want to return to New Deal/Great Society Keynesian economics under the auspices of Sanders and Warren, something Hillary Clinton and her donors would rather drink hemlock than allow.

I would go as far right now to predict that, if through some absurd miracle Sanders does win the nomination, the Clinton machine and their slimy weasel operatives like David ‘The Real Anita Hill‘ Brock and Sidney ‘Birther Numero Uno‘ Blumenthal, along with the godforsaken mainstream press (MS DNC/Clinton News Network/New York Time/Time Magazine/whatever other birdcage liner you can name) would go into overdrive and actually work against a Democratic Party victory to protect Wall Street. Why think something so radically insane?

Because the Clintons did it before!

Arguably one of the finest moments in American Left history in the past two decades was the “Battle of Seattle”, the 1999 protests of the World Trade Organization conference that saw everyone from green anarchists to the Teamsters take to the street to protest a job-killing policy initiative that could have furthered neoliberal hegemony for decades to come. Bill Clinton knew he was in hot water when Jimmy Hoffa Jr. could not be silenced. And yet, in an electoral year that in hindsight we know was so vital for so many reasons, Bubba nobly soldiered forth. In fact, it was only because delegates from the Global South looked outside and knew they would be crazy to sell their countries down the river on a platter that more damage was not done.

A year later, my editor at CounterPunch, Jeffrey St. Clair, and his writing partner, the late Alexander Cockburn, promoting their account Five Days That Shook The World: Seattle and Beyond, told a packed crowd that one could make a decent case that what killed Gore’s votes in key states was the events in Seattle. Activists and socially-conscious liberals who were disgusted by the police brutality and refusal of the Democrats to cede to the whims of democracy were finally fed up and went to vote for Ralph Nader. This is not to say that Florida and the actions of the Bush political machine were not real, it is to say that Florida would have just been a side-show story with no impact on the election had Clinton and Gore listened to what people thought about their wretched World Trade Organization. But back then, the corporations were more important than the voters.

What’s to say they would not do this again? It’s why I have been keeping my vote for Jill Stein squeaky-clean all year while everyone else goes nuts for Chairman Bernie.



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